miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

MAME 0.186

Nueva versión del Mame final como cada último miércoles del mes, que desde hace varias versiones incluye el Mess en el mismo programa. Es un emulador de maquinas arcade creado por Nicola Salmoria y el Mess lo que hace es emular emuladores y consolas  como Spectrum, Commodore 64 y muchas mas.


It’s been one of those long, five-week development cycles, but it’s finally time for your monthly MAME fix. There’s been a lot of touched in this release, with improvements in a number of areas. But before we get to the improvements, we have an embarrassing admission to make: the game added in 0.185 as Acchi Muite Hoi is actually Pata Pata Panic, and the sound ROM mapping was incorrect, making the game unplayable. That’s all sorted out now though, thanks to occasional contributor k2.

New working arcade games include Epos Revenger ’84, Jockey Club II, Hashire Patrol Car, the Mega Play version of Gunstar Heroes, and the much-awaited Taito Classic Space Cyclone. Improvements to emulation make Legionnaire and Heated Barrel fully playable at long last, and Megatouch XL 6000 is working in this release.

There are also plenty of new versions of supported games, including a world release of the puzzle game Star Sweep, the Taito licensed version of Bagman, the Japanese release of Top Landing, the Italian release of Penky, and European bootlegs of Amidar and Phoenix. We’ve got some exciting improvements to supported arcade games this month, too. Sound effects for Universal’s Cheeky Mouse are now supported, and the analog section of the melody synthesiser used in Zaccaria’s Jack Rabbit and Money Money has been implemented, although it’s still missing the cassa (bass drum) sound at the moment. We need schematics and quality PCB photos to add support for analog sound synthesis in more games, so if you find any we’d really appreciate if you could send them our way.

New working home/handheld games include Jungle Soft Zone 60, Gradius, Lone ranger, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Top Gun, and the Game & Watch titles Mario’s Cement Factory, Boxing, Donkey Kong II and Mickey & Donald. The CoCo Games master cartridge is supported as a CoCo slot device, support for the French Minitel 2 terminal has been added (thanks to Jean-François Del Nero), and there’s some more progress on the InterPro systems from Patrick Mackinlay. Peripherals for the TI-99 home computer family have been overhauled, making the PEB a slot device that plugs into the I/O port – this will require changes to your configuration if you use this family of computers.

Finally, the -listroms verb supports device sets (e.g. mpu401 or m68705p3), -listroms, -verifyroms and -listxml support multiple patterns on the command line, -verifyroms is much faster when a small number of sets are specified, and the romcmp tool has seen several improvements.

- 00599: [DIP/Input] (m72.cpp) poundfor: You can't move the arrows on the menu screens to choose the other boxer or game (AJR)
- 06103: [Documentation] (taitopjc.cpp) optiger: The correct description is "Operation Tiger (Ver 2.14 O)" (sjy96525)
- 06540: [Crash/Freeze] (hh_tms1k.cpp) bshipb: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Robbbert)
- 06541: [Crash/Freeze] (laserbat.cpp) laserbat, lazarian: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Robbbert)
- 06542: [Crash/Freeze] (toratora.cpp) All set in toratora.cpp: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Robbbert)
- 06544: [Crash/Freeze] (didact.cpp) can09: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Robbbert)
- 06547: [Crash/Freeze] (tv990.cpp) All sets in tv990.cpp: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Robbbert)
- 06555: [Crash/Freeze] (apple2.cpp) All sets in apple2.cpp, apple2e.cpp: Mounting ezcgi9938 or ezgui9958 into any slot causes Fatal Error (AJR)
- 06558: [Interface] agat7 and others: mame -verifyroms not working for agat7 and 129 other sets (Nathan Woods)
- 06560: [Crash/Freeze] (coco3.cpp) All sets in coco12.cpp, coco3.cpp: Loading cartridges from softlists locks up emulator (Nathan Woods)
- 06575: [Debugger] DEBUGGER: MAME crashes when given the 'symlist' command in the debugger (Nathan Woods)
- 06587: [Sound] (model1.cpp) vf: Loss of Sound (AJR)
- 06589: [Graphics] (namcos1.cpp) puzlclub: Title Screen corruption (Ivan Vangelista)
- 06591: [Interface] (ksys573.cpp) All sets in ksys573.cpp: Exception when attempting -listxml (Nathan Woods)

-seibucop.cpp: Fixed Legionnaire / Heated Barrel scenery walking bug (a different 138e is used). [Angelo Salese]

-epos.cpp: Several changes to The Dealer, Revenger '84 and Beastie Feastie hardware: [Angelo Salese]
 * Fixed RAM based colors.
 * Added backup RAM support.
 * Added flip screen support.

-m14.cpp: Revised PT Reach Mahjong, making it actually work: [Angelo Salese]
 * Added ball and paddle screen drawing, green background as per flyer pictures, and flip screen support.
 * Added reach button and updated input labels.

-k054321: Implemented as a device. [O. Galibert, Phil Bennett]

-z180: Fixed obvious typo detected by Coverity, thanks Coverity. [O. Galibert]

-Added a mechanism for devices to generate clocks for other devices: [AJR]
 * Made set_unscaled_clock and set_clock_scale not call notify_clock_changed unless the device has been started.
 * Made owner-derived clocks update whenever the owner's clock changes, including at configuration time.
 * Add clock_update_delegate type to represent device-generated clock outputs that may be dynamically modified.
   - Model implementation of this is the CLK output in I8085A.

-Partially rewrote uPD4701 device and hooked it up to a few Sega games. [AJR]

-Added uPD4701A device to cabal (trackball sets), calibr50, eaglshot, horshoes, poundfor and wwallyj. [AJR]

-segae.cpp: Added PPI and coin counters. [AJR]

-Made MC-8123 into a device. [AJR]

-megatech.cpp: Fixed Free Play regression. [AJR]

-arabfgt: Replaced protection MCU simulation with emulation of actual program. [AJR]

-taito_l.cpp: More MB8421, less HOLD_LINE (fixes sound in evilston). [AJR]

-acommand: Use tilemap device. [AJR]

-daytona: Added feedback driver board (including ROM). [AJR]

-fresh: Added some sound. [AJR]

-liberate.cpp: All PSGs are AY-3-8912A. [AJR]

-mrflea: Use PPIs for interboard communication and PIC for sub interrupt. [AJR]

-model1.cpp: Worked around race condition that caused vf to lose sound. [AJR]
 * Causes swa to show an error message before booting normally due to poor I/O board emulation.

-Fixed bug that permanently disabled some UI search strings when they were cleared. [AJR]

-Copy longname, manufacturer, year, filetype, etc. for image info in all softlisted cases. [AJR]

-Made -listroms display a user-friendly message when no ROMs are required. [AJR]

-Improvements to romcmp: [AJR]
 * Identify plain ASCII text files as such.
 * If a ROM has the same data in each half, print the hashes for that.
 * Avoid buffer overruns.
 * For calculating address masks, don't assume file size to be a power of 2.

-Replace linenoise-ng with a simpler port that uses a different UTF-8 parser. [Carl]

-plugins/console: Improved suggested completions. [Carl]

-luckgrln.cpp: Added DIPs and layout for 7smash, promoted to working. [David Haywood]

-Preliminary steps for basic VT03 (NES clone) support: [David Haywood]
 * Allowed derived classes to extend the PPU functionality to support the basic modes.
 * Added VT03 PPU variant and machine driver.
 * Moved mc_dgear from nes.xml to this driver and added several dumps.
 * Added some support for cybar120 extended sprite addressing.

-mitchell.cpp: Fixed NVRAM saving. [David Haywood]

-scyclone.cpp updates - promoted to working: [David Haywood]
 * Added sprite colours and preliminary starfield (no twinkle, uncertain star positions).
 * Documented probably hardware collision feature.
 * Added preliminary flipscreen support.
 * Added sound - discrete section missing.
 * Added save state support.

-ojankohs: Rewrote input handling: [Dirk Best]
 * Added missing player 2 controls.
 * Verified and removed non-existent keys from games.
 * Added DIP switch locations to all games and identified some unknown DIP switches.
 * Cleaned up and corrected code, and removed runtime tagmap lookups.

-Hooked up PPI(s) for chinsan, igspoker, jackie, megaphx, thief and upscope. [Dirk Best]

-chinsan: Merged with mayumi driver, general improvements and cleanup: [Dirk Best]
 * Cleaned up inputs and added flip flop and statistics buttons.
 * Identified coinage and demo sound DIP switches.
 * Set YM2203 clock to a more likely 10MHz/8.
 * Hooked up interrupt enable, flip screen and NVRAM.

-thief: Verified XTALs and cleaned up machine configurations. [Dirk Best]

-megaphx: Replaced PIC16C54 MCU simulation with emulation using existing dump. [Dirk Best]
 * Also cleaned up DIP switches, added DIP locations, and added documentation.

-Added new SN54/74166 8-Bit Parallel-In/Serial-Out Shift Register device. [Dirk Best]

-ym2203: Fixed crash on fatal errors. [Dirk Best]

-emupal: Added error handling and allowed palette region name to be overridden. [Dirk Best]

-Replaced some custom palette initialisation functions with appropriate standard callbacks. [Dirk Best]

-ui: Added ability to select different tilemap categories in tilemap viewer with page up/down keys. [Dirk Best]

-via6522 updates, adds support for external clock: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * Refactored shifter, adding support for more features and fixing a few bugs.
 * Tuned shifter IRQ timing to be more cycle accurate.
 * Fixed the flank timer value, which improves but doesn't completely fix the vectrex regression.

-z80scc: Implemented Reset Tx Interrupt Pending Command (fixes virtpool). [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-Added support for Seiko S-29X90 16-bit EEPROMs. [Luca Elia]

-Seta ST-0020 updates: added 4 tilemaps and switchable resolution - ST-0032 video on par with ST-0020. [Luca Elia]

-jclub2.cpp: Jockey Club II updates: [Luca Elia]
 * Split sets by software revision.
 * Added default EEPROMs and documented the procedure.
 * Finished I/O and added layout for on-screen keyboards.
 * Added sound communication.
 * Fixed backgrounds and colors.

-Added hopper-like mode to ticket dispenser device. [MetalliC]

-ti99: Improvements to peripheral handling: [Michael Zapf]
 * Rearranged bus/ti99 subtree, moved classes into namespaces, moved ti99 stuff from ti99x to ti99/internal.
 * Split big, all-in-one gromport.cpp into separate device files, introducing "gromport" as a bus of its
 * Added console connector "ioport" with PEB as slot option - PEB now needs to be plugged into TI-99/4/4A/8.

-Added hack to fish hashpath option out of INI files prior to softlist evaluation. [Nathan Woods]

-Fixed issue in image identification code accessing an empty vector when the hashed data length is zero. [Nathan Woods]

-CoCo: Made 6883 SAM control the root device clock, and changed CoCo devices to use derived clocks. [Nathan Woods]

-Cleanups to ram_device: [Nathan Woods]
 * Expose specific options, removing the burden of parsing RAM strings from clients.
 * Moved validation of command line arguments out of device_validity_check().

-imgtool updates: [Nathan Woods]
 * Cleaned up validity code and transitioned to std::wcerr as Windows doesn't like mixing std::wc(out|err) with printf.
 * Fixed issue with 'listfilters' command.
 * Extremely basic fix to the imgtool <-> CHD HD bridge (really nees much more work).
 * Simplified CHD metadata load since C++11 allows writing to a std::string directly.

-Windows options fixes: [Nathan Woods]
 * Removed redundant ";global_inputs".
 * Disambiguated "yiqp" abbreviation - YIQ phase count is now "yiqpc" (YIQ pixel clock scaling is still "yiqp").

-Auxiliary verb handling cleanup: [Nathan Woods]
 * Fixed a bug where resolved slot/image options would choke -romident.
 * Fixed crash when -romident is not supplied any arguments.
 * Converted verb handlers to take arguments as a vector of strings.
 * Fixed regression preventing -listslots/-listmedia working when slot options are specified.

-Don't strip spaces/quotes from command line arguments, only INI option values. [Nathan Woods]

-Fixed an issue that could cause problems when loading reset_on_load devices from software lists at runtime. [Nathan Woods]

-Miscellaneous cleanup and modernisation: [Nathan Woods]
 * Polished up traces of slot options menu's pre-C++ heritage and moved completely private code to an anonymous namespace.
 * Created device_slot_interface::slot_name() to wrap pattern of taking the tag and removing the initial colon.
 * Changed running_machine::schedule_[load|save]() to take 'std::string &&' instead of 'const char *'.
 * Converted running_machine::saveload_schedule to scoped enum.
 * Changed 'int ignore_warnings' parameter on core_options::parse_ini_file() to 'bool
 * Retired min/max in attotime.h in favor of std::[min|max]().

-cgenie: Fixed loading ROMs from softlist in floppy interface. [Nigel Barnes]

-wicat: Added floppy drive and attached software list (not working). [Nigel Barnes]

-z180: Added support for DREQ and TEND signals, and fixed dma0 count and DREQ handling. [BartmanAbyss]

-Fixed two software loading bugs: [Robbbert]
 * Fatal error on reset if either a multipart softlist item was loaded, or a single-part item was loaded into a system with more than one slot of the same media type.
 * Fatal error on non-existent images specified in INI files (bad image is ejected, restoring previous

-xbox/chihiro updates: [Samuele Zannoli]
 * Migrated PCI devices to new PCI bus framework.
 * Made USB peripherals slot devices.

-seattle, vegas: Updated drivers to new PCI bus system. [Ted Green]

-iteagle: Added save state support. [Ted Green]

-vrc5074: Added new Nile 4 System Controller device. [Ted Green]

-Fixed graphics decode issues and improved palette generation in Dodge Man and Battle Cross. [Tomasz Slanina]

-hcd62121: Improved rotate and shift instructions; identified COM and PORT registers; fixed unidasm configuration. [Wilbert Pol]

-H8 improvements: [BartmanAbyss]
 * Fixed nstruction eepmov.b (used r4h instead of r4l).
 * Added support for non-autorequest DMA (DREQ edge, DREQ level).
 * Added support for H8/300H to h8_dma (previously only H8/300S supported).
 * Added DMA channels and RTMCSR register to H8/3002.

-Added (partial) correct register mappings to HD6345. [BartmanAbyss]

-hp9845: Added Support for HPI floppy format used for HP-formatted 8" floppy disks. [F.Ulivi, A.Kueckes]

-hp9895: Fixed a segfault when emulating the HP9845 drive (caused by rounding errors). [F.Ulivi]

-hp9845: Display improvements and softkey support: [F.Ulivi]
 * Improved text video of 45C, improved graphic cursors of 45C and 45T, and implemented softkeys for 45C and 45T.

-hp9845: Fixed a system freeze when loading memory tester from tape. [F.Ulivi]

-starshp1: Removed hack to restore correct behavior when ships explode. [Frank Palazzolo]

-N64 RSP DRC: Wrap PC to 12 bits in a few more places. [Happy]

-Added support for French Minitel 2 Terminal: [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
 * Added support for TS9347 display processor variant.
 * Fixed visible area.
 * Fixed random crash in EF9345/TS9347 when drawing characters at right or bottom border.

-Fixed 6800 invalid instruction length/program counter behavior and renamed invalid opcodes. [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
 * This makes goupil g1 Basic work.

-Fixed audio sample ROM mapping and corrected title of Pata Pata Panic. [Katsuhiko Kagami]
 * Previously called "Acchi Muite Hoi" based on incorrect auction description.

-InterPro improvements - ip2800 boots to FDM prompt with many memdiag test failures: [Patrick Mackinlay]
 * Fixed CPU/MMU ssw bug.
 * Added preliminary nscsi support.
 * Added preliminary MMU address translation.
 * Expanded memory maps for several devices.
 * Improved IRQ and DMA handling (still not working properly).
 * Stubbed out more SGA registers, added SRARB.
 * Added NCR53C94 support to ncr5390.cpp.
 * Added start/stop unit command to t10spc.cpp.

-Fixed issue with the Emscripten port where the emulation would continue to run while paused. [Steven Hugg]

-CoCo: Added support for Games Master Cartridge developed by John Linville as slot device. [Tim Lindner]

-Netlist library updates: [Couriersud]
 * Changed Solver.PARALLEL parameter definition - 0: no parallelism; 1: one processor parallel; >1: solve n subnets in parallel.
 * Refactored OPENMP - all OPENMP operations are now templatized in pomp.h.
 * Added 16-bit Galois LFSR generator (used to simulate thermal junction noise in Cheeky Mouse).

-cheekyms: Added netlist-based discrete audio emulation, replacing the placeholder DACs. [Vas Crabb, Couriersud]
 * Thanks to Sam Grech for supplying high-quality scans of the schematics.

-monymony, jackrabt: Added netlist for analog processing in melody section of 1B11132 sound board. [Vas Crabb]
 * Added a crude TTL Schmitt trigger model that allows input to source current.
 * Thanks to Couriersud for fixing a rather stupid typo in the tromba (trumpet) section of the netlist.
 * Cassa (bass drum) is currently disconnected as it causes issues with current simulation.
 * Mixing melody with speech and SFX is done outside the netlist, and relative levels are probably wrong.

-Wide-ranging modernisation/cleanup: [Vas Crabb]
 * Moved static data (short name, full name, source file) out of devices and into device types.
 * Made game drivers add machine configuration in the same way as any other device.
 * Added support for machine configuration in device members, allowing many internal handlers to be made protected or private.
 * Moved many constants used internally by devices out of headers and into source files.
 * Converted many constants to scoped enums, and reduced scope of many constants and types.
 * Made many callback setters forward the parameter
 * Cleaned up many names that are reserved because they begin with _[A-Z] or contain two consecutive underscores.
 * Gave many devices more descriptive names, and renamed some device types and classes with overly generic names.
 * Untangled fantasy sound and Microprose 3D noise from the driver state classes.
 * Converted DECO BSMT2000 ready callback from a function pointer to a device delegate.
 * Made many devices use object finders for subdevices rather than doing tagmap lookups later.
 * Started to disentangle TI-99 from TI-990 and organised stuff by bus type.
 * Made some TI-99 buses use slot/card interfaces properly.
 * Turned some of the FM, SID, SCSP DSP, EPIC12 and Voodoo cores into idiomatic C++.
 * Factored out some boilerplate for YM chips with PSG.
 * Made Z180 table allocation/setup a bit safer.
 * Improved encapsulation of Z80DART channels and SNES PPU.
 * Converted generic keyboard and terminal to use a device delegate rather than WRITE8 since
space/offset/mask aren't relevant.
 * Made terminal device dynamically allocate buffer so derived devices (e.g. teleprinter) can specify size.
 * Started to break out common parts of Samsung ARM SoC devices.
 * Consolidated and de-duplicated forward declarations in src/emu, and removed some obsolete ones.
 * Added #include guards to many headers that were missing them, and made many existing ones consistent.
 * Removed rarely used output and PTY interfaces from emu.h prefix header.

-Improvements to auxiliary verbs: [Vas Crabb]
 * Added support for device sets to -listroms (e.g. mpu401 or m68705p3).
 * Added support for multiple names/patterns to -listroms, -verifyroms and -listxml.
 * Added check that device short names don't exceed 32 characters in -validate.
 * Made -listxml instantiate slot devices as children of slots rather than the root device.
 * Improved performance of device type walk by at least two thirds.

-Converted many devices to use machine configuration in member functions. [Vas Crabb, Ivan Vangelista]

-exidy.cpp: Added PROMs from bootleg to mtrap sets as bad dumps. [f205v, Ivan Vangelista]

-Added preliminary Sharp SM590 CPU core. [Lord Nightmare, hap]

-QSound/DL-1425: Updated ROM and comments with corrections from recent decap. [Lord Nightmare, Siliconpr0n,

superctr, Quench]

-Williams Special Chip 1/2: Added pinout diagram, clarified abbreviations, and fixed comments about SC1 vs SC2 behavior.[Sean Riddle, Lord Nightmare]

-Irem audio: Replaced generic latch with more accurate emulation: [Lord Nightmare]
 * Fixed missing D7 on sound latch, made device_reset clear latch; fixed case where sound CPU interrupt could be cleared in error.

-epos.cpp updates: [Lord Nightmare]
 * Corrected ROM names/comments and added rom types based on PCB pictures.
 * Noted that revngr84 is a newer set than revenger based on ROM numbering.
 * Implemented Tristar 9000 hardware AY-3-8910 port A 'multiplexer'.
 * Switched Tristar 8000 hardware to use AY-3-8912 as shown on schematics.

-BP1200: Mostly traced out the SM48D socket module. [Lord Nightmare]

-Added a note and flag indicating that Williams' Mayday has unemulated protection that is currently hacked around. [Lord Nightmare]

-Cleaned up GENie Lua scripts and corrected some header file names. [dankan1890]

-Made software list menu appear if appropriate when starting a machine from the Favorites menu. [dankan1890]

-scyclone.cpp: Redumped bad ROM, dumped PROMs. [ShouTime]

-williams.cpp: Redumped defenderj bad ROM, game now works. [ShouTime]

-stv.cpp: Documented mask ROM version of epr_17951a BIOS. [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]

-Added Japan Dreamcast flash dump. [rtw]

-segas18.cpp: Dumped later version of Shadow Dancer sound CPU ROM, documented main program EPR labels. [rtw]

-by68701.cpp: Added missing ROM dump for flashgdnp1. [PinMAME]

-aristmk4, aristmk5, aristmk5: Added more sets and improved documentation. [Heihachi_73]
 * Many dumps were corrupted by being transfered to a UNIX system using FTP mode A.

-Updated Taito Power JC and Taito Type Zero descriptions. [sjy96525]

-Added working controls for War: Final Assault and Road Burners. [sjy96525]

-Improved Critter Crusher / Tatacot Gun Control [sjy96525]

-hh_tms1k.cpp: Fix spelling error in cnbaskb description. [Dagarman]

-xbox: Replaced bad dump of MCPX 1.0 ROM with checksums with correct checksums. [Mark Riley]

-Amiga: Use correctly sized boot ROMs for the A1000 (mask ROMs are much larger than the content). [Guru]

-royalmah.cpp: Redumped mjyarou and verified it only has one Z80. [Guru]

-dsoccr94: removed redundant DIP switches. [Bad A. Billy]

-r9751: Added terminal keyboard callback. [Brandon Munger]

-Updated lua engine documentation. [Dan Amador]

-Updated hiscore.dat. [Leezer]

-Removed the minimum sleep time constraint in video_manager::throttle_until_ticks.


Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 6 [hap, yoyo_chessboard]
Game & Watch: Mario's Cement Factory [hap, Sean Riddle, JonasP]
Gunstar Heroes (Mega Play) [colour thief, brizzo]
Hashire Patrol Car (J 990326 V1.000) [BillD, ShouTime, rtw, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, MetalliC, The Dumping Union]
Jang Taku (V 1.3) [system11, The Dumping Union]
Jockey Club II (v1.12X, older hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
Minitel 2 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
Novag Constellation Forte (version A) [Berger]
Player's Edge Plus (PS0629) Double Hot Peppers Slots [Brian Troha]
Revenger '84 (newer) [Andrew Welburn, Craig Anstett, Angelo Salese]
Space Cyclone [David Haywood, Nicolas Francfort, Sean Sutton, Tourniquet, ShouTime, Anonymous Donator, ranger_lennier, David Stevens, Mr. Goodwraith, John Wilke, Paul Vining, Ryan Gatto, rtw, Jan Stuhler, Rod_Wod, Elliott Kipper, Greg Stout, *=/STARRIDER\=*,Ross Esposito, Paul Gaulton, Chris Heflin, Anonymous Donator from Switzerland, Fabien Marsaud, Surgeville, krick, B2K24,Anonymous Donator from Italy, David Jorge, Andrea Babich, Ciacchi Stefano, Mucci, gamez fan, Brian Troha, VFR750P, anonymous, Mr. Anonymous from Outer Space, InsertMoreCoins, Game Preservation Society, dax_PL, Russell Howard, Peter Wilhelmsen, Sebastien Monassa, f205v, Smitdogg, Gerald (COY), Brian Sutherland, The Dumping Union]
Zone 60 (Jungle Soft / Ultimate Products (HK) Ltd) [RebeccaRGB]
7 Smash [David Haywood]
Contra (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Boxing [hap, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Donkey Kong II [hap, Sean Riddle, Reinier]
Game & Watch: Mickey & Donald [hap, Sean Riddle, O. Galibert]
Gradius (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Heated Barrel (World version 3) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
Legionnaire (World) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
Lone Ranger (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Mahjong Yarou [BET] (Japan, set 1) [Guru, Ivan Vangelista]
MegaTouch XL (Version R1, prototype?) [R. Belmont]
MegaTouch XL 6000 (Version r07) [R. Belmont]
Microman Battle Charge (J 990326 V1.000) [MetalliC]
Poker Genius [AJR]
Technical Bowling (J 971212 V1.000) [MetalliC]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Top Gun (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]

Bagman (Taito) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Bucky O'Hare (ver JAA) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Asia TW 930223) [yuic]
Captain Silver (Japan, revision 1) [Apocalypse, The Dumping Union]
Craft II+ [Datassette, R. Belmont]
Dottori-Man Jr. [hap]
Heathkit H-19 w/ ULTRA ROM [Mark Garlanger]
Jackal (bootleg, Rotary Joystick) [f205v, The Iron Goat]
Jockey Club II (v1.01, older hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
Jockey Club II (v1.10X, older hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
Jockey Club II (v2.03X RC, older hardware, prototype) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
Jockey Club II (v2.00, newer hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
Jockey Club II (v2.01X, newer hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
Jockey Club II (v2.04, newer hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
Jockey Club II (v2.20X, newer hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
King of Boxer (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Mahjong Yarou [BET] (Japan, set 2) [system11, The Dumping Union]
Mandinga (bootleg of Amidar) [Josele Fernandez]
Mega Force (US) [ShoutTime, The Dumping Union]
MegaTouch XL 6000 (Version r04) [arbee]
Mouse Trap (version 4, bootleg) [f205v]
Nebulous Bee [Ivan Vangelista]
Nibbler (rev 7) [CraftyMech]
Ojanko Club (Japan, set 2) [Yasuhiro Ogawa]
Pang (bootleg, set 5) [Gerald (COY), ShinobiZ]
Penky (Italian) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Phoenix (Hellomat Automaten bootleg) [unknown]
Rastan Saga (Japan Rev 1) [Michel BLANCO]
Real Mahjong Haihai (Japan, older) [system11, The Dumping Union]
Shiritsu Justice Gakuen: Legion of Heroes (Japan 971216) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Space War (Leisure and Allied) [Kaizen]
Space Wipeout [Andrew Welburn]
Speak & Spell (Spanish, prototype) [hap, Sean Riddle, David Viens]
Star Sweep (World, STP2/VER.A) [Coolmod/Bill D]
Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (Asia 931005) [idc/Team Avalaunch]
Tatacot (JA 951128 V1.000) [BillD, ShouTime, Sean Sutton, Anonymous Donator, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Top Landing (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 2000 (v4.XX3 Spanish Evaluation) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 3000 (v5.02 Spainish) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 3000 (v5.XX Standard AMOA Evaluation) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Wonder Boy (set 6, 315-5179) [Mathieu Patard]

Galaxy Wars (Taito) [Kaizen]
Heated Barrel (Electronic Devices license) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
Heated Barrel (US) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
Heated Barrel (World old version) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
Heated Barrel (World version 2) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
Jockey Club II (v1.00, older hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
Jockey Club II (v2.05, newer hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
Legionnaire (Japan) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
Legionnaire (US) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
MegaTouch XL 6000 (Version r02) [R. Belmont]
T.T. Defender [ShouTime]

A-Plan [Guru]
Acorn Communicator [R. Belmont]
Betting Zoo - Mr. Cashman (0251064, US) [Heihachi_73]
BPM Microsystems BP-1200 [Lord Nightmare]
Buccaneer (0252523, US) [Heihachi_73]
Canyon Rose (AHG1463, US) [Heihachi_73]
Chrysler Electronic Voice Alert (11-function) [hap, Sean Riddle, David Viens]
Cyber Arcade 120-in-1 [David Haywood]
Diamond Destiny (AHG1533, US) [Heihachi_73]
Dragon Treasure (Rev B) (GDS-0030B) [f205v, rtw]
Dream Hunting (US) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Football Power [ArcadeHacker, The Dumping Union]
Fortune Fever (BHG1566, US) [Heihachi_73]
Hog Wild (US) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
InterAct 32-in-1 [David Haywood]
InterAct 8-in-1 [David Haywood]
Jumping Beans (0100161V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Lexibook Compact Cyber Arcade [David Haywood]
Mushiking The King Of Beetles 2004 Second (Japan) [f205v, rtw]
One For All (0101503V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Quest of D Oukoku no Syugosya Ver. 3.02 [ShouTime]
Quest of D The Battle Kingdom [ShouTime]
Return of the Samurai (10117211, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Royal King Jang Oh 2 (v4.00 1984 Jun 10th) [system11, The Dumping Union]
Scatter Magic III (0452569, US) [Heihachi_73]
Shoot Away II [R. Belmont, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Sweet Liberty Deluxe (AHG1575, US) [Heihachi_73]
V-Dog (prototype) [David Haywood]
Wild Coyote (AHG1515, US) [Heihachi_73]
dreamGEAR 75-in-1 [David Haywood]
dreamGEAR My Arcade Portable Gaming System (DGUN-2561) [David Haywood]
dreamGEAR Wireless Motion Control with 130 games (DGUN-2500) [David Haywood]

Bachelorette Party (BHG1579, US) [Heihachi_73]
Big Ben (20126911, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Big Red (1J009211, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Mark Of The Millennium 2001 (GDL-0008)
  [rtw, Eunice Rodriguez, Surgeville, Jacob Kesinger, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Cash Crop (0300447V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Dragon Treasure (Rev A) (GDS-0030A) [f205v, rtw]
Dynamite Jack (CHG1562, US) [Heihachi_73]
Enchanted Forest - Cash Express (CHG1536, US) [Heihachi_73]
Geisha - Jackpot Carnival (0351033, US) [Heihachi_73]
Helen of Troy (1J008311, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Inca Sun (DHG1577, US) [Heihachi_73]
King Penguin (20109021, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Koala Mint (CHG1573, US, set 2) [Heihachi_73]
Loco Loot (AHG1513, US) [Heihachi_73]
Margarita Magic (EHG1559, US, set 2) [Heihachi_73]
Mountain Money (BHG1465, US) [Heihachi_73]
Mountain Money - Cash Express (AHG1629, US) [Heihachi_73]
Party Gras (AHG1568, US) [Heihachi_73]
Peacock Magic (0151352, US) [Heihachi_73]
Penguin Pays (0300113V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Pompeii (0151158, US) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile (0301059V, Holland) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile Special Edition (20102811, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Special Forces Elite Training (v01.02.00) [ShouTime, R. Belmont, The Dumping Union]
Star Trek: Voyager (stand-up version 1.002) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union, R. Belmont]
Sun & Moon (0251303, US) [Heihachi_73]
Super Bucks II (0300006V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1.04) Germany [PinMAME]
Thrill Drive 2 (ver JAA)  [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Toucan Tango (0301388V, Holland) [Heihachi_73]
Unicorn Dreaming (BHG1584, US) [Heihachi_73]
Wild Thing (0201176V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]

Nuevo software list additions que funcionan
cgenie_cass: Colour Frog, Synthesizer (TCS), Colour-Zap Ver 1.0 (TCS), DIG-BOY (TCS) [Juergen Buchmueller]
  Arkanoid 2: Revenge of Doh, Crime Wave, Prince of Persia (5.25", v1.1), Operation Wolf, Terminator 2: Judgment Day [ArcadeShadow]
  Ferrari Formula One, Savage [breiztiger]
ibm5170: Dark Seed, The Secret of Monkey Island [ArcadeShadow]
ibm5150, ibm5170: Many IBM PC-DOS sets [Justin Kerk]
t1000: MS-DOS (Version 2.11, Tandy version 02.11.24), MS-DOS (Verson 3.30, Tandy Version 03.30.20) [Justin Kerk]
z80ne_cass: 27 known titles in 1200, 600 and 300 Baud variants [Reagan Roush]
z80ne_flop: 39 known titles [Reagan Roush]

Nuevo software list additions que no funcionan
gba_ereader: Doubutsu no Mori Card-e (Series 1 and Series 2 cards) [Shideravan]

Traducciones añadidas o modificadas
Hungarian [Lothar Serra Mari]

Pagina oficial:

Descarga de la versión 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión 64 bits:

Pugsy Cheat v.0.186

Este archivo creado por Pugsy que fue el primero en crear los trucos para MAME, contiene los trucos para los juegos del emulador MAME actualizados hasta la versión 0.186, podéis escoger si usáis este archivo o el de Wayne pero no los dos en el mismo MAME

Modo de empleo:
- Tras descargar el fichero descomprimir el archivo , que debeis extraer en el directorio del mame en
este caso el 0.186 y seleccionarlo en la ruta de directorios de cheats en la configuración de cheats del

Página oficial:

Descarga de su página oficial.

martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

Cemu v1.8.0.b

Nueva versión final de este emulador de Wii U que va mejorando cada vez más pero por ahora empiezan a funcionar bien algunos juegos, es algo lento todavía pero progresa muy rápido.

- Puede correr imágenes de Wii U encriptadas (WUD) y archivos RPX/RPL
- Resolución Interna es  1920x1080 (Si el juego la soporta)
- Sin optimizar. Espera bajos framerates y largos tiempos de carga.
- Funciona sólo en Windows x64 . puede que en otras plataformas posteriormente.
- Requerido OpenGL 3.3

- Posibilidads de usar shaders por separado
- Añadido scaner de memoria
- Mejoras gráficas
- Pequeñas optimizaciónes

En detalle:

# New in 1.8.0b:

general: Fixed a bug in calculation of fullscreen window size

GX2: Fixed crash caused by out-of-bounds vertex attribute locations

# New in 1.8.0:

general: Added memory scanner (search and filter for values)
general: If Cemu is maximized to fullscreen, it will remain on the same monitor rather than defaulting to the primary monitor

RPL: Optimized loading of RPLs

GX2: Cemu now uses separable shaders
Vertex, geometry and pixel shaders are split into separate and independent programs rather than bundling them into sets
This change breaks compatibility with pre-1.8.0 shader caches and graphic packs (if they contain shaders)

GX2: Added support for using the same texture multiple times with different sampler parameters during a single drawcall
GX2: Graphic pack texture rules will automatically scale gl_FragCoord
GX2: Implemented shader instructions RECIPSQRT_FF and RECIP_FF
GX2: GPU7 shader decompiler will output slightly more optimized GLSL code
GX2: Better detection for invalidation of data in Streamout cache
GX2: Optimized frequently used GX2 API
GX2: Optimized texture decoding
GX2: Added command line option '-nsight' to allow debugging via NVIDIA Nsight

Página oficial:


domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017

PPSSPP 1.4.2

Ha sido publicada una nueva versión final que arregla algunos fallos del mejor emulador de la consola portátil Sony PSP para windows y android,si queréis apoyarlo también tiene una versión gold que se puede comprar en ambas y que solo se diferencia en que pone gold, viene como siempre con novedades y arreglos.


- Arreglado un fallo que  hacia que en varios juegos se rompía el emulador en ARM64, como po ejemplo en Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker
- Arreglos un fallo que rompia el emilador en el renderizado por software,
- Arreglos para homebrew: Timing, MEMSIZE

Página oficial:

Descarga de la versión de Windows:

Descarga de la versión de Android:

viernes, 26 de mayo de 2017

PSX Datacenter Actualización 27-Mayo-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter de la parte de PS2 y lo hace añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos como Mahou Tsukai Kurohime, Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro - Battle de Yo!, Maple Colors, Marl de Jigsaw, Matantei Loki Ragnarok Mayoukaku, Memories Off - After rain Vol.2, RockMan - Power Battle Fighters  o Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2

Mahou Tsukai Kurohime [SLPM-66164] (J)
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro - Battle de Yo! [SLPM-55031] (J)
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro - Battle de Yo! [Limited Edition] [SLPM-55030] (J)
Maple Colors [SLPM-65934] (J)
Marl de Jigsaw [SLPS-20129] (J)
Marl de Jigsaw [Limited Edition] [SLPS-20128] (J)
Marl de Jigsaw [Nippon Ichi the Best] [SLPS-20284] (J)
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2003 [SLPM-65417] (J)
Matantei Loki Ragnarok Mayoukaku [SLPM-66141] (J)
Memories Off - After rain Vol.2 - Souen [SLPM-65903] (J)
Memories Off - After rain Vol.2 - Souen [Special Edition] [SLPM-65902] (J)
Memories Off - After rain Vol.2 - Souen [SuperLite 2000 Renai Adventure] [SLPM-66282] (J)
RockMan - Power Battle Fighters [SLPM-62491] (J)
Simple 2000 Honkaku Shikou vol.003 - The Chess [SLPM-62174] (J)
Simple 2000 Ultimate Vol.028 - Bousou! Kenka Grand Prix, Drive to Survive [SLPS-20445] (J)

Drive to Survive [SLUS-21109] (E)
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 [SLUS-20335] (E)
Megaman Anniversary Collection [SLUS-20833] (E)

Mambo [SLES-54839] (E)
Mashed - Fully loaded [SLES-53152] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Master Chess [SLES-52295] (E)
Master Rallye [SLES-50906] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(P)
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 [SLES-50870] (E)
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 [SLES-50871] (F)
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 [SLES-50872] (G)

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podéis hacerlo en Patreon:

Check them here:

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

PPSSPP 1.4.1

Ha sido publicada la nueva versión final del mejor emulador de la consola portátil Sony PSP para windows y android,si queréis apoyarlo también tiene una versión gold que se puede comprar en ambas y que solo se diferencia en que pone gold, viene como siempre con novedades y arreglos.


- Arreglados algunos bloqueos y fallos que rompían el emulador
- Optimizaciónes del decodificador de vertex
- Correcciones en el mipmap bias y la función de selección
- Grandes mejoras y arreglos en el renderizado por software, incluyendo el soporte de mipmap
- Soporte de imagen de fondo en la UI
- Arreglado fallo en los framebuffer blits que rompían el emulador y afectaba al Persona 3

Págia oficial:

Descarga de la versión de Windows:

Descarga de la versión de Android:

sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017

PSX Datacenter Actualización 13-Mayo-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter de la parte de PS2 y lo hace añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos como Mahoromatic - Moetto - KiraKira Maid-San, Mahou Sensei Negima! 2, Majokko A La Mode II, Marheaven Arm Fight Dream, Manhunt 2, Majokko a la Mode, Marc Ecko's Getting Up  o Megaman X Command Mission

Mahoromatic - Moetto - KiraKira Maid-San [SLPM-65333] (J)
Mahoromatic - Moetto - Kirakira Maid-san [Limited Edition] [SLPM-65332] (J)
Mahou Sensei Negima! 2-Jikanme ~Tatakau Otometachi! Mahora Daiundokai SP~ [Gold Medal] [SLPM-66062] (J)
Mahou Sensei Negima! 2-Jikanme ~Tatakau Otometachi! Mahora Daiundokai SP~ [Konami the Best] [SLPM-66259] (J)
Mahou Sensei Negima! 2-Jikanme ~Tatakau Otometachi! Mahora Daiundokai SP~ [Silver Medal] [SLPM-66063] (J)
Mai-Otome Hime - Otome Butou Shi [SLPS-25681] (J)
Mai-Otome Hime - Otome Butou Shi [Limited Edition] [SLPS-25680] (J)
Majokko A La Mode II - Hikari to Yami no Etranger [SLPM-66755] (J)
Majokko A La Mode II - Hikari to Yami no Etranger [Best Edition] [SLPM-66990] (J)
Majokko a la Mode II - Hikari to Yami no Etranger [Limited Edition] [GN-07021] (J)
Marc Ecko's Getting Up - Content Under Pressure [SLKA-25331] (K)
Marheaven Arm Fight Dream [SLPM-66156] (J)
Marheaven Arm Fight Dream [Konami the Best] [SLPM-66630] (J)
Rockman X Command Mission [SLPM-65643] (J)

Manhunt 2 [SLUS-21613] (E)
Marc Ecko's Getting Up - Content Under Pressure [SLUS-21032] (E)
Marc Ecko's Getting Up - Content Under Pressure [Limited Edition] [SLUS-21294] (E)
Marvel Super Hero Squad [SLUS-21910] (E)
Megaman X Command Mission [SLUS-20903] (E)

Manhunt 2 [SLES-54819] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Maniac Mole [SLES-53189] (E)
Marc Ecko's Getting Up - Content Under Pressure [SLES-53459] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Marvel Super Hero Squad [SLES-55572] (E)(Du)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Mashed - Drive to Survive [SLES-52446] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Megaman X Command Mission [SLES-52832] (E)(F)(G)

Slam Tennis (F) (Du) [SLES-50776]
Manual scans by falinxx, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podéis hacerlo en Patreon:

Check them here:

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

Phoenix v2.8.J

Una nueva versión  final de este gran emulador de la consola 3DO para windows  y Linux creado por el programador ruso Altmer,usa renderizado por Hardware para mejorar la imagen, soporta isos comprimidas, etc, y también emula la SMS y en esta versión la Atari Jaguar.

Nuevo en esta versión:

- Not very fast, is not very high quality, but is emulated Atari Jaguar!
- Support PAL BIOS with disabled RSA in 3DO
- Conversion (option from the File menu) Jaguar ROM without a title and incorrect 3DO ISO
- Profiling access to CD-ROM in 3DO

Requisitos minimos del sistema:
P3, 128mb, windows xp/vista/7  tarjeta gráfica con Shader 2.0, el procesador de 2.5GHz.

Pagina oficial en Ruso:

Descarga versión Windows 32 Bits:

Descarga versión Windows 64 Bits:

Descarga versión Linux 32 Bits:

Descarga versión Linux 64 Bits:

viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

PSX Datacenter Actualización 06-Mayo-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos de PSX y actualizando muchas otras como From TV Animation - One Piece - Oceans Of Dreams, Ma-Jyan de Pon! Hanahuda de Koi! Our Graduation, Mini Moni - Shaker to Tambourine! Da Pyon! , Namco Museum, Natsuiro Kenjutsu Komachi o los Nascar con nuevo contenido como portadas en alta resolución, información, nuevos trucos, publicidades y muchos otros cambios.

Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PSX Datacenter:

Nankuro 4 [SuperLite 1500 Series] [SLPM-86795] (J)
Nintei-Ou [SLPS-01757] (J)
Nishijin Pachinko Tengoku EX [SLPS-02175] (J)
Virtua Pachi-Slot EX [SLPS-02295] (J)

From TV Animation - One Piece - Oceans Of Dreams [SLPS-03550] (J)
M6 Turbo Racing [SLES-00980] (F)
Ma-Jyan de Pon! Hanahuda de Koi! Our Graduation [SLPS-02576] (J)
Mini Moni - Shaker to Tambourine! Da Pyon! [SLPM-87132] (J)
Mini Moni Shaker & Tambourine! Dapyon! [Tambourine Set] [SLPM-87079] (J)
Namco Museum Vol.3 [SLUS-00398] (E)
Namco Museum Vol.3 [SLPS-00390] (J)
Namco Museum Vol.3 [PlayStation the Best] [SLPS-91160] (J)
Namco Museum Vol.3 [SCES-00268] (E)
Namco Museum Vol.4 [SLUS-00416] (E)
Namco Museum Vol.4 [SLPS-00540] (J)
Namco Museum Vol.4 [PlayStation the Best] [SLPS-91161] (J)
Namco Museum Vol.4 [SCES-00701] (E)
Nascar 2000 [SLUS-00962] (E)
Nascar 2000 [SLES-02191] (E)
Nascar 2001 [SLUS-01263] (E)
Nascar Thunder 2002 [SLUS-01403] (E)
Nascar Thunder 2003 [SLUS-01502] (E)
Nascar Thunder 2004 [SLUS-01571] (E)
Natsuiro Kenjutsu Komachi [SLPS-02667] (J)
Natsuiro Kenjutsu Komachi [Limited Edition] [SLPS-02665-6] (J)
Natsuiro Kenjutsu Komachi [Best Edition] [SLPS-03565] (J)
Navit [SLPS-01530] (J)
Navit [Artdink Best Choice] [SLPS-02525] (J)
NBA Hoopz [SLUS-01331] (E)
NBA Hoopz [SLES-03362] (E)
Añadidas nuevas descripciones, portadas en alta resolución,nuevas publicidades y imagenes.

Yaku - Yuujou Dangi (J) [SLPS-00152]
Manual scans cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.

Podeis consultarlas en:

Si quereís contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

DgVoodoo v2.54

Es una utilidad que permite usar tarjetas que soportaban el chip gráfico voodoo en su modo glide y el
soporte de los DX antiguos, lo cual es muy útil para juegos que funcionan en los windows actuales pero que usaban una tarjeta voodoo para mejorar los gráficos, además permite usar resoluciones mayores y aspecto de widescreen , entre otras mejoras:

Soporta usando Direct3D 11:

- Glide 2.11, Glide 2.45, Glide 3.1 y Glide 3.1 Napalm
- DirectX 1-7 (todas las versiones de DirectDraw y Direct3D que sea superior a la version 7)
- Direct3D 8.1

Cambios de la versión:

- Windows input issues caused by the wrapper are fixed (Outlaws, GTA1 DDraw mode, etc.)
- Rendering transition between Glide/DDraw is fixed (Outlaws)
- Concept of setup application is replaced with concept of Control Panel (CPL)

Control Panel App:
- Contrast as a new color adjustment option is added
- Preserving predefined monitor color profile(s) for fullscreen mode as an option is added
- A general option for centering the application/game window is added
- DirectX texture filtering options are changed, possibility of forcing anisotropic filtering is introduced
- New scaling mode with C64-like output (it’s not a feature but more like an experimenting code)
- Visual cosmetics

- Some of the DDraw code is guarded to avoid the unexpected worst-way DLL unloading
- Now LithTech engine games (Blood2, NOLF, Kiss Psycho Circus, …) should tolerate Alt-Tab on Win10
- Some other extra guarding to prevent crashes, Virtua Cop2 now works in D3D mode
- Blit bug and clipper incompatibility fixed in DDraw (D3DRM, Tokipazu, tech demo Final Reality)
- Minor issue in DDraw and bad L6V5U5 format descriptor is fixed (Kyro tech demos)
- Adding support for plain surface format A8L8 (DDraw) (Matrox G400 Tech Demo)
- D3D3 fog fixed (Shadows of The Empire patched to 1.1)
- Execute buffer bug fixed in D3D (D3DRM)
- Some D3D5 incompatibilities are fixed (crash and texture handling with Space Bunnies Must Die)
- Fixing D3D6 bugs and calculations of old software-only lighting and other incompatible things (DX6 SDK sample applications (Immediate/Retained) + Fog City/Tirtanium demos)
- Unexpected way of texture compression is implemented (D3D7, Soulbringer)
- Adding support for Q8W8V8U8 texture format (D3D8) (3DMark 2001 SE, Nature, Pixel shader and Advanced Pixel shader test)
- D3D8 device handling bug is fixed (multimonitor environment)
- D3D8 compatibility fixings, now handling managed textures is compatible with Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst (corrupt mipmapping)
- Issue with D3D8 device capabilities and SYSTEMMEM vertex buffers are fixed (LKCC demos)
- D3D8 DrawIndexedPrimitive bug fixed (Syberia 2)
- Adding support for depth buffer format D24X4S4 (D3D8) (Matrox Parhelia Reef Tech Demo)
- Adding support for volume textures (D3D8), though with limited number of formats (Matrox Parhelia Coral Reef Tech Demo + DX8 SDK VolumeTexture sample + general)
- Lower resource usage is partly included in this version. For the time being, only the usage of GPU accessible system memory.
- General bugfixing, like unexpected forced windowed mode (Soulbringer movies), vertex shader (missing fog in Colin McRae Rally), non-perspective polygon drawing bug, fixed (Zanzarah The Hidden Portal), and a lot other
- Handling depth buffers had some bugs at FL 10.0, fixed (D3D11)
- Potential bad driving of D3D11 at FL10.1 when no resolution and MSAA is forced (D3D11) (Gorky17)
- Some (regression and other) bugs in the D3D11 renderer are fixed

GeForce 4 profile is slightly modified to match a real GF4
- Now light beams in Splinter Cell 1 should be rendered correctly through the GF4 card type (unblurred lights with occlusion)

2 new videocard types are added:
- GeForce FX 5700 Ultra (keeps the soft shadows for Splinter Cell 1 (because I like it :D) and will hopefully be feasible to provide place for new features later)
- Matrox Parhelia-512 (for Matrox Coral Reef Demo 1.1 and other Matrox tech demos)

- Glide fix (far background in front of the 3D world: Mig29, Uprising)
- Texture memory report is modified to match that of a real 3Dfx driver (Slave Zero)

- Tons of code changing for new features that are not ready yet and so not included in this version

Sitio oficial:

Descarga si necesita el password es "dege" sin las comillas:

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

Cemu v1.7.5

Nueva versión final de este emulador de Wii U que va mejorando cada vez más pero por ahora empiezan a funcionar juegos, es algo lento todavía pero progresa muy rápido.

- Puede correr imágenes de Wii U encriptadas (WUD) y archivos RPX/RPL
- Resolución Interna es  1920x1080 (Si el juego la soporta)
- Sin optimizar. Espera bajos framerates y largos tiempos de carga.
- Funciona sólo en Windows x64 . puede que en otras plataformas posteriormente.
- Requerido OpenGL 3.3

- Más exacta la emulación de FPU
- Optimizaciónes
- Arreglos

En detalle:

# New in 1.7.5:

CPU/Interpreter: Improved accuracy of various floating point operations (including correct handling for

PPC's non-ieee mode)
CPU/JIT: Added experimental support for PPC's non-ieee mode
CPU/JIT: Optimized loops and branches by caching CR0 in x64 flags register if possible

RPL: Fixed a crash caused by too large SDA areas

GX2: Various optimizations for the graphics backend, including:
... optimizing the algorithm for vertex/uniform/streamout cache lookup
... avoiding all redundant GL state changes
... implementing OpenGL DSA for textures
... other micro optimizations throughout the entire code
GX2: Fixed a bug leading to corrupted shader cache files
GX2: Rendering to SNORM textures is now correctly handled on Nvidia GPUs
GX2: Fixed a bug in GX2ClearBuffersEx() and GX2ClearDepthStencilEx() where depthbuffer->clearDepth was

set to the incorrect value
GX2: Fixed crash caused by unsupported vertex/geometry shader mode
GX2: Added experimental mode 'min' for game profile option 'accurateShaderMul' (see

gameProfiles/example.ini for details)
GX2: Modifying the 'accurateShaderMul' game profile option now invalidates precompiled shaders

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