viernes, 22 de junio de 2018

PSX Datacenter Actualización 23-Junio-2018

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter de la parte de PS2 y lo hace añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos como Otona no Gal Jan 2, Real Rode, Reveal Fantasia, , Quartett! The Stage of Love, Rayman 3, Raw Danger! o Ratchet & Clank

Otona no Gal Jan 2 [SLPM-66194] (J)
Radiata Stories [SCAJ-20118] (J)
Radiata Stories [SLPM-65800] (J)
Ratchet & Clank [SCAJ-20001] (J)
Ratchet & Clank [SCKA-20120] (J)
Ratchet & Clank [SCPS-15037] (J)
Ratchet & Clank [PlayStation 2 the Best] [SCPS-19211] (J) 
Ratchet & Clank [PlayStation 2 the Best Reprint] [SCPS-19316] (J)
Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc [SLKA-25078] (K)
Real Rode [SLPM-55104] (J)
Real Rode [Kira Kira Box] [KAD-006] (J)
Reveal Fantasia [SLPS-25094] (J)
Reveal Fantasia [Victor the Best] [SLPS-25201] (J)
Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 - Itetsuita Kiokutachi [SCAJ-20171] (J)
Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 - Itetsuita Kiokutachi [SLPS-25606] (J)
Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 - Itetsuita Kiokutachi [Irem Collection] [SLPS-25851] (J)

Radiata Stories [SLUS-21262] (E)
Ratchet & Clank [SCUS-97199] (E)
Raw Danger! [SLUS-21501] (E)
Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc [SLUS-20601] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)

Final Armada [SLES-54467] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Rally Championship [SLES-50763] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(Sw)
Ratchet & Clank [SCES-50916] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Raw Danger! [SLES-54587] (E)
Rayman 3 - Hoodlum Havoc [SLES-51222] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)

Project Zero II (E)(Du) [SLES-52384]
Manual escaneado por falinxx, editado y creado en cbr por gladiator.

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podéis hacerlo en Patreon:

Podéis verlas en:

WinUAE 4.0.0

Nueva versión final por fin del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar todos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32. Laserdisc y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx, opengl, permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningún borde, lectura de los cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savestates y muchas otras opciones.

New major features:

- Beam Racing Lagless VSync which reduces input latency to sub-5ms. Replaces old Low Latency VSync. (Use 1-2 slice Lagless VSync to match old Low Latency VSync behavior)
- Virtual multi monitor support. Each virtual Amiga video output connector (Video port graphics adapter, RTG boards) can be “connected” to separate WinUAE window, emulating real hardware being connected to more than one physical monitor.
- Debugger supports running Amiga executables from shell, adds symbol and gcc stab debugging data support, loads executable to special reserved address space which enables detection of any illegal accesses byte accurately and more. (Details)
- Host mode FPU emulation mode is finally full extended precision (80-bit) capable. It is also fully - JIT compatible.

New other features:

- Overlay graphics led (power, floppy etc) support.
- Close confirmation option added to misc panel.
- Default WASAPI audio device automatically follows Windows default audio device.
- Directory harddrives now use uaehf.device as a fake device driver (replacing non-existing uae.device), for example programs that query extra information (like SCSI Inquiry data) now get valid data.
- Directory filesystem harddrive fake block size dynamic adjustment now starts from smaller disk size, workaround for WB free space calculation overflow when partition is larger than 16G.
- Harddrive imager now also supports native (mainboard/expansion board) IDE connected CHS-only drives.
- Disk swapper config file data is restored from statefile.
- Cirrus Logic RTG horizontal doubling support, keeps aspect ratio in doublescan modes.
- Action Replay II/III state file support improved.
- Windowed mode resize enable/disable option.
- CDTV SCSI and SRAM options moved to Expansions.

3.6.x bug fixes:

- WD33C93 based SCSI controllers hung the system if controller didn’t have any connected SCSI devices.
- Direct3D11 fullscreen mode didn’t open if monitor was connected to non-default GPU. (For example laptops with Intel and NVidia GPU with NV GPU connected to external monitor)
- Direct3D11 fullscreen ALT-TAB refresh problems and other D3D11 fixes.
- 68030 MMU PLOAD was broken (Caused Amiga Linux crash at boot).

Older bugs fixed:

- On the fly switching from non-cycle exact to cycle-exact mode stopped emulation in certain situations.
- Fixed E-Matrix accelerator board RAM selection.
- If CD was changed and system was reset during change delay, drive become empty and new CD was never inserted. Mainly affected CD32 and CDTV.
- Reset when uaescsi.device CD was mounted caused memory corruption/crash in certain situations.
- Code analyzer warnings fixed (uninitialized variables, buffer size checks etc..)
- Old JIT bug fixed: many CPU instructions didn’t set V-flag correctly. (Aranym)
-Inserting or removing USB input device caused crash in some situations.
- Softfloat FPU edge case fixes (FABS, FNEG with infinity, logarithmic instructions with NaN)
- Decrease/increase emulation speed input events didn’t do anything.
- Toccata audio was not fully closed when reset/reset and caused crash if new config was loaded and started.
- Removed forgotten, useless and obsolete “The selected screen mode can’t be displayed in a window, because..” check.
- Fixed WASAPI Exclusive mode audio glitches when paused/unpaused.
- Paula audio volume GUI volume setting was ignored if audio mode was mono.

New emulated expansions:

- C-Ltd Kronos
- CSA Magnum 40
- DCE Typhoon MK2
- GVP A1230 Series II
- Hardital TQM
- MacroSystem Falcon 040
- Xetec FastTrak
And more…

Página oficial:

Descarga de la versión 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión  64 bits:

Descarga de los [1.5.1+ Direct3D Pixel Shader filters]:

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

Castlevania - Symphony of the Night PSX Traducido al español

Se ha traducido al español por GreenGoblin el juego Castlevania - Symphony of the Night, es un juego de acción que fue publicado por Konami en Japón el 20 de Marzo de 1997.

Se ha usado para la traducción la versión japonesa Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku o Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight con el serial SLPM-86023.

Para usarlo podéis parchear el bin o img o usarlo en epsxe directamente poniendo el parche en la
carpeta patches y renombrando el ppf a SLPM_860.23 ya que se ha usado la versión japonesa

Descarga del parche:

PSX Datacenter entrada:

Super Robot Taisen A Portable ULJS-00143 PSP traducido al inglés

Se ha traducido al inglés por Steel Soul el juego Super Robot Taisen A Portable, es un juego de rpg
táctico que fue publicado por Bandai Namco en Japón el 19 de Junio de 2008.

Podéis usar xdelta para aplicar el parche.

Descarga del parche:

martes, 19 de junio de 2018

Heart no Kuni no Alice - Wonderful Wonder World ハートの国のアリス ULJM-05497 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Heart no Kuni no Alice - Wonderful Wonder Worlda que valen para todas las versiones  en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podreís encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini ULJM-05497 que esta en el pack.

_S ULJM-05497
_G Heart no Kuni no Alice - Wonderful Wonder World
_C0 Unlock All CG Blood Character 1
_L 0x000FFDF8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFDFA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFDFC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFDFE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE00 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE02 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE04 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE06 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE08 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE0A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE0C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE0E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE10 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE12 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE14 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE16 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE18 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE1A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE1C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE1E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE20 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE22 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE24 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE26 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE28 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE2A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE2C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE2E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE30 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE32 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE34 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE36 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE38 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE3A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE3C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE3E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE40 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE42 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE44 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE46 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE48 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE4A 0x01010101
_C0 Unlock All CG Elliot Character 2
_L 0x000FFE4A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE4C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE4E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE50 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE52 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE54 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE56 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE58 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE5A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE5C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE5E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE60 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE62 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE64 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE66 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE68 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE6A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE6C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE6E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE70 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE72 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE74 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE76 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE78 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE7A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE7C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE7E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE80 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE82 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE84 0x01010101
_C0 Unlock All CG Dee Character 3
_L 0x000FFE86 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE88 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE8A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE8C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE8E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE90 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE92 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE94 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE96 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE98 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE9A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE9C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFE9E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEA0 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEA2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEA4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEA6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEA8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEAA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEAC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEAE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEB0 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEB2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEB4 0x01010101
_C0 Unlock All CG Vivaldi Character 4
_L 0x000FFEB4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEB6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEB8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEBA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEBC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEBE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEC2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEC4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEC6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEC8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFECA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFECC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFECE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFED2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFED4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFED6 0x01010101
_C0 Unlock All CG Peter Character 5
_L 0x000FFED8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEDA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEDC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEDE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEE2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEE4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEE6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEE8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEEA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEEC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEEE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEF2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEF4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEF6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEF8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEFA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEFC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFEFE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF00 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF02 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF04 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF06 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF08 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF0A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF0C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF0E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF10 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF12 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF14 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF16 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF18 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF1A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF1C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF1E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF20 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF22 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF24 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF26 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF28 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF2A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF2C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF2E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF30 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF32 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF34 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF36 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF38 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF3A 0x01010101
_C0 Unlock All CG Ace Character 6
_L 0x000FFF3C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF3E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF40 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF42 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF44 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF46 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF48 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF4A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF4C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF4E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF50 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF52 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF54 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF56 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF58 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF5A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF5C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF5E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF60 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF62 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF64 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF66 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF68 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF6A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF6C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF6E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF70 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF72 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF74 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF76 0x01010101
_C0 Unlock All CG Julius Character 7
_L 0x000FFF78 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF7A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF7C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF7E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF80 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF82 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF84 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF86 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF88 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF8A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF8C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF8E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF90 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF92 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF94 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF96 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF98 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF9A 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF9C 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFF9E 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFA0 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFA2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFA4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFA6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFA8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFAA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFAC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFAE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFB0 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFB2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFB4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFB6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFB8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFBA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFBC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFBE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFC0 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFC2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFC4 0x01010101
_C0 Unlock All CG Boris Character 8
_L 0x000FFFC6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFC8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFCA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFCC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFCE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFD0 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFD2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFD4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFD6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFD8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFDA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFDC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFDE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFE0 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFE2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFE4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFE6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFE8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFEA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFEC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFEE 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFF0 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFF2 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFF4 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFF6 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFF8 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFFA 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFFC 0x01010101
_L 0x000FFFFE 0x01010101
_C0 Unlock All CG Mary Character 9
_L 0x20100000 0x01010101
_L 0x20100002 0x01010101
_L 0x20100004 0x01010101
_L 0x20100006 0x01010101
_L 0x20100008 0x01010101
_L 0x2010000A 0x01010101
_L 0x2010000C 0x01010101
_L 0x2010000E 0x01010101
_L 0x20100010 0x01010101
_L 0x20100012 0x01010101
_L 0x20100014 0x01010101
_L 0x20100016 0x01010101
_L 0x20100018 0x01010101
_L 0x2010001A 0x01010101
_L 0x2010001C 0x01010101
_L 0x2010001E 0x01010101
_L 0x20100020 0x01010101
_L 0x20100022 0x01010101
_L 0x20100024 0x01010101
_L 0x20100026 0x01010101
_L 0x20100028 0x01010101
_L 0x2010002A 0x01010101
_L 0x2010002C 0x01010101
_L 0x2010002E 0x01010101
_L 0x20100030 0x01010101
_L 0x20100032 0x01010101
_L 0x20100034 0x01010101
_L 0x20100036 0x01010101
_L 0x20100038 0x01010101
_L 0x2010003A 0x01010101
_L 0x2010003C 0x01010101
_L 0x2010003E 0x01010101
_C0 Unlock All CG Nightmare Character 10
_L 0x2010003E 0x01010101
_L 0x20100040 0x01010101
_L 0x20100042 0x01010101
_L 0x20100044 0x01010101
_L 0x20100046 0x01010101
_L 0x20100048 0x01010101
_L 0x2010004A 0x01010101
_L 0x2010004C 0x01010101
_L 0x2010004E 0x01010101
_L 0x20100050 0x01010101
_L 0x20100052 0x01010101
_L 0x20100054 0x01010101
_L 0x20100056 0x01010101
_L 0x20100058 0x01010101
_L 0x2010005A 0x01010101
_L 0x2010005C 0x01010101
_L 0x2010005E 0x01010101
_L 0x20100060 0x01010101
_L 0x20100062 0x01010101
_L 0x20100064 0x01010101
_L 0x20100066 0x01010101
_L 0x20100068 0x01010101
_L 0x2010006A 0x01010101
_L 0x2010006C 0x01010101
_L 0x2010006E 0x01010101
_L 0x20100070 0x01010101
_L 0x20100072 0x01010101
_L 0x20100074 0x01010101
_C0 Unlock All CG Others
_L 0x20100076 0x01010101
_L 0x20100078 0x01010101
_L 0x2010007A 0x01010101
_L 0x2010007C 0x01010101
_L 0x2010007E 0x01010101
_L 0x20100080 0x01010101
_L 0x20100082 0x01010101
_L 0x20100084 0x01010101
_L 0x20100086 0x01010101
_L 0x20100088 0x01010101
_L 0x2010008A 0x01010101
_L 0x2010008C 0x01010101
_L 0x2010008E 0x01010101
_L 0x20100090 0x01010101
_L 0x20100092 0x01010101
_L 0x20100094 0x01010101
_L 0x20100096 0x01010101
_L 0x20100098 0x01010101
_L 0x2010009A 0x01010101
_L 0x2010009C 0x01010101
_L 0x2010009E 0x01010101
_L 0x201000A0 0x01010101
_L 0x201000A2 0x01010101
_L 0x201000A4 0x01010101
_L 0x201000A6 0x01010101
_L 0x201000A8 0x01010101
_L 0x201000AA 0x01010101
_L 0x201000AC 0x01010101
_L 0x201000AE 0x01010101
_L 0x201000B0 0x01010101
_L 0x201000B2 0x01010101
_L 0x201000B4 0x01010101
_L 0x201000B6 0x01010101
_L 0x201000B8 0x01010101
_L 0x201000BA 0x01010101
_L 0x201000BC 0x01010101
_L 0x201000BE 0x01010101
_L 0x201000C0 0x01010101
_L 0x201000C2 0x01010101
_L 0x201000C4 0x01010101
_L 0x201000C6 0x01010101
_L 0x201000C8 0x01010101
_L 0x201000CA 0x01010101
_L 0x201000CC 0x01010101
_L 0x201000CE 0x01010101
_L 0x201000D0 0x01010101
_L 0x201000D2 0x01010101
_L 0x201000D4 0x01010101
_L 0x201000D6 0x01010101
_L 0x201000D8 0x01010101
_L 0x201000DA 0x01010101
_L 0x201000DC 0x01010101
_L 0x201000DE 0x01010101
_L 0x201000E0 0x01010101
_L 0x201000E2 0x01010101
_L 0x201000E4 0x01010101
_L 0x201000E6 0x01010101
_L 0x201000E8 0x01010101
_L 0x201000EA 0x01010101
_L 0x201000EC 0x01010101
_L 0x201000EE 0x01010101
_L 0x201000F0 0x01010101
_L 0x201000F2 0x01010101
_L 0x201000F4 0x01010101
_L 0x201000F6 0x01010101
_L 0x201000F8 0x01010101
_L 0x201000FA 0x01010101
_L 0x201000FC 0x01010101
_L 0x201000FE 0x01010101
_L 0x20100100 0x01010101
_L 0x20100102 0x01010101

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

lunes, 18 de junio de 2018

WinUAE 4.0.0 Beta 14

Nueva versión beta del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar todos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx,opengl, permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningún borde,lectura de los cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras opciones.


– Virtual RDB (generated when partition hardfile is mounted in non-UAE controller) now also supports >512 block size partitions.
– Some more code analyzer fixes.
– Paula audio GUI volume setting was ignored if audio mode was mono.
– Restrict minimum allowed JIT cache size to 128. (Previously too small unsupported size was allowed)
– Fixed uaescsi.device reset memory corruption if CD filesystem uses TD_ADDCHANGEINT.
– Logarithmic softfloat functions returned infinity when source value was nan.

Página oficial:

Versión beta en los foros de English Amiga board

Descarga de la versión beta 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión beta 64 bits:

Descarga de los [1.5.1+ Direct3D Pixel Shader filters]

sábado, 16 de junio de 2018

PSX Datacenter Actualización 16-Junio-2018

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos de PSX y actualizando muchas otras como Rami-Chan No Ooeto Surogoku: Keio Yugekitai Gaiden, Rampage World Tour, Rascal, Rat Attack, RC De Go! o Rayman con nuevo contenido como portadas en alta resolución, información, nuevos trucos, publicidades y muchos otros cambios.

Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PSX Datacenter:

Lightspan - Calamity 2 - People and traditions [LSP-200220] (E)
Lightspan - Calamity 3 - Around the World [LSP-200330] (E)

Player Manager - Época 98-99 [SLES-02015] (P)

AubirdForce [SLPS-00546] (J)
Aubirdforce [Limited Edition] [SLPS-00533] (J)
Bubblegun Kid [SLPS-01710] (J)
Rally Cross [SCUS-94308] (E)
Rally Cross [SCES-00408] (E)
Rally Cross [SIPS-60022] (J)
Rami-Chan No Ooeto Surogoku: Keio Yugekitai Gaiden [SLPS-01546] (J)
Rampage World Tour [SLUS-00549] (E)
Rampage World Tour [SLES-01011] (E)
Rascal [SLUS-00542] (E)
Rascal [SLES-00858] (E)
Rat Attack [SLUS-00656] (E)
Rat Attack [SLES-01103] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(Du)
Rayman [SLPS-00026] (J)
Rayman [SLUS-00005] (E)
Rayman [SLES-00049] (E)(F)(G)
Rayman Brain Games [SLUS-01265] (E)
Rayman Junior Level 1 [SLES-02798] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Rayman Junior Level 2 [SLES-02799] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Rayman Junior Level 3 [SLES-02800] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
RC De Go! [SLUS-01285] (E)
RC De Go! [SLES-03068] (E)
RC De Go! [SLPM-86546] (J)
Simple 1500 Series Vol. 68 - The RC Car (RC de GO!)[SLPM-86865] (J)
Player Manager Ninety Nine [SLES-01346] (E)
Player Manager Ninety Nine [SLES-02132] (E)
Player Manager Ninety Nine [SLES-02015] (G)
Guy Roux Manager '99 [SLES-01934] (F)
Player Manager Novanta Nove [SLES-01767] (I)

Aubirdforce (J) [SLPS-00533]
Aubirdforce (J) [SLPS-00533] [Guide Book]
Manual editado y creado en cbr por gladiator

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

viernes, 15 de junio de 2018

G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra ULES-01277 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra que valen para todas las versiones  en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podreís encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini ULES-01277 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-01277
_G G.I. Joe - The Rise of Cobra
_C0 All Levels Unlocked
_L 0x204D6D68 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D6A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D6C 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D6E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D70 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D72 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D74 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D76 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D78 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D7A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D7C 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D7E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D80 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D82 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D84 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D86 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D88 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D8A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D8C 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D8E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D90 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D92 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D94 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D96 0xFFFFFFFF
_C0 All Characters Unlocked
_L 0x204D6D98 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D9A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D9C 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6D9E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6DA0 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6DA2 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6DA4 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6DA6 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6DA8 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6DB0 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6DB2 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6DB4 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6DB6 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204D6DB8 0xFFFFFFFF

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

dgVoodoo v2.55.2

Es una utilidad que permite usar tarjetas que soportaban el chip gráfico voodoo en su modo glide y el
soporte de los DX antiguos, lo cual es muy útil para juegos que funcionan en los windows actuales pero que usaban una tarjeta voodoo para mejorar los gráficos, además permite usar resoluciones mayores y aspecto de widescreen , entre otras mejoras.:

Soporta usando Direct3D 11:

- Glide 2.11, Glide 2.45, Glide 3.1 y Glide 3.1 Napalm
- DirectX 1-7 (todas las versiones de DirectDraw y Direct3D que sea superior a la version 7)
- Direct3D 8.1

Cambios de la versión:

– Bug when rendering with paletted textures, fixed (Final Fantasy 8 demo)
– DirectDraw palette alpha-channel incompatibility, fixed (FFXI PlayOnline Viewer)
– Texture upload crash, fixed (Redline demo)
– Texture upload bug, fixed (Universal Monsters: Monsterville demo)
– Clipping issues, fixed (Stratosphere)
– Bug of config item ‘EnumeratedResolutionBitdepths’ is fixed

Sitio oficial:

Descarga si necesita el password es "dege" sin las comillas:

jueves, 14 de junio de 2018

Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd Portable ULJM-05477 NPJH-50206 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd Portable que valen para todas las versiones  en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podreís encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando las inis ULJM-05477 NPJH-50206 que esta en el pack.

_S ULJM-05477 NPJH-50206
_G Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd Portable
_C0 All Scenes Unlocked
_L 0x20180451 0x00000001
_L 0x20180452 0x00000001
_L 0x20180453 0x00000001
_L 0x20180454 0x00000001
_L 0x20180455 0x00000001
_L 0x20180456 0x00000001
_L 0x20180457 0x00000001
_L 0x20180458 0x00000001
_L 0x20180459 0x00000001
_L 0x2018045A 0x00000001
_L 0x2018045B 0x00000001
_L 0x2018045C 0x00000001
_L 0x2018045D 0x00000001
_L 0x2018045E 0x00000001
_L 0x2018045F 0x00000001
_L 0x20180460 0x00000001
_L 0x20180461 0x00000001
_L 0x20180462 0x00000001
_L 0x20180463 0x00000001
_L 0x20180464 0x00000001
_L 0x20180465 0x00000001
_L 0x20180466 0x00000001
_L 0x20180467 0x00000001
_L 0x20180468 0x00000001
_L 0x20180469 0x00000001
_L 0x2018046A 0x00000001
_L 0x2018046B 0x00000001
_L 0x2018046C 0x00000001
_L 0x2018046D 0x00000001
_L 0x2018046E 0x00000001
_L 0x2018046F 0x00000001
_L 0x20180470 0x00000001
_L 0x20180471 0x00000001
_L 0x20180472 0x00000001
_L 0x20180473 0x00000001
_L 0x20180474 0x00000001
_L 0x20180475 0x00000001
_L 0x20180476 0x00000001
_L 0x20180477 0x00000001
_L 0x20180478 0x00000001
_L 0x20180479 0x00000001
_L 0x2018047A 0x00000001
_L 0x2018047B 0x00000001
_L 0x2018047C 0x00000001
_L 0x2018047D 0x00000001
_L 0x2018047E 0x00000001
_L 0x2018047F 0x00000001
_L 0x20180480 0x00000001
_L 0x20180481 0x00000001
_L 0x20180482 0x00000001
_L 0x20180483 0x00000001
_L 0x20180484 0x00000001
_L 0x20180485 0x00000001
_L 0x20180486 0x00000001
_L 0x20180487 0x00000001
_L 0x20180488 0x00000001
_L 0x20180489 0x00000001
_L 0x2018048A 0x00000001
_L 0x2018048B 0x00000001
_L 0x2018048C 0x00000001
_L 0x2018048D 0x00000001
_L 0x2018048E 0x00000001
_L 0x2018048F 0x00000001
_L 0x20180490 0x00000001
_L 0x20180491 0x00000001
_L 0x20180492 0x00000001
_L 0x20180493 0x00000001
_L 0x20180494 0x00000001
_L 0x20180495 0x00000001
_L 0x20180496 0x00000001
_L 0x20180497 0x00000001
_L 0x20180498 0x00000001
_L 0x20180499 0x00000001
_L 0x2018049A 0x00000001
_L 0x2018049B 0x00000001
_L 0x2018049C 0x00000001
_L 0x2018049D 0x00000001
_L 0x2018049E 0x00000001
_L 0x2018049F 0x00000001
_L 0x201804A0 0x00000001
_L 0x201804A1 0x00000001
_L 0x201804A2 0x00000001
_L 0x201804A3 0x00000001
_L 0x201804A4 0x00000001

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

WinUAE 4.0.0 Beta 13

Nueva versión beta del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar todos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx,opengl, permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningún borde,lectura de los
cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras


- Toccata sound was not fully closed when reset/reset and caused crash if new config was loaded and
- Returning back to D3D11 fullscreen from GUI didn't automatically recapture mouse. (b12)
- Debugger f <start> <end> was broken.
- Corrupted OSD graphics (if OSD was enabled) and extra dark/bright line was drawn at the bottom of display in lagless D3D11 fullscreen mode after exiting GUI.
- Second to last line was not drawn in lagless mode. Very last line is invisible by design.
- FMOVE and FMOVEM to memory didn't check if destination addressing mode was invalid (PC relative) and didn't generate F-line.
- FMOVE to control register didn't check if more than 1 control register bit was set which is also
invalid and should generate F-line.
- FMOVEM to (An)+ and from -(An) are invalid.
- Softfloat FABS and FNEG didn't handle infinity correctly.

Página oficial:

Versión beta en los foros de English Amiga board

Descarga de la versión beta 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión beta 64 bits:

Descarga de los [1.5.1+ Direct3D Pixel Shader filters]

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018

To Heart Portable トゥハート PORTABLE ULJM-05486 ULJM-05972 NPJH-50791 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de To Heart 2 Portable que valen para todas las versiones  en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podeís encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando las inis ULJM-05486 ULJM-05972 NPJH-50791 que están en el pack.

_S ULJM-05486 ULJM-05972 NPJH-50791
_G To Heart Portable
_C0 To Heart Unlock All CG
_L 0x002CC704 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC706 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC70A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC70E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC712 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC716 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC71A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC71E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC722 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC726 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC72A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC72E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC732 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC736 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC73E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC742 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC746 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC74A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC74E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC752 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC756 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC75E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC762 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC766 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC76E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC772 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC776 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC778 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC782 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC786 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC78A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC78E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC792 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC796 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC79A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC79E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC7A2 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC7A2 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC7A6 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC7B2 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC7C2 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC7C6 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC7E2 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC7E6 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC802 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC806 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC80A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC81E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC822 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC826 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC82A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC82E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC842 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC846 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x002CC862 0xFFFFFFFF

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

martes, 12 de junio de 2018

To Heart 2 Portable トゥハート2 PORTABLE ULJM-05487 NPJH-50792 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de To Heart 2 Portable que valen para todas las versiones  en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podreís encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando las inis ULJM-05487 NPJH-50792 que esta en el pack.

_S ULJM-05487
_G To Heart 2 Portable
_C0 To Heart 2 Unlock All CG
_L 0x1031248A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x1031248C 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x1031248E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x10312490 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x10312492 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x10312494 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x10312496 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x10312498 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x1031249A 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x1031249C 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x1031249E 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x103124A0 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x103124A0 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x103124A2 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x103124A4 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x103124A6 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x103124A8 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x103124AA 0xFFFFFFFF

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

viernes, 8 de junio de 2018

PSX Datacenter Actualización 09-Junio-2018

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter de la parte de PS2 y lo hace añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos como Prism Ark - Awake, Psychic Force Complete, Pure Pure Mimi to Shippo no Monogatari, Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary, Quartett! The Stage of Love, Que fairy of Ancient Leaf, Quilt Anata to tsugumu yume to koi no dress, Rad Robot Alchemic Drive, R - Racing Evolution o Psychonauts

Gigantic Drive [SCPS-51012] (J)
Gigantic Drive [SLPM-62209] (J)
Prism Ark - Awake [SLPM-66846] (J)
Prism Ark - Awake [Limited Edition] [FVGK-0002] (J)
Psychic Force Complete [SLPM-66235] (J)
Psychic Force Complete [Limited Box] [TCPS-10136] (J)
Psychic Force Complete [with Emilio Figurine] [TCPS-10134] (J)
Psychic Force Complete [with Wendy Figurine] [TCPS-10135] (J)
Psychic Force Complete [with Wong Figurine] [TCPS-10133] (J)
Pure Pure Mimi to Shippo no Monogatari [SLPM-65862] (J)
Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary [SLPM-62754] (J)
Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary [Special Price] [SLPM-62779] (J)
Quartett! The Stage of Love [SLPM-65987] (J)
Quartett! - The Stage of Love [First Print Limited Edition] [SLPM-65986] (J)
Que fairy of Ancient Leaf [SLPM-66757] (J)
Que fairy of Ancient Leaf [First Print Limited Edition] [SLPM-66756] (J)
Quilt Anata to tsugumu yume to koi no dress [SLPM-66735] (J)
Quilt Anata to tsugumu yume to koi no dress [Limited Edition] [SLPM-66734] (J)
R - Racing Evolution [SCAJ-20048] (J)
R - Racing Evolution [SLPS-25300] (J)

Psychonauts [SLUS-21120] (E)
R - Racing Evolution [SLUS-20721] (E)
Rad Robot Alchemic Drive [SLUS-20445] (E)

Psychonauts [SLES-53830] (E)(F)(G)
R - Racing [SLES-52309] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)

Playboy the Mansion (E) [SLES-52752]
Manual escaneado por falinxx, editado y creado en cbr por gladiator.

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podéis hacerlo en Patreon:

Podéis verlas en:

Snes9x v1.56.1 para windows y linux

Ha salido una nueva versión final de uno de los mejores emuladores de la consola Super Nintendo  (SNES) , ha pasado mucho tiempo desde la última versión y por ahora solo ha salido en la versión de windows tanto , no parece que sean compatibles los savestates con la versión anterior pero en esta tiene unas cuantas novedades interesantes como el añadido del filtro xBRZ 1.6


– Automatic input rate now only works for close multiples of 60Hz. (BearOso)
– Win32: Cheats are now shown in the correct order in the list view. (BearOso)
– GTK+: Check for version greater than 3.22 when using GTK+ 3. (BearOso)
– GTK+: Don’t resize code and description field in GTK+ 2. (BearOso)

– Increased the speed of SA1 emulation to match hardware (BearOso)
more closely.
– Fixed negative SA1 division (BearOso, Jonas Quinn)
– Changed the location where we poll input to potentially (Brunnis, BearOso)
reduce lag.
– Fixed the interlace fields being swapped after skipping (BearOso)
– More updates for BS-X support. (LuigiBlood)
– Updated xBRZ to version 1.6. (zenju, OV2)
– Added a DMA timing hack for rpgone’s Koryu no Mimi (OV2)
– Updated HDMA to not update indirect addresses until after (BearOso)
transfers are completed.
– Improved cheats support. This stores cheats in a human- (BearOso, OV2)
readable and editable format as gamename.cht. Cheats are
converted from the old format on load. They can be added
in many different formats, but they will convert to the
simple address=condition?byte format.
Also, now included is mightymo’s cheat database, and the
ability to match a game and automatically load cheats
from it.
– Don’t reset a pending NMI on vblank end. Fixes Super (furrykef)
– Redo NMI timing. Fixes Secret of Evermore (PAL). (BearOso)
– Test for transparency before dithering on SuperFX. This (RedGuy(yyy))
fixes some graphical artifacts in Star Fox.
– Change some of the SDD1 guesswork mapping. Fixes a Tales (BearOso)
of Phantasia hack.
– Return PPU1 MDR for reads of $2137 instead of CPU MDR. (BearOso)
Fixes Mario’s Time Machine graphical glitch.
– Memset less memory for sprite calculations. (Nebuleon)
– Don’t spuriously update register 14 when running SuperFX. (BearOso)
Fixes graphical glitches in Doom.
– Added a SuperFX clock modifier variable. (BearOso)
– Write CPU MDR during some DMA and HDMA transfers. Fixes (BearOso)
Speedy Gonzales and Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler.
– Calculate next IRQ time in advance instead of continously (BearOso, OV2)
checking for it.
– Added some IRQ timing quirks. Fixes at least Marko’s (BearOso, OV2)
Magic Football.
– Fixed wrong tile selection in offset-per-tile mode. (BearOso)
– Advance the VRAM pointer even if VRAM writes at the time (kps501)
are invalid.
– Return 0x80 instead of 0xff in DSP1 simulation. Fixes (kps501)
Powerfest ’94 Mario Kart.
– Initialize controllers on reset. Fixes Looney Tunes (kps501)
B-Ball multitap.
– Attached APU instruction tracer and made some additions (BearOso)
to debugging output.
– Fix line doubling in interlaced mode. (kps501)
– Added support for M.A.C.S. rifle peripheral. (kps501)
– Fixed a bug where the MSU1 channels were reversed. (qwertymodo)
– Win32: Added dynamic rate control support for XAudio2 (OV2)
– Win32: Added different volume level configuration for (OV2)
regular and turbo speed.
– Win32: Added option to disable EPX scaling for messages (OV2)
– Win32: Improve multi-rom loading. (OV2)
– Win32: Add libpng and zlib dependencies as submodules for (qwertymodo, OV2)
easier compiling from source.
– Win32: Fixed icon registration. (OV2)
– Win32: Better support for running while unfocused. (OV2)
– Win32: Changed icon. (BearOso)
– Win32: Report hidpi support. (BearOso)
– Win32: Added mute hotkey and hotkeys for saving/loading (OV2)
from file.
– Win32: Disabled hotplugging in favor of a menu option to (OV2)
reconfigure joysticks.
– Win32: Added a reduce input lag option. (BearOso)
– Win32: Added ability to use GLSLP shaders with OpenGL, (OV2)
including a dialog to tweak custom parameters.
– GTK+: Added dynamic rate control support for audio to (BearOso)
reduce buffer overflows and underflows.
– GTK+: Increased SDL requirement to version 2.0. This (BearOso)
improves joystick compatibility.
– GTK+: Improved GTK+ 3.0 support and made it the default. (BearOso)
– GTK+: Added ability to start from a snapshot on the (julien2512)
command line.
– GTK+: Added automatic input rate handling. (BearOso)
– GTK+: Use 16-bit 5-6-5 pixel format for better colors. (BearOso)
– GTK+: Now disables the compositor in fullscreen mode. (BearOso)
– GTK+: Changed icon. (BearOso)
– GTK+: Require libepoxy for OpenGL support. (BearOso)
– GTK+: Add full compatibility with GLSLP shaders, with a (BearOso)
parameters dialog to configure them.
– Unix: Add xinerama support and window position hints. (Francesco149)
Página oficial:

Descarga de la versión de 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión de 64 bits:

Descarga de la versión de Linux:

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

PPSSPP 1.6.3

Ha sido publicada una nueva versión final que arregla algunos fallos del mejor emulador de la consola portátil Sony PSP para windows y android,si queréis apoyarlo también tiene una versión gold que se puede comprar en ambas y que solo se diferencia en que pone gold, viene como siempre con novedades y arreglos.


– more fixes

Recordar que se pueden usar los trucos del cwcheat pack en todas las versiones y que mientras se termina el nuevo pack podeís descargar el actual gracias a psxdatacenter en .

Página oficial:

Descarga de la versión de Windows:

Descarga de la versión de Android:

martes, 5 de junio de 2018

Memories Off - After Rain メモリーズオフ After Rain ULJM-05473 NPJH-50417 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Memories Off - After Rain que valen para todas las versiones  en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podeís encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando las inis ULJM-05473 NPJH-50417 que esta en el pack.

_S ULJM-05473 NPJH-50417
_G Memories Off - After Rain
_C0 Unlock All Album
_L 0x210BB27C 0x00000001
_L 0x210BB289 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB28B 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB28D 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB28F 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB291 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB293 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB295 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB297 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB299 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB29B 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB29D 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB29F 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB2A1 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB2A3 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB2A5 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB2A7 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BB2A9 0xFFFFFFFF
_C0 Unlock All Music
_L 0x210BB27C 0x00000001
_L 0x210BD6C9 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6D1 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6D3 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6D5 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6D7 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6D9 0xFFFFFFFF
_C0 Unlock All Encyclopaedia
_L 0x210BD6D9 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6E1 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6E3 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6E5 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6E7 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6E9 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6F1 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6F3 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6F5 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6F7 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210BD6F9 0xFFFFFFFF

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

lunes, 4 de junio de 2018

Wayder Cheat v.0.198

Este archivo creado por Wayder contiene los trucos para los juegos del emulador MAME actualizados hasta la versión 0.198, puedes escoger si usas este archivo o el de Pugsys pero no los dos en el mismo MAME

Modo de empleo:
- Tras descargar el fichero descomprimir el archivo , que debeís extraer en el directorio del mame en
este caso el 0.191 y seleccionarlo en la ruta de directorios de cheats en la configuración de cheats
del mame.

Página oficial:

Descarga de su página oficial.

WinUAE 4.0.0 Beta 12

Nueva versión beta del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar todos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx,opengl, permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningún borde,lectura de los cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras opciones.


– Don’t allow lagless vsync in normal windowed mode.
– Hide lagless vsync slice count in GUI if lagless vsync is not selected.
– Fixed crash if screen mode open failed and error dialog was shown. (b11)
– D3D11 fullscreen mode opened in primary monitor if selected non-default monitor was connected to another GPU.
– New debugger didn’t load 3.1 (and probably older) amiga.lib files.
– Added debugger_options config entry, currently only supported sub entry is pathprefix=x where x is string that gets appended to stabs source file paths.
– Try harder to find working path for stabs source files and when working path combination is found, remember it instead of enumerating all possible variants every time source file is loaded.
– uaedbg now breaks to debugger when debugged application causes unhandled exception via tc_TrapCode.

Página oficial:

Versión beta en los foros de English Amiga board

Descarga de la versión beta 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión beta 64 bits:

Descarga de los [1.5.1+ Direct3D Pixel Shader filters]

domingo, 3 de junio de 2018

Ootake v2.90

Nueva versión del mejor emulador de la consola pc engine junto con el mednafen y higan de los que se siguen actualizando, soporta los cartuchos de pc engine y los juegos en formato de cdrom,permite usar savestates y muchas otra opciones.

Funciona en Windows 7/Vista/XP/8/10 (32 o 64) y una tarjeta gráfica que soporte Direct X v9.0 como mínimo.


– When « R-TYPE Complete CD » is started, press [RUN] button for a long time(
until irem’s logo appears), and the mode to automatically skip the demo
scene will be set.
* If you normally press [RUN] button, it will start up normally. If you
want to completely cut off this function, please uncheck « Setting->
Improve-> Auto Skip Demo [start keep RUN] (R-TYPE Complete CD) » menu.
– From Ootake v2.88, the bug of processing « Backup RAM (Ten no Koe 2) file
was formatted to save only the required 2KB » was fixed.
* The timing of saving the « bram file » is the moment when either « Close
Ootake », « Open other games », »Save State » was done.
* Even with the above timing, if the contents to be saved are exactly the
same as the last time (eg in RPG does not have equipment or experience
value update at all), the bram file will not be updated. In that case,
if you want to be able to load the « bram file (2047 bytes) saved with
Ootake v2.88 & v2.89 » in Mednafen, please add 1 byte (value 0) at the
end with binary editor etc and save it as « 2048 bytes ». I’m sorry for
troubling you.
– Improved processing of inputting the game pad. Even with low power PC, I
think that several games (« Power Drift », « Space Harrier » etc.) have come
to work comfortably.
– Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

Página oficial:

Descarga de la versión de windows:

sábado, 2 de junio de 2018

Cemu 1.12.1b

Nueva versión final de este emulador de Wii U que va mejorando cada vez más pero por ahora empiezan a funcionar bastante bien muchos juegos, es algo lento todavía pero progresa muy rápido.

- Puede correr imágenes de Wii U encriptadas (WUD) y archivos RPX/RPL
- Resolución Interna es  1920x1080 (Si el juego la soporta)
- Sin optimizar. Espera bajos framerates y largos tiempos de carga.
- Funciona sólo en Windows x64 . puede que en otras plataformas posteriormente.
- Requerido OpenGL 3.3

– General controller and native wiimote improvements
– Added support for USB devices (via passthrough)
– Minor compatibility improvements
– Tons of bug fixes & miscellaneous improvements

En detalle:

# New in 1.12.1b:

– general: Fixed section labels for game profiles created via the game list context menu
– general: Added UI option to disable precompiled shader cache
– general: Added game profile option to disable precompiled shader cache (see example.ini for

# New in 1.12.1:

– general: Upgraded Cemu to VS2017 and also updated the following libraries:
wxWidgets (3.1.1)
libcurl (7.59.0)
openssl (1.1.0h)
zlib (1.2.11)

– general: Fixed settings.xml getting corrupted when multiple instances of Cemu were running
– general: Game list now loads the game icons asynchronously to improve Cemu startup time
– general: Load graphic pack shader files asynchronously to improve Cemu startup time
– general: Added fallback font in case no other shared data fonts are found (prevents some games from crashing)
– general: Generally improved AES128 implementation. AES-NI is used where possible (if supported by CPU) and the fallback software-AES implementation is now much faster
– general: If NEX or independent token API request returns with an error message, print it to log.txt
– general: Updated game profiles

– HID: Added preliminary USB/HID support
In order for a device to be detected, plug it into your PC before you start Cemu. No extra configuration necessary
Tested USB peripherals:
Skylanders Traptanium Portal confirmed to work, other similar ‘Portal’ devices still need testing
GCN controller adapter (in Wii U mode) not yet working

– input: Fixed some XInput issues for Steam Big Picture controllers (if you are having trouble
configuring a controller, launch a game in Cemu first)
– input: Various improvements to native wiimote support

– nn_idbe: Implemented API DownloadIconFile() and DecryptIconFile()

– snd_core: Fixed loop counter for PCM16 voices
– snd_core: Fixed AXGetDeviceMode()
– snd_core: Fixed AXSetVoiceSrcRatio (now clamps ratio value correctly between 0.0 and 8.0)

– GX2: Implemented GX2SetPointSize and GPU7 support for point width
– GX2: Added API GX2SetComputeSampler, GX2SetComputeTexture, GX2SetComputeShader, GX2DispatchCompute
– GX2: Shaders using SSBOs no longer fail to compile
– GX2: Texture cache will now drop unused textures after 50 minutes even if the texture data is
potentially not restorable

– RPL: Fixed a bug in RPL loader where import mapping would exit early if an invalid (nameless)
import was found

– coreinit: Zero-sized file reads no longer return an error
– coreinit: Optimized thread context switching to be slightly faster

– nn_fp: Fixed a bug in AsyncLogin callback

– nn_boss: Fixed a crash that occurred when a game tried to access non-existent BOSS files

Página oficial:


PSX Datacenter Actualización 02-Junio-2018

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos de PSX y actualizando muchas otras como Disney's Party Time with Winnie The Pooh, Disney's Lilo & Stitch - Trouble in Paradise , Lego Island 2, Radikal Bikers, Race Driving' A Go! Go!, Raiden DX, Railroad Tycoon II, The Raiden Project  o Rage Racer con nuevo contenido
como portadas en alta resolución, información, nuevos trucos, publicidades y muchos otros cambios.

Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PSX Datacenter:

Parlor! Pro Special - CR Harenchi Gakuen & CR Toukon [SLPS-02996] (J)

Disney's Lilo & Stitch - Ballade på Hawaii! [SCES-03879] (D)
Disney's Plys' Spil-og-Leg-Sted [SCES-03747] (D)
Lego Øen 2 - Kim Cool's Hævn [SLES-03300] (D)

Arcade Hits - Raiden [Major Wave] [SLPM-86613] (E)
Disney's Kuma no Pooh-San - Mori no Daikyousou! [SLPS-03460] (J)
Disney's Pooh's Party Game - In search of the treasure [SLUS-01437] (E)
Disney's Party Time with Winnie The Pooh [SCES-03705] (E) 
Disney's Winnie l'Ourson - C'est la récré! [SCES-03706] (F)
Disney's Party mit Winnie Puuh [SCES-03745] (G)
Disney's Winnie the Pooh - Spelen Met [SCES-03746] (Du)
Disney's Pooh e Tigro! E qui la festa [SCES-03749] (I) 
Disney's Ven a la Fiesta con Winnie The Pooh [SCES-03748] (S)
Disney's Lilo & Stitch [SCUS-94646] (E)
Disney's Lilo & Stitch - Trouble in Paradise [SCES-03871] (E)
Disney's Lilo & Stitch - Ouragan sur Hawaï [SCES-03872] (F) 
Disney's Lilo & Stitch - Zoff Auf Hawaii [SCES-03873] (G)
Disney's Lilo & Stitch - Grossi Guai Alle Hawaii [SCES-03874] (I)
Disney's Lilo & Stitch - en Problemas en el Paraiso [SCES-03875] (S)
Disney's Lilo & Stitch - Heisa op Hawaï [SCES-03876] (Du)
Disney's Lilo & Stitch - Trubbel i Paradiset [SCES-03878] (Sw)
Lego Island 2 - The Brickster's Revenge [SLUS-01246] (E)
Lego Island 2 - The Brickster's Revenge [SLES-03299] (E)
Lego Eiland 2 - De wraak van Dondersteen [SLES-03301] (Du) 
L'Ile Lego 2 - La Revanche de Casbrick [SLES-03303] (F)
Lego Insel 2 - Der Steinbrecher Kehrt Zurück [SLES-03304] (G)   
Lego Isola 2 - La Rivincita del Briccone [SLES-03305] (I)
Lego Island 2 - The Brickster's Revenge [SLES-03307] (S)
Quiz Charaokedon! Toei Tokusatsu Hero Part 2 [SLPS-02310] (J)
Quo Vadis - Iberukatsu Seneki [SLPS-00733] (J)
Race Driving' A Go! Go! [SLPS-00167] (J)
Radikal Bikers [SLES-01943] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Rage Racer [SLUS-00403] (E)
Rage Racer [SLPS-00600] (J)
Rage Racer [SCES-00650] (E)
Raiden DX [SCPS-45019] (J)
Raiden DX [SLPS-00728] (J)
Raiden DX [Major Wave Series] [SLPM-86656] (J)
Raiden Project [SLPS-00013] (E)
Raiden Project [Playstation the Best] [SLPS-91002] (E)
Raiden Project [Playstation the Best] [Reprint] [SLPS-91144] (E)
Railroad Tycoon II [SLES-02426] (E)(F)(G)
Railroad Tycoon II [SLUS-00808] (E)
Rakugaki Showtime [SLPM-86272] (J)
The Raiden Project [SCUS-94402] (E)
The Raiden Project [SLES-00051] (E)

RMJ - The Mystery Hospital (J) [SLPS-01087-8]
Manual editado y creado en cbr por gladiator

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

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Colem 4.6 emulador de la consola Colecovison para windows y Linux

Es un gran emulador de Colecovision creado por Marat Fayzullin que permite el uso de juegos de la
consola Colecovison y empieza a emular Coleco Adam.

Cambios en la nueva versión:

– Made replay save states approximately every 170ms.
– Added ability to browse through paused replay.
– During replay, press [UP] to pause or resume.
– When replay paused, press [LEFT] and [RIGHT] to browse.
– Press any other button to continue playing.
– Now cancelling replay if any key or button is pressed.
– Made WaitJoystick() exit when window closed.

Página oficial:

Descargar versión de Windows

Descargar versión de Linux

dgVoodoo v2.55.1

Es una utilidad que permite usar tarjetas que soportaban el chip gráfico voodoo en su modo glide y el
soporte de los DX antiguos, lo cual es muy útil para juegos que funcionan en los windows actuales
pero que usaban una tarjeta voodoo para mejorar los gráficos, además permite usar resoluciones
mayores y aspecto de widescreen , entre otras mejoras.:

Soporta usando Direct3D 11:

- Glide 2.11, Glide 2.45, Glide 3.1 y Glide 3.1 Napalm
- DirectX 1-7 (todas las versiones de DirectDraw y Direct3D que sea superior a la version 7)
- Direct3D 8.1

Cambios de la versión:

– Forceable internal bit depth of D3D depth buffers
– Bugs in D3D light handling, fixed (Soldiers of Anarchy, Cold Zero demo)
– D3D alphablending fix (Mage Bros)
– Workaround for D3D8 vertex buffer overwrite (BattleField 1942)
– Some incomplete interface querying is fixed for aggregated D3D devices
– New options (enumerated resolution bit depths, limited default enumerated resolution) for DirectX
along with minor fixes in the config validator
– Corrected tmuRev and fbiRev version number for some 3Dfx card types
– Minor changes in the debug layer (corrected mistypings, some value types are replaced by strings,

Sitio oficial:

Descarga si necesita el password es "dege" sin las comillas:

viernes, 1 de junio de 2018

Snes9x Testbuild v1.55 (31/05/2018)

Ha salido una nueva versión de uno de los mejores emuladores de la consola Super Nintendo  (SNES) , ha pasado mucho tiempo desde la última versión y por ahora solo ha salido en la versión de windows.


– fix irq regressions
– fix compiler optimization issue
– msu1 reversed stereo fix

Página oficial:

Descarga de la versión de 32 bits:

PPSSPP 1.6.2

Ha sido publicada una nueva versión final que arregla algunos fallos del mejor emulador de la consola portátil Sony PSP para windows y android,si queréis apoyarlo también tiene una versión gold que se puede comprar en ambas y que solo se diferencia en que pone gold, viene como siempre con novedades y arreglos.


– This time, it's all about speed. The Vulkan backend has improved as is now the default where
available, while the OpenGL backend has been properly multithreaded and now runs really fast on
dual-core devices. Enjoy!

Recordar que se pueden usar los trucos del cwcheat pack en todas las versiones y que mientras se
termina el nuevo pack podeís descargar el actual gracias a psxdatacenter en .

Página oficial:

Descarga de la versión de Windows:

Descarga de la versión de Android:

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018

Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.P. Gakuen Princess Portable Piaキャロットへようこそ!!G.P. ~学園プリンセス~ Portable ULJM-05464 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.P. Gakuen Princess Portableque valen para todas las versiones  en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podreís encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini ULJM-05464 que esta en el pack.

_S ULJM-05464
_G Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.P. Gakuen Princess Portable
_C0 Unlock All CG Mode
_L 0x204BFB11 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB13 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB15 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB17 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB19 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB20 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB22 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB24 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB26 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB28 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB30 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB32 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB34 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB36 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x204BFB38 0xFFFFFFFF
_C0 Unlock All Scene Mode
_L 0x104BEB64 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x104BEB66 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x104BEB68 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x104BEB70 0xFFFFFFFF

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018

MAME 0.198

Nueva versión del Mame final como cada último miércoles del mes, que desde hace varias versiones
incluye el Mess en el mismo programa. Es un emulador de maquinas recreativas creado por Nicola
Salmoria y el Mess lo que hace es emular ordenadores y consolas  como Spectrum, Commodore 64 y muchas mas.

It’s the day you’ve been eagerly awaiting all month: MAME release day! MAME 0.198, our May release, is packed full of improvements in lots of areas. Newly supported arcade games include the rare video pinball game Tom Tom Magic, Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX ’98, and Keirin Ou. Newly supported computers include the TI-99/2, Dragon MSX-64, and BBC Master 512.

This release brings graphics emulation improvements to a number of systems, including more fixes for Sega Saturn/ST-V, missing effects emulated in 1945k III, and improvements to the title screen in Wolf Fang. The SH-4 recompiler now supports more FPU opcodes directly, and NAOMI keyboards are supported. Low-level floppy drive emulation improvements bring improved compatibility for Apple II software. Newly supported peripherals include a PC ISA LBA BIOS card, the Beeb Speech Synthesiser, and a number of BBC Micro pointing devices.

Other additions include new Tiger handhelds (Batman: The Animated Series, Operation: Aliens, Wayne’s World, and X-Men), the Fidelity Elegance and Prestige chess computers, and alternate versions of Battle Balls, Centipede, Final Fight, Karate Blazers, Last Mission, Real Puncher, Sengoku 3, Spy Hunter, and World Heroes 2. There are lots of additions to the Apple II cassette software list, and several additions to the Sorcerer cassette software list as well. MAME now supports Korean user
interface thanks to a contribution from Neius.

For developers, we’ve fixed some issues in the debugger affecting CPUs that use word addressing, and the source list is sorted more intuitively in memory windows. We’ve made a number of changes to how machine configuration works to make driver development more intuitive and less error-prone.

- 04539: [Misc.] (stv.cpp) dnmtdeka, diehard: Illegal Sprite Mode - Contact MAMEDEV (Angelo Salese)
- 05484: [Crash/Freeze] (jpmsys5sw.cpp) Various jpmsys5sw.c sets: [debug] Assert in Debug (Vas Crabb)
- 06543: [Crash/Freeze] (segapico.cpp) All sets in segapico.cpp: [debug] Assert when starting
emulation (Vas Crabb)
- 06934: [Color/Palette] (x1.cpp) x1turbo40: Colors missing in all X1 Turbo (CZ-862C) software (Vas Crabb)
- 06948: [Media Support] (ptcsol.cpp) sol20 [basic5]: Program does not start after loading (Robbbert)
- 06954: [Core] (coco3.cpp) coco3dw1: Emulated system crashes when trying to access floppy disk image (David Ladd)
- 06958: [Crash/Freeze] (attache.cpp) Fatal error: No screen specified for device ':crtc', but
multiple screens found
  (Ivan Vangelista)
- 06960: [Crash/Freeze] (qtsbc.cpp) qtsbc: Exception when using certain -rs232 slot options (AJR)
- 06962: [Crash/Freeze] (atlantis.cpp) Fatal error: No screen specified for device ':zeus2', but
multiple screens found
  (Ivan Vangelista)
- 06963: [Crash/Freeze] (ms6102.cpp) Fatal error: No screen specified for device ':i8275_1', but
multiple screens found
  (Ivan Vangelista)
- 06964: [Crash/Freeze] (apollo.cpp) dsp3000, dsp3500, dsp5500: Exception when using most -rs232
options (Vas Crabb)
- 06966: [DIP/Input] (missile.cpp) missile: DIP switch “Trackball Size” label reversed and R8 dip
switch graphic inverted (Tafoid)
- 06971: [Graphics] (1945kiii.cpp) 1945kiiio, 1945kiiin, 1945kiii: Enemy damage flashes missing (AJR)
- 06982: [Gameplay] (coco12.cpp) Other Coco related drivers: 1bit audio DAC issue (AJR)

-Separated MS7002 keyboard emulation from VT100 keyboard, changed to Cyrillic key names and JCUKEN layout. [AJR]

-msm58321: Corrected duty cycle for busy output. [AJR]

-duet16, fmtowns: Fixed RTC busy signal handling. [AJR]

-mcs51: Added more interrupt and timer registers to debug state. [AJR]

-asteroid: Swapped start LEDs and suppressed logging for many spurious writes [AJR]

-asteroid, astdelux: Added cocktail configuration that flips screen for second player. [AJR]

-cit101: Somewhat major improvements: [AJR]
* Added high-level emulation of serial keyboard.
* Implemented double-height, double-width, boldface, and blinking/half intensity attributes.
* Implemented adjustable start-of-screen pointer (necessary for SET-UP mode).
* Implemented screen reconfiguration for 80/132-column and 50/60 Hz modes.

-ppu2c0x family: Made palette internal to device. [AJR]

-z80ctc: Disabling a channel interrupt also turns it off. [AJR]

-Made “Keypad ,” and “Keypad =” standard keys. [AJR]

-Made debugger dump command work with unaligned addresses. [AJR]

-vectrex: Fixed probable bug with lightpen-triggered interrupt. [AJR]

-sidampkr: Made the cards appear. [AJR]

-1945kiii: Add sprite color flashes (MT06971), reduced palette size, and fixed OKIM6295 reads. [AJR]

-i8275: Blank top and bottom row lines when underline is greater than 7. [AJR]

-tomagic: Added sound system and inputs. [AJR, David Haywood]

-exidy440.cpp, vertigo.cpp: Improved encapsulation of audio device. [AJR]

-legionna.cpp: Kludged a few weird Godzilla collision checks. [Angelo Salese]

-nb1412m2.cpp: Improved sound capabilities and added DAC sound to Mighty Guy. [Angelo Salese]

-stvvdp1.cpp: Fixed transparent sprite shadows, and disabled transmask for mode 2 sprites. [Angelo

-stvvdp2.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Disabled ROZ optimization in modes 2 and 3 (fixes Bulk Slash and Death Crimson ROZ layer bugs).
* Added support for line windows and vertical cell scroll.
* Added support for undocumented rotation parameter read mirroring.
* Don’t repeat ROZ when screen over process is equal to 1 (fixes D-Xhird practice stage).
* Fixed potential bug with window Y sizes when double density interlace is enabled.

-sub.cpp: Added flip screen support for Submarine (Sigma). [Angelo Salese]

-ltcasino.cpp: Added preliminary palette implementation. [Angelo Salese]

-blmbycar.cpp: Added optical and potentiometer wheel inputs. [Angelo Salese]

-f1gp.cpp: Added some undocumented DIP switches, and 4-way joystick inputs. [Angelo Salese]

-dc-ctrl.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Added preliminary keyboard support, hooked up to The Typing of the Dead, La Keyboard, and Lupin 3: the Typing on Naomi.
* Fixed Dreamcast controller ID values, making it possible to suppress VMU not found errors in
Dreamcast games.

-pc9801.cpp updates:
* Fix sound ROM mapping, and fixed sound board initialization for Eikan wa Kimi ni 2. [Angelo Salese]
* Improved and reorganized -26 and -86 sound card ROM read-backs. [Angelo Salese, Takahiro Nogi]
* Added SpeakBoard sound card emulation. [Angelo Salese, Takahiro Nogi]

-tatsumi.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
* Added preliminary row/column scroll enable for tilemaps (fixes background scrolling and foreground text in Cycle Warriors).
* Improved road colors in Cycle Warriors.

-amstrad: Allow loading CPR cartridges with odd numbers of blocks. [Barry Rodewald]

-Added VS Systems LBA Enhancer ISA card – adds PC BIOS extensions for 28-bit LBA support. [Bavarese]

-aica.cpp: Changed register names to match development manual, documented unimplemented registers, and flagged imperfect features.[cam900]

-c6280.cpp: Implemented LFO and added notes. [cam900]

-gunpey.cpp: Reduced code duplication, and deferred VRAM allocation to start time. [cam900]

-renegade.cpp: Fixed bit manipulations. [cam900]

-seibuspi: Fixed typo and added notes. [cam900]

-fmtowns.cpp: Implemented stereo output, fixed PCM output level, and reduced code duplication.

-rohga.cpp: Fixed background color of title screen in wolffang. [cam900]

-jaguar.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
* Moved CoJag ROM board mapping to derived address maps, and moved banking configuration to machine start.
* Reduced runtime tag lookups.

-fuukifg2.cpp: Updated notes and cleaned up a little. [cam900]

-m90.cpp: Reduced code duplication, added user_data for tilemap RAM base, reduced runtime tag
lookups, and updated notes. [cam900]

-dooyong.cpp: Cleaned up a little, and added input merger device for YM2203 interrupt handler.

-m72.cpp: Simplified graphics decode layouts. [cam900]

-drgnmst.cpp: Changed to mono sound output – neither chip nor PCB supports stereo. [cam900]

-argus.cpp: Fixed argus sound writes (only one YM2203), reduced code duplication, and reduced runtime tag lookups. [cam900]

-pgm.cpp, pgm2.cpp: Corrected metadata so it matches title screens, transliterated Chinese names, and updated comments. [cam900]

-sandscrp.cpp, puckpkmn.cpp: Transliterated Chinese titles. [cam900]

-rf5c68.cpp: Converted to device_memory_interface and added save state support. [cam900]

-megacd.cpp, segas18.cpp, segas32.cpp, system16.cpp: Reduced duplication, fixed bit manipulation, and reduced runtime tag lookups.[cam900]

-nmk16.cpp: Fixed tdragon2 banking, transliterated Chinese titles, simplified graphics decode
layouts, and fixed spacing. [cam900]

-highvdeo.cpp improvements: [cam900]
* Split machine configuration and address maps for each game.
* Reduced code duplication, cleaned up drawing code, cleaned up ROM loading, and removed redundant code.
* Added pre-calculated color for games using RGB565.

-funkyjet.cpp: Fixed company metadata for funkyjet and clones. [cam900]

-simpl156.cpp: Changed company metadata to match title screens. [cam900]

-topspeed.cpp: Cleaned up and used arrays to reduce code duplication. [cam900]

-romload.h: Added macros for byte-wide ROMs on a 64-bit bus. [cam900]

-Allowed internal register read-back on DECO HuC6280/YM2151 sound system. [cam900]

-Reduced code duplication and changed to more meaningful tags in many Data East drivers. [cam900]

-deco32.cpp: Moved dragngun*/lockload* m_sprgenzoom into dragngun_state and removed redundant code. [cam900]

-argus, bigfight: Added links to reference videos in comments. [cam900]

-tatsumi.cpp: Reduced runtime tag lookups, used more meaningful tags, and reduced code duplication. [cam900]

-taitogn.cpp: Reduced code duplication. [cam900]

-cbuster.cpp: Simplified tile banking. [cam900]

-toaplan2.cpp, gp9001.cpp: Reduced duplicated and redundant code, reduced runtime tag lookups, and updated notes. [cam900]

-leland.cpp improvements and modernisation: [cam900, Vas Crabb]
* Cleaned up duplicated code, reduced runtime tag lookups.
* Split out ataxx/wsf/indyheat/brutforc/asylum into separate state class.
* Converted background to tilemap and restricted drawing to clip rectangle.

-abc806: Fixed memory banking allowing CP/M to boot. [Curt Coder]

-Sort save state items in alphabetical order in the memory viewer source list. [Curt Coder, Vas

-rad_eu3a14: Improved rendering for rad_foot by making more correct use of sprite registers/bits.
[David Haywood]

-Started looking at the extra opcodes in the SSD 2000 type XaviX chip. [David Haywood]

-coolridr.cpp, model2.cpp, model3.cpp: Converted Sega 315-5649 to device. [Dirk Best]

-model1io: Improved interface, and added drive board read/write callbacks. [Dirk Best]

-model2: Fixed input issue with srallyc. [Dirk Best]

-floppy: Initialize created floppy images the same way as loaded images. [Dirk Best]

-315_5338a: Cleaned up and improved code, and renamed ports to match other Sega I/O devices. [Dirk Best]

-v60: Fixed disassembly of branch opcodes (displacement is signed). [Dirk Best]

-tmpz84c015: Added missing callback for CTC zc3, and removed rxtxcb_w. [Dirk Best]

-model1: Emulated I/O boards used by Wing War, Netmerc, and Virtua Cop. [Dirk Best]
* Supports serial ports, watchdog, and diagnostic display (in addition to I/O).

-hp_ipc: Added HPIB interface chip and remotizer device. [F.Ulivi]

-tms9914 updates: [F.Ulivi]
* Improved emulation – HPIB test of IPC diagb ROM now passes.
* Added methods to read ACCRQ and CONT output lines.
* Added RL state machine and other fixes – now passes HP9000/340 POST.
* Fixed handling of GTS aux command.

-remote488: Added “checkpoint” command that performs a synchronous out-of-band echo request.

-Output module changes: [headkaze, R. Belmont]
* Cleaned up network provider protocol.
* Added pause and savestate commands to both network and win32 providers.

-markham.cpp: Modernised and merged with strnskil.cpp. [kazblox]
* Added coin counters and added coinage DIP switch settings for markham, strnskil, banbam and clones.
* Added raw screen parameters based of 20 MHz clock on strnskil PCB.

-citycon.cpp, ikki.cpp: Added raw screen parameters. [kazblox]

-sega8_slot.cpp: Added check for Lode Runner SG-1000/SC-3000 ROM image. [Kalevi Kolttonen]

-igs017.cpp: Emulated the protection in iqblocka, iqblockf, and genius6. [Luca Elia]

-tutor: Turned off auto wait states – fixes cassette loading. [Michael Zapf]

-tms9995: Fixed latching of pulsed interrupts. [Michael Zapf]

-ti99: Fixed disk creation via OSD. [Michael Zapf]

-hexbus: Added connectors to HX5102, allowing a second drive to be attached to the controller in the case. [Michael Zapf]

-ti99_2: Added new/verified ROM dumps, and re-implemented driver. [Michael Zapf]

-ti99_8: Inverted track count bits, and added DIP switches. [Michael Zapf]

-gunpey: Emulated AG-1 sprite decompression algorithm. [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard]

-bbc: Added various pointer devices on userport: [Nigel Barnes]
* AMX Mouse, Acorn Master 512 Mouse, Marconi RB2 Tracker Ball.

-bbcm512: Added mouse, and promoted to working. [Nigel Barnes]

-bbcmaiv: Added tracker ball. [Nigel Barnes]

-bbc: Added Beeb Speech Synthesiser device. [Nigel Barnes]

-poly.cpp: Use original encrypted ROMs, and decrypt. [Nigel Barnes]
* Implemented banking and system/user mode switching.
* Added PolyBASIC 3.0, 3.1, and 3.4.

-apple2: Added support for WOZ image format. [O. Galibert]

-emumem: Renamed direct_read_handler to memory_access_cache. [O. Galibert]
* Now templated on more information (data width, endianness) and capable of oversize/unaligned

-debugger: Simplified now-obsolete and buggy memory access code. [O. Galibert]

-cubeqst: Fixed cache endianness. [O. Galibert]

-sound: Don’t try to generate a negative number of samples if stream->update() goes back in time. [O. Galibert]

-floppy: Increased robustness and improved bitstream handling. [John Keoni Morris, Peter Ferrie, O.

-Added Brooktree Bt45x RAMDAC devices – Bt457 and Bt458 are used by InterPro graphics boards. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-tms32031: Added tms320c30 variant and basic hold/holda support. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-Moved Z80 daisy-chain mixin from src/devices/cpu/z80 to src/devices/machine. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-interpro: Added low-level keyboard emulation (key mapping is incomplete). [Patrick Mackinlay]

-interpro: Slowed down CPU – fixes graphical glitches and keyboard detection. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-apple2: Recognize another form of DOS 3.3 image in ProDOS order. [R. Belmont, Peter Ferrie]

-Apple II: Added 13-sector version of Disk II controller. [R. Belmont]

-Added SoftFloat release 3E to 3rdparty. [R. Belmont]

-sh4drc: Added UML implementations of FLDI0, FLDI1, FCMP_EQ, FCMP_GT, FSTS, FLOAT, FTRC, FNEG, FABS, FSCHG, and FRCHG. [R. Belmont]

-neogeo: Added UniBios 3.3. [Robbbert]

-apexc: Fixed regression/crash introduced on 2018-02-12. [Robbbert]

-indy_indigo2: Cleaned up code, converted HAL2 and HPC3 to devices, and moved HAL2, HPC3, and IOC2 devices to separate source files [Ryan Holtz]

-vp415: Added proper dumps of Module S and Module W MCUs, which have identical programs. [Ryan Holtz, Simon Inns]

-adc0808: Reduced CPU overhead with smarter timer usage. [Ryan Holtz]

-Removed name mangling functions from driver initialisation methods, and renamed init_0 to
empty_init. [Ryan Holtz]

-atpci.cpp: Move m55hi-plus motherboard stuff to a new machine called m55hipl. [Samuele Zannoli]

-hp_ipc: Added diagnostic ROMs and model 9808A (prototype of desktop version). [shattered]

-i8255: Improved read-back of port C high output latches when port A is in mode 1. [hap, shattered]

-pk8020: Hooked up interrupt sources. [shattered]

-popeye.cpp improvements: [smf]
* Adjusted Popeye and Sky Skipper layer positions to match tests on real hardware.
* Added preliminary emulation of corruption on Popeye bootleg logo.

-hp9k_3xx improvements: [Sven Schnelle]
* Added internal TMS9914 GPIB, clocked at 5MHz.
* Added HP 46021A (ITF) HIL keyboard, and changed h9k_3xx to use this device.
* Added “topcat” ASIC used on HP900/300 graphics cards, and hooked up to HP98544.
* Fixed PTM6840 hookup – clock 2 is driven by output of timer 1.

-HP IPC keyboard: fixed ID byte returned for IDD command, and changed logging to use logmacro.h. [Sven Schnelle]

-gime.cpp: Fixed handling of number of scan lines for legacy VDG/SAM modes on CoCo 3. [David Ladd, Tim Lindner]

-Initial work on next-generation machine configuration syntax: [Vas Crabb]
* Made concrete device types callable and added support for device class constructor overloads.
* Made machine_config aware of current device being configured and made finder/callback target tags apply relative to it.
* Allowed devcb to be bound to a device/mix-in or the target of an object finder.
* Allowed device finders to be used in place of literal tags in many places in machine configuration.
* Replaced many MCFG_ macros with overloaded device constructors and removed many macros that provide limited value.
* Removed implicit name mangling from macros for slot options, discrete sound descriptors, and
graphics decode descriptors.

-Further improvements to NeoGeo experience: [Vas Crabb]
* Moved arcade start buttons to controllers and allowed AES joystick to be selected on systems with
D-sub connectors.
* Changed kizuna4p and irrmaze to use a configuration more like MV-1B/MV-1C as earlier models lack support for SIT/FTC1B.
* Made fixed software using mahjong panel default to Japan BIOS as European BIOS only supports
joysticks in service mode.
* Changed mahretsu to use JAMMA joystick panel as it doesn’t support mahjong panel in MVS mode.
* Allowed controls to be changed for MVS mahjong games (BIOS and bakatono support joysticks).
* Gave the single-slot JAMMA variants parent/clone relationships.

-Removed assert macro replacement as it can’t be used in destructors of classes that are literal
types. [Vas Crabb]

-Fixed incorrect device class for PCI APIC. [Vas Crabb]

-Made slot device options menu localisable. [Vas Crabb]

-ef9340/1: Made character set external an external ROM. [Wilbert Pol]

-Completely eliminated deprecated indexed output functions. [Wilbert Pol, Ryan Holtz, Robbbert, Dirk Best, cam900, AJR]

-galaxian.cpp: Updated ROM labels for froggers1. [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]

-alien.cpp: Re-dumped pingu CompactFlash card (sadly the source CompactFlash card is bad/corrupt). [Bill D]

-ltcasino.cpp: Added PCB layout for Mini Vegas. [Brian Troha]

-vamphalf.cpp: Redumped the graphics PORMs for Lup Lup Puzzle v1.05 from a second PCB. [Brian Troha, caius, The Dumping Union]

-vamphalf.cpp: Added PCB layout for Boong-Ga Boong-Ga (Spank'em!). [Brian Troha]

-hshavoc.cpp: Decapped and dumped PIC microcontroller. [Caps0ff]

-gaelco2.cpp: Verified Dallas clock for World Rally 2. [Corrado Tomaselli]

-gaelco2.cpp: Verified MCU clock for Touch & Go. [f205v]

-holeland.cpp: Documented PALs for crzrallyg. [f205v]

-splash.cpp: Documented some undumped PLDs.  [f205v]

-funworld.cpp, kingdrby.cpp: Identified some protected PAL dumps and marked them as bad. [f205v]

-esd16.cpp: Verified different sound sample ROM for Multi Champ DX was bit-rot. [f205v, The Dumping Union]

-pc9801.cpp: Dumped kanji ROMs for PC9801VM. [Fujix, hiromasha]

-bionicc.cpp: Corrected MCU label for the original sets. [Guru]

-chasehq, topspeed: Dumped motor CPU ROM and added detailed hardware description for chasehq. [Guru]

-irrmaze: Improved internal artwork layout. [Jos van Mourik]

-exidy.cpp: Added PROMs for venture. [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

-Updated hiscore.dat for recent changes. [Leezer]

-spacewars: Fixed error in ROM definition introduced in MAME 0.37b2. [MASH]

-model1io: Re-dumped epr14869b.25 used by Virtua Fighter. [Phil Bennett]

-Amatic Multi Game 5: Added notes about the contents of Dallas DS1994 device. [Pycur]

-pc98_cd.xml updates: [r09]
* Re-tested all software entries that previously had video/audio issues – around 70% now work.
* Demoted Miamisoft’s games to non-working since they seem to hang randomly.
* Tested some software entries on real hardware (PC-9821Nw150) to make sure the issues are

-neogeo.cpp: Added two new MVS BIOS dumps. [Razoola]

-Coco Loco (set 3): Redumped the bit-rotted ROM. [Roberto Cervera,]

-Coco Loco: Corrected metadata and updated notes. [RobertoFresca]

-phoenix.cpp: Documented the Next Fase sound device. [Roberto Fresca]

-Corrected years for Groove on Fight, Pop'n Music 2, and Pop'n Music 3. [sjy96525]

-starwars.cpp: Added locations to ROM labels for all machines. [Tafoid]

-sun2.cpp updates:
* Add boot ROM revisions N and 1.0F. [Ryan Eisworth]
* Added boot ROM revision M. [Josh Dersch]

-Software list corrections: [Wintermute 0110]
* Made Acorn software list names more consistent.
* Stripped leading/trailing spaces from ROM names.
* Changed some ROM names that are problematic with Windows Explorer and Command Prompt.

Batman: The Animated Series (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Dragon MSX-64 (MSX1) [David F.Gisbert aka Tromax, AUIC, Robcfg]
Fidelity Elegance Chess Challenger [hap, yoyo_chessboard]
Fidelity Prestige Challenger (original program, English) [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX '98 (GC811 VER. JAA) [Charles MacDonald, Candy Wolff, Henrique Areias Pontes, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Dane Biegert, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, smf]
Keirin Ou [Michael Moffitt, Eric Diem, Angelo Salese, The Dumping Union]
Operation: Aliens (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Scorpio 68000 [hap, yoyo_chessboard]
Tom Tom Magic
  [Jeffrey Gray, ranger_lennier, Evan Korzon, Dane Biegert, MrGoodwraith, Charles MacDonald, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Wayne's World (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
World Adventure [ArcadeHacker, The Dumping Union]
X-Men (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]

Capcom Vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 Pro (Japan) (GDL-0004)
  [Samuele Zannoli, R. Belmont, ElSemi, David Haywood, Angelo Salese, Olivier Galibert, MetalliC]
Cleopatra Fortune Plus (GDL-0012) [Samuele Zannoli, R. Belmont, ElSemi, David Haywood, Angelo Salese, Olivier Galibert, MetalliC]
Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. (new wide screen) [Sean Riddle]
Genius 6 (V110F) [Luca Elia, Fabrice Arzeno, The Dumping Union]
TI-99/2 BASIC Computer (24 KiB ROM) [Michael Zapf]
TI-99/2 BASIC Computer (32 KiB ROM) [Michael Zapf]
unknown Sidam poker [AJR]

Battle Balls (Germany, earlier) [Fabrice Arzeno, The Dumping Union]
Centipede (Japan, revision 3)  [ShouTime, Javier Vidal Mata, Sean Sutton, Candy Wolff, Evan Korzon, Surgeville, Dane Biegert, Charles MacDonald, Smitdogg,The Dumping Union]
Donkey Kong Junior (US, bootleg?) [unknown]
Fidelity Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, English) [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Fidelity Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, French) [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Fidelity Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, German) [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Fidelity Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, Spanish) [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Fidelity Prestige Challenger (original program, French) [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Fidelity Prestige Challenger (original program, German) [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Fidelity Prestige Challenger (original program, Spanish) [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Final Fight (Japan 900405) [bonky0013, Manimani, The Dumping Union]
Grand Champion (set 3) [Malcor, MASH]
Karate Blazers (World, Tecmo license) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Last Mission (World revision 8) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Marvel Super Heroes (Brazil 951024) [SHVB, The Dumping Union]
Naughty Boy (bootleg, set 2) [f205v, Matteo]
Pit Boss Superstar III 30 (9233-00-06, California version) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Real Puncher (Japan, v2.12J)
  [ShouTime, Javier Vidal Mata, Sean Sutton, Candy Wolff, Evan Korzon, Surgeville, Dane Biegert,
Charles MacDonald, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 2) [Razoola]
Spy Hunter (Spain, Recreativos Franco S.A., Bally Midway license) [Carlos Matos Lara,]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg with level selection) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Tandy Color Computer (Extended BASIC 1.0; HD6309) [David Ladd]
Tandy Color Computer (HD6309) [David Ladd]
Tandy Color Computer 2 (HD6309) [David Ladd]
Tandy Color Computer 2B (HD6309) [David Ladd]
Tapper (Budweiser, 1/27/84 - Alternate graphics) [Brian Troha]
The King of Dragons (World 910731) [Sergio Galiano, Recre_Piscis, Spain]
The Rocketeer (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.0 (location test) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
V-Liner (v0.53) [Razoola]
V-Liner (v0.7a) [Razoola]
V-Liner (v0.7e) [Razoola]
World Heroes 2 (ALH-006) [Razoola]
World Soccer Finals (rev 4) [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

Coco Loco (set 3) [Roberto Fresca, Roberto Cervera,]
IQ Block (V113FR, gambling) [Luca Elia, Guru, Dyq, Bnathan]
BBC Master 512 [Nigel Barnes]
Shuzi Leyuan (V127M, gambling) [Luca Elia, Guru, Dyq, Bnathan]

Air Hockey (6.03, encrypted) [AJR]
Donkey Kong Banana Kingdom (host) [Darksoft, Bill D, The Dumping Union]
Fonz [TTL] [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
HP Integral Personal Computer 9808A [shattered]
InterPro 6000 [Patrick Mackinlay]
InterPro 6400 [Patrick Mackinlay]
InterPro 6700 [Patrick Mackinlay]
InterPro 6800 [Patrick Mackinlay]
Kenshin Dragon Quest: Yomigaerishi Densetsu no Ken [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
LD Quiz dai 4-dan - Kotaetamon Gachi! (Japan) [italiandoh]
Motogonki [IgorR76]
Multi Game V (AMGHU_V83.65) [Roberto Fresca, Pycur]
Pop'n Run - The Videogame (set 1) [Antonio Rodriguez,, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Sharpshooter (coin pusher) [Joe Magiera]
The King of Fighters - Road to Revenge / The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match [Peter Wilhelmsen, brizzo]
unknown Ace System 1 game [Joe Magiera, The Dumping Union]
War Mission (WM 4/6/87) [Jordi Beltrán Casany,, The Dumping Union]

Autocue 1500 [Mikko Heinonen]
Batman (1.03 France) [PinMAME]
Bow & Arrow (Prototype, rev. 22) [PinMAME]
Grand Champion (set 2) [Malcor, MASH]
Micronics M55Hi-Plus [Samuele Zannoli]
NEC PC-9801VM [Fujix]
Poly 1 Educational Computer (early) [Nigel Barnes, Andrew Trotman]
Poly 2 Learning System [Nigel Barnes, Andrew Trotman]
Poly Development System [Nigel Barnes, Andrew Trotman]
Pop'n Run - The Videogame (set 2) [Antonio Rodriguez,, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Strider 2 (Euro 991213) [Nomax, Corrado Tomaselli, f205v, The Dumping Union]

Nuevo software list additions que funcionan
abc80_flop: ABCBook [Five Finger Punch]
abc800: ABC832 Systemskiva v2.5 (Swe) [unknown]
  3D Art Graphics, 3D Star Fire, 3D-Docking, A Beginner's Guide to Game Prgrams and Number Programs (Tape 2), A Beginner's Guide to Game Programs (Tape 3), Ack-Ack, Adventure 0 - Special Sampler, Adventure 1 - Adventure Land, Adventure 3 - Mission Impossible, Adventure 4 - Voodoo Castle, Air Traffic Controller, Andromeda Conquest, Apple Casino,Apple Derby, Apple ][ Organ, Applesoft Utility Programs, Assembler, B-1 Nuclear Bomber, Baseball, Battlestar I, Beneath Apple Manor, Black Jack / Slot Machine, Bomber, Bowling / Trilogy, Bridge Challenger, Canter Downs, Complex Mathematics, Computer Acquire, Computer Acquire (original), Conflict 2500, Craps / Bright Pen Craps, Crazy Climber, Crazy Eights, Cubik,Depth Charge, Disk-O-Tape, Dnieper River Line, Don't Fall, Don't Fall! / Memory Aide, DUNJONQUEST- Datestones of Ryn,DUNJONQUEST - Morloc's Tower, Echo, Electronic Index-Card File, Enchanted Island, Engineering Mathematics - 1, Escape!, Fastgammon, Financial Wizard 2, Financial Wizard 3, Financial Wizard 4, Football Predictions, Forte / Forte Music, Funpak I, Galaxian, Galaxy, Galaxy Travel, Gammon Gambler, Global War, Grading Routine / Drawing, Guns of Fort Defiance, Haunted House, Highres Graphic Printer, Highres Playground, Hires Boxing, House of Seven Gables / Journey to the Center of the Earth, I Got Mine,  Journey to Atlantis, Jupiter Express, Kaleidoscope, Kidstuff, Laserblast, Learning BASIC, Pt. 1 & 2, Learning BASIC, Pt. 3, Lunar Lander, Lunar Lander II, Magic Squares, Match Wits, Maze Game, Memory Builder, Memory Check, Micro Invaders, Microchess 2.0, Microgammon 1.0, microtrivia, Midway Campaign, Missile Command v1.2, Module 1, Module 2, Module 3,Module 4, Module 5, Module 6, Module 7, Module 8, Moto-Cross, Music Box and Kaleidoscope, Music Kaleidoscope, North Atlantic Convoy Raider, Oil Tycoon, Othello, Othello for Apple v2.1, Peg Jump, Phasor Zap, Pinball / Infinite Number of Monkeys, Pirates!, Planet Miners, Planetoids,
  Preschool IQ-Builder, Quiz Baseball, RAM Test, Racer, Radar Interceptor, Raster Blaster, Renju,
Retreat, Revive - A Utility Program for the Apple, Road Race / Saucer War, Rocket Pilot, Roulette,
  Sahara Warriors Commando / French Foreign Legion, Sargon I, Sargon II, Saucer Invasion, Softside August 1981, Softside December 1981, Softside January 1982, Softside July 1981, Softside July 1982, Softside July 1982 Computers in Education, Softside June 1981, Softside Mar 1981, SoftsideMay 1981, Softside May 1982, Softside October 1981, Softside September 1981, Songs in the Key of Apple, Space Maze, Space War, Speedway, Spider Tag, Star Blazer, Star Wars, STARQUEST Rescue at Rigel, Statistics, Stocks & Bonds, Story Builder, Study Aide, Study Aide / Keyboard Organ, Super Arithmetica, Super Invader, Super Math / True/False Quiz, Super Othello, Super Starwars, SuperMath, Tank War, Tanktics, The Bomber, The Patient Professor 16K,
  The Patient Professor 24K, The Talking Calculator, Tic-Tac-Talker / Spectrum Analysis, Time Clock, Typing Tutor, U-Draw,Variable Message / Matching Quiz, Voyager I, Warlords [Dagarman]
bbcm_cart: VideoROM: Videodisc Player Control Software [Michael Sadler]
fmtowns_cd: Mega Lo Mania [DamienD, Tokugawa Corporate Forums]
ibm5150: Gunship, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (3.5"), Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (5.25") [ArcadeShadow]
ibm5170: Curse of Enchantia, Descent, Gunship 2000 [ArcadeShadow]
neogeo: Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 2), World Heroes 2 (ALH-006) [Razoola]
pc98_cd: Windows NT 4.0 Server [WinWorld]
  Arithmetic Practise, Racetrack, Shape Maker, Sightspell, Spelling, Star Wars, Stomper, Submarine
Hunt,The Sorcerers Fruit Machine, Yahtzee, ZETU v1.2 Editor Assembler [Robbbert]
vic10: MultiMAX [Curt Coder]
  Magical Squadron, Ms. Detective File #1 - Iwami Ginzan Satsujin Jiken, Ms. Detective File #2 -
Sugata-naki Irainin,NEC Driver Kit for Windows 95, Policenauts, Psychic Detective Series Vol. 1 - Invitation - Kage kara no Shoutaijou, Psychic Detective Series Vol. 2 - Memories, Psychic Detective Series Vol. 3 - Aya, Ryouki no Ori Dai-2-Shou, Schwarzschild GX - Sabita Sousei, Sensual Angels, Shamhat - The Holy Circlet, Tanjou - Debut, Windows 95 (OSR2, v4.00.950 B), Windows 95 (Retail, v4.00.950) [Carl, r09]

Nuevo software list additions que no funcionan
apple2_cass: Sweet Talker [Dagarman]
  DreamOn Volume 10 (Fra), Dreamcast Promotion Disk (Jpn), Eldorado Gate Dai-7-kan (Jpn), Erde: Nezu no Ki no Shita de (Jpn), Es (Jpn), Ever 17: The Out of Infinity (Jpn), Fire Pro Wrestling D (Jpn), First Kiss Story II: Anata ga Iru kara (Jpn), First Kiss Story II: Anata ga Iru kara - Tokubetsu Genteiban (Jpn), Fragrance Tale (Jpn), Godzilla Generations (Jpn), Golem no Maigo (Jpn), Golf Shiyou yo (Jpn, Rev. 2), Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 1: Keiyaku (Jpn), Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 2: Torikago (Jpn), Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 3: Kansei (Jpn), Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 4: Kaikou (Jpn), Happy Breeding (Jpn), Heavy Metal: Geomatrix (Jpn), Heisei Mahjong-sou (Jpn), Himitsu: Yui ga Ita Natsu (Jpn), KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child (Euro), KISS Psycho
Circus: The Nightmare Child (USA), Kaitou Apricot (Jpn), Kao the Kangaroo (Demo) (World), Kao the Kangaroo (Euro), Kao the Kangaroo (USA), Karous (Jpn), Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden: Colony no Ochita Chi de... - Tokubetsuban (Jpn), Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou vs. Zeon & DX (Jpn), Kitahei Gold (Jpn), Kiteretsu Boy's Gangagan (Jpn), Konohana 2: Todokanai Requiem (Jpn), Konohana: True Report (Jpn), Kuon no Kizuna: Sairinshou (Jpn, Rev. 1) [FakeShemp]
pc98_cd: Windows NT 3.51 Workstation, Windows NT 3.51 Workstation (Checked Build) [WinWorld]

Traducciones añadidas o modificadas
Chinese (Simplified) [YuiFAN]
Chinese (Traditional) [YuiFAN]
Dutch [Jos van Mourik]
German [RafTacker]
Greek [BraiNKilleRGR]
Japanese [Katsuhiko Kagami]
Korean [Neius]
Portuguese (Brazil) [Wellington Uemura]
Spanish [A. Viloria]

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