sábado, 31 de marzo de 2018

PSX Datacenter Actualización 31-Marzo-2018

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter de la parte de PS2 y lo hace añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos como Atelier Lilie - Lilie no Atelier - Salberg no Renkinjutsushi 3, Pandora - Kimi no Namae o Boku wa Shiru, Panel Quiz Attack 25, Panic Palette, Pac-Man World 3, Parfait - Chocolat Second Style, Party Carnival o Peter Jackson's King Kong - The official game of the movie

Atelier Lilie - Lilie no Atelier - Salberg no Renkinjutsushi 3 [SLPS-25045] (J)
Atelier Lilie - Lilie no Atelier - Salberg no Renkinjutsushi 3 [Premium Box] [SLPS-25045P] (J)
Atelier Lilie Plus - Lilie no Atelier Plus - Salberg no Renkinjutsushi 3 [SLPM-65116] (J)
Atelier Lilie Plus - Lilie no Atelier Plus - Salberg no Renkinjutsushi 3 [Limited Edition] [GUST-00005]

Pachi-Slot - Kanzen Kouryaku Suro Genzin [SLPM-62739] (J)
Pandora - Kimi no Namae o Boku wa Shiru [SLPM-55269] (J)
Pandora - Kimi no Namae o Boku wa Shiru [Limited Edition] [PKP2-00702] (J)
Panel Quiz Attack 25 [SLPS-25148] (J)
Panel Quiz Attack 25 [DigiCube Best Selection] [SLPS-25187] (J)
Panic Palette [SLPM-66762] (J)
Panic Palette [Limited Edition] [SLPM-66761] (J)
Parfait - Chocolat Second Style [SLPM-66398] (J)
Parfait - Chocolat Second Style [Limited Edition] [ALCH-00007] (J)
Peter Jackson's King Kong - The official game of the movie [SLPM-66211] (J)
Peter Jackson's King Kong - The official game of the movie [SLKA-25337] (E)
Simple 2000 Series Vol.089 - The Party Games 2 [SLPS-20446] (J)

Pac-Man World 3 [SLUS-21219] (E)
Peter Jackson's King Kong - The official game of the movie [SLUS-21311] (E)
Pirates - Legend of the Black Buccaneer [SLUS-21478] (E)(F)(S)

Pac-Man World 3 [SLES-53959] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Party Carnival [SLES-54458] (E)
Peter Jackson's King Kong - The official game of the movie [SLES-53703] (E)(D)(Du)(Fi)(F)(G)(I)(N)(S)(Sw)
Peter Jackson's King Kong - The official game of the movie [SLES-53704] (R)
Peter Jackson's King Kong - The official game of the movie [SLES-53705] (E)
Pirates - Legend of the Black Buccaneer [SLES-54213] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)[/B]

Peter Jackson's King Kong (S) [SLES-53703]
Manual escaneado y creado en cbr por gladiator.

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DgVoodoo v2.55

Es una utilidad que permite usar tarjetas que soportaban el chip gráfico voodoo en su modo glide y el
soporte de los DX antiguos, lo cual es muy útil para juegos que funcionan en los windows actuales pero que usaban una tarjeta voodoo para mejorar los gráficos, además permite usar resoluciones mayores y aspecto de 16/9 o stretch , entre otras mejoras.:

Soporta usando Direct3D 11:

- Glide 2.11, Glide 2.45, Glide 3.1 y Glide 3.1 Napalm
- DirectX 1-7 (todas las versiones de DirectDraw y Direct3D que sea superior a la version 7)
- Direct3D 8.1

Cambios de la versión:

- Special release of dgVoodoo with DebugLayer providing feedback information is now available
INFO, WARNING and ERROR type messages with severity levels, including breaking into debugger
- API call tracing with detailed information
- Migrating to INI format configuration files – also, adding rarely needed/used configuration options for advanced users and game hacking like
- Dithering for both Glide and DirectX
- Pixel multiplied output with arbitrary or automatic scale factor
- Arbitrary extra DirectX resolutions
- New scaling mode for centered appearance, scaling is done by the wrapper
- New dynamic resolution modes (2x, 3x, …) are added
- Fixes for scaled output done by the wrapper (‘Stretched, * AR’ and ‘Centered, AR’ modes with larger than max of display-supported output images)
- Fix for ‘Best available one’ output type when only WARP is available
- Improved shader handling:
- Resource cache for reuse of D3D8 compiled shaders
- Dynamic shader compiling is moved to a background thread to avoid/minimize lags
- Glide: for all compiled shaders
- DirectX: for all compiled shaders that can be substituted by precompiled ones; also, unneeded shader variants could be unnecessary compiled, fixed

Control Panel App
- Folder/location list handling code is rewritten
- Appearance is now PerMonitorAwareV2 for DPI scaling
- Cosmetics: missing logo bitmap when monitor scale is >150%, fixed

- DllMain detection along with warning messages through the debug layer
- Surface/texture lock incompatibilites fixed (Zombie Shooter, The Mystery of the Druids)
- DirectDraw surface-create, cooperative level, PageLock error and other incompatibility fix (Zero

Comico, RC de Go, A Bug’s Life, Wartorn, Message in a Haunted Mansion, Micro Machines v3)
- 24 bit surface creation issue in DirectDraw is fixed (Blade Of Darkness lava)
- Support for partial Z-buffer copy in DirectDraw (The Revenant)
- Option for disabling the default and classic resolutions
- Possibility of extra resolutions enumerable to applications is added
- Bugs causing crash and black screen are fixed (Empires Dawn of The Modern World, Honour & Freedom)
- Some effort for avoiding app deadlocks in DirectDraw and QuartzHookLayer
- D3D FVF and other parameter validation incompatibility, fixed (Praetorians, Earthworm Jim 3D)
- D3D state block incompatibility, fixed (Soldiers of Anarchy)
- D3D non-W-friendly matrix in ComputeSphereVisibility calcs, fixed (Pac-Man Adventures in Time)
- Old D3D-lighting incompatibility, fixed (when revising code and docs)
- D3D lighting issue is fixed (flashing lights in Tomb Raider 4 and hopefully King Of The Roads)
- Fixing range based fog hw calculations (The Chosen: Well of Souls)
- ATI and GeForce profiles are modified to force W-pixelfog (compatibility with old drivers)
- Minor D3D DDI bug fixed (Bear Hero)
- Minor internal D3D state/lighting bugs fixed (Tonko4)
- D3D device type ‘Software MMX’ is removed from Direct3D7 for better compatibility (3D Blitz)
- Disabling 32 bit z-buffers for Direct3D3/5 (e.g. Shadows of The Empire)
- D3D FPU state handling incompatibility fix (for general cases, and it fixed nVidia demos Creature, Toy Soldiers and Crystal Ball)
- D3D colorkey bug fixed (Sponge Bob – Employee of The Month)
- Minor D3D/D3D8 bugs, D3D11 leaks fixed (my own tests)
- D3D/D3D8 ProcessVertices and general software vertex processing incompatibility, fixed (RIM – Battle Planets, Mafia with multipass rendering, Micro Commandos)
- Issue of mixed type D3D8 stream sources is fixed (missing player characters in Final Fantasy XI)
- D3D8 shader validator bug resulted in uncreated shaders, fixed (Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter)
Iimplementing D3D8 ValidateVertexShader and ValidatePixelShader for Microsoft Shader Assembler (Shadow of Destiny)
- D3D8 cursor handling and viewport depth scaling bugs fixed (WildFire)
- D3D8 GetFrontBuffer bug, fixed (Rome Total War) (movies only, ingame still has the old issues)
- D3D8 device reset fix (S.W.I.N.E.)
- Some D3D8 thing is fixed (The Gladiators Demo)
- D3D8 some object handling incompatibility fix (TOCA Racing Drive)
- Improvements for rendering with incompatible rendertarget/depthstencil buffers (TOCA Racing Drive)
- Changed behavior of window activating and entering fullscreen mode to
- Avoid OS issue appearing with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (e.g. Splinter Cell)
- Avoid unwanted situations/crashes and improve compatibility (e.g. Hitman 2/3, RavenShield)

- Clipping issues fixed (Gunmetal)
- LfbWriteRegion bug, fixed (Blade of Darkness, background images)
- Other fixes (broken multiadapter handling, manual screen mode changing)

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viernes, 30 de marzo de 2018

Metal Slug XX ULES-01429 PSP CWCHEAT

Este son los códigos creados de Metal Slug XX  en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se
añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini ULES-01429 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-01429
_G Metal Slug XX
_C0 1P Enable Leona Heidern
_L 0x00155B14 0x00000001
_C0 Invincible
_L 0x20516A18 0x000000FF
_C0 Infinite Lives
_L 0x20516CD7 0x000000FF
_C0 Infinite Time
_L 0x205A0619 0x000000FF
_C0 Max Power
_L 0x20516A68 0x00954500
_C0 Enable Weapon Slots
_L 0x20516A60 0xFFFFFFFF
_C0 All Stages
_L 0x00155AF0 0x00000006

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

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jueves, 29 de marzo de 2018

Metal Gear Ac!d 2 UCES-00284 PSP CWCHEAT

Este son los códigos creados de Metal Gear Ac!d 2 en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini UCES-00284 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-00284
_G Metal Gear Ac!d 2
_C0 Max Points
_L 0x20CC116C 0x0098967F
_C0 Infinite Health First Mission
_L 0x20E3D630 0x00000258
_L 0x20E3D632 0x00000258
_C0 Infinite Health Second Mission
_L 0x20D01C10 0x00000258
_L 0x20D01C12 0x00000258

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

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Speccy 4.7 para Windows y Linux

Nueva versión de este gran emulador de Spectrum creado por Marat Fayzullin que permite el uso de ordenadores Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16kB, 48kB y 128kB, Spectrum +2, +2A, y +3 y Timex Sinclair , con gran compatibilidad en los juegos, uso de trucos usando archivos de pokes y filtros gráficos para mejorar la imagen, también existe para Android en dos versiones gratis y una completa de pago.

Cambios en la nueva versión:
– Added remaining time display during replay.
– Stopping replay when emulation reset or state loaded.
– Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
– Added shadow underneath the time display.
– Compiled Speccy-Unix with -Wall and eliminated warnings.
– Deprecated -DSOUND, sound code always compiles now.

Página oficial:

Descargar versión de Windows:

Descargar versión de Linux:

Descargar versión de Android

Metal Gear Ac!d UCES-00008 PSP CWCHEAT

Este son los códigos creados de Metal Gear Ac!d en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini UCES-00008 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-00008
_G Metal Gear Ac!d
_C0 Infinite Health Level 1
_L 0x20D1491C 0x000000C8
_C0 Infinite Health Level 2
_L 0x209434DC 0x000000C8

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2018

fMSX 5.3 para Windows y Linux

También se ha actualizado con una nueva versión de este gran emulador de MSX creado por Marat Fayzullin que permite el uso de ordenadores MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+,con gran compatibilidad en los juegos, uso de trucos y filtros gráficos para mejorar la imagen, también existe para Andróid en dos versiones gratis y una completa de pago.

Cambios en la nueva versión:
– Added remaining time display during replay.
– Stopping replay when emulation reset or state loaded.
– Fixed replay rollover mechanism.
– Added shadow underneath the time display.
– Compiled fMSX-Unix with -Wall and eliminated warnings.
– Removed old LoadSTA() and SaveSTA() code.
– Finally deprecated -DNEW_STATES. .

Página oficial:

Descarga de su página oficial la versión de Windows:

Descarga de su página oficial la versión de Linux:

Android gratis:

MAME 0.196

Nueva versión del Mame final como cada último miércoles del mes, que desde hace varias versiones incluye el Mess en el mismo programa. Es un emulador de maquinas recreativas creado por Nicola Salmoria y el Mess lo que hace es emular ordenadores y consolas  como Spectrum, Commodore 64 y muchas mas.


MAME 0.196, our March release, is here just in time for Easter, and it’s packed with all the goodness you’ve come to expect. In a very exciting development, Team Caps0ff have extracted the C-chip data for Volfied, Superman, Rainbow Islands, and most importantly, Bonze Adventure. This cleanly fixes some of the most long-standing emulation issues in MAME. The improvements to Sega Model 2 have continued, with Virtua Fighter 2 and Motor Raid now considered working. Other Model 2 games are greatly improved as well.

For fans of 8-bit home computers, MAME 0.196 has improved ZX Spectrum family emulation, fixing many graphical glitches. A QuikLoad option has been added to several CP/M-80 machines, allowing .COM files to be loaded directly after the operating system has booted. Emulated IEEE-488 (GPIB) can now be tunnelled over sockets, opening up the possibility to simulate peripherals outside MAME. Interpro progress has continued, and is now at the point where you can boot the rebuild floppy.

Other new working arcade games include Big Buck Hunter, an older joystick-controlled version of Ghox, and a rare unprotected version of Opa Opa. With some fixes to our vector maths, War: The Final Assault is working, and Gunpey has been made playable using decompressed sprite data extracted from a working board. New LCD hand-helds include Dennis the Menace, Double Dragon 3, Jurassic Park, Spider-Man, The Addams Family, The Flash, and X-Men – Project X.

In an emulation first, MAME 0.196 supports QSound DSP emulation. For now, it’s only enabled for the vgmplay driver by default, and it requires a fairly fast computer to emulate at full speed. It will be enabled by default when system requirements are a bit more modest. The SH-4 recompiler has been enabled by default for Dreamcast-derived systems, giving substantial performance improvements.

- 00205: [Crash/Freeze] (asuka.cpp) bonzeadv: After dying in cave accessed via the secret hole, you restart trapped in darkness
- 00377: [Crash/Freeze] (asuka.cpp) bonzeadv: From third level, game hangs on dying because restart level is wrong (Caps0ff)
- 06287: [Graphics] (spectrum.cpp) spectrum, spec128, specpl3e: All in-game sprites from Comando Tracer flicker when moving (geecab)
- 06425: [Graphics] (spec128.cpp) specpl3e: Sprites flickering at level 2 and 6 in Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (geecab)
- 06869: [Plugins] Lua Cheat Plugin: Some cheat commands are ignored using Lua cheat engine (Carl)
- 06894: [Crash/Freeze] (taito_f3.cpp) ridingf, ringrage and clones: Exception after logo is displayed (cam900)
- 06895: [Graphics] (rohga.cpp) Many sets in rohga.cpp: Graphic “strips” of corruption (cam900)
- 06900: [Graphics] (holeland.cpp) holeland, holeland2: Priority bug on the boss level (Angelo Salese)
- 06908: [Speed] (iteagle.cpp) bbhcotw, bbh2sp: Game runs slow on certain levels despite being 100% in MAME (snow?) (Ted Green)
- 06917: [Sound] (artmagic.cpp) cheesech: New NVRAM causes a blasted sound on Get Ready screen at beginning of game (AJR)
- 06921: [Sound] (vigilant.cpp) All sets in vigilant.cpp: No sound (AJR)

-fidlstix, rndrndqs: Fixed interface between MCU and LCD controller and added 7-segment digits. [AJR]

-tms9927: Configure using character clock rather than dot clock. [AJR]

-pit8253: Converted counters to subdevices. [AJR]

-sega_315_5195: Internalized communication latches; sound now works in fpointbla. [AJR]

-sol20: Added RS-232 port. [AJR]

-mcb216, cb308: Replaced UART with TMS5501. [AJR]

-hnayayoi.cpp: Use HD6845 CRTC for video; improved screen parameters. [AJR]

-vt100_kbd: Rewrote as UART-based serial device. [AJR]

-vt100: Restored bottom lines of screen. [AJR]

-vt100, la120: Made ER1400 non-volatile storage actually work. [AJR]

-debugger: Fixed extent of debug view, wplist output, watchpoint view, and find command for address-shifted memory spaces. [AJR]

-ins8250: Added hack to reset transmitter when Baud rate is changed. [AJR]

-trs80.cpp: Derived almost all clocks from actual crystals, including raw screen parameters. [AJR]

-d9final: Added NVRAM. [AJR]

-qtsbc: Rewrote driver based on SBC-880 schematics. [AJR]

-ay31015: Fixed receiver desync when next start bit arrives early, and synchronization at start bit. [AJR]

-unkitpkr: Added switch to disable card graphics in bookkeeping mode. [AJR]

-Separated TLCS-90 external IRQ line state from internal request register – fixes tenkai slowdowns. [AJR]

-artmagic.cpp: Replaced NVRAM with parallel EEPROM, and improved ADPCM banking. [AJR]

-Added DEC 12-15336-00 RS232 loopback connector type (required for VT102 modem control self-test). [AJR]

-rainbow: Corrected bit rate generator clocks and types. [AJR]

-g65816: Allow use of separate address spaces for program, data, opcodes, and vectors. [AJR]

-scn2674: Added preliminary support for SCN2672 variant. [AJR]

-vgmplay: Disable POKEY and QSound devices if not required. [AJR]

-Include option and file names in fatal error message for failure to load media image. [AJR]

-model2.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Added custom debugger commands to dump geometrizer disassembly and triangle list.
* Worked around ld rN, (rN) read on FIFO – fixes multiple crashes.
* Skip normals for every triangle/quad in geo mode 2/3 – fixes multiple graphical glitches.
* Fixed untextured path colors (used by Motor Raid and Daytona USA).
* Added direct framebuffer drawing (used by Last Bronx title screen).

-sharc: Implemented additional instructions used by Model 2 games. [Angelo Salese]
* Added Rn = Rn FDEP Rx BY : opcode (used by Last Bronx for a vital geometrizer function).
* Added fmul abs multi opcode (used by Gunblade NY).
* Added SET_UREG case $67 (used by Zero Gunner 2B).
* Fixed LSHIFT negative operations to not sign-extend the result (fixes Last Bronx frame flickering).

-segaic24.cpp: Added xhout and xvout register callbacks (fixes Model 2 3D viewport positions). [Angelo Salese]

-Wrote a preliminary TGPx4 interpreter core. [Angelo Salese]

-i960.cpp: Added support for burst stall on writes. [Angelo Salese]

-ddayjlc.cpp: Fixed clouds priority and title screen colors, added flip screen. [Angelo Salese]

-amstrad: Ignore invalid PSG register selection – fixes input issues with Monty on the Run and Airborne Ranger. [Barry Rodewald]

-metro.cpp: Enabled button 2 in daitorid* – it’s used to reorient tiles. [cam900]

-hyprduel.cpp: Cleaned up, converted to use imagetek_i4220_device, changed sound output to mono. [cam900]

-imagetek_i4220.cpp: Only draw portion of tilemaps exposed by clipping rectangle (improves performance). [cam900]

-sknsspr: Converted to device_rom_interface, allocate decode buffer at start time. [cam900]

-galpani3.cpp: Cleaned up code, added notes, allocate buffers at start time, improved alpha blending, sprite/background priorities
and background/background priorities, and reduced code duplication. [cam900]

-jchan.cpp: Minor improvements to sprite/sprite priorities. [cam900]

-rohga.cpp: Fixed graphics decoding. [cam900]

-segapcm: Added support for clock speed changes, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-vgmplay updated: [cam900]
* Implemented Sega PCM interface registers.
* Convert QSound pitch to DSP clock input frequency.

-eolith.cpp: Corrected title/distributor for Chinese-language version of Iron Fortress. [cam900, Vas Crabb]

-kaneko16.cpp: Cleaned up OKI bank switching and sound latch handling. [cam900]

-es5510/taito_en updated: [cam900]
* es5510: Fixed DRAM read/write, and moved buffer allocation to start time.
* taito_en: Verified ESP input clock and output channels from GunBuster schematics, reduced runtime tag map lookups.
* esqpump.cpp: Split ES5506 out of interface.
* esqkt.cpp: Added esqpump for ES5510 interface, and fixed company tags.

-kaneko_grap2: Converted to device_rom_interface, added device address map, added internal palette, and implemented brightness
control. [cam900]

-mcatadv.cpp: Reduced code duplication, improved ROM region names, and converted to mono sound output. [cam900]

-wecleman.cpp: Added notes, cleaned up code, improved ROM region names, and converted to stereo sound output. [cam900]

-ES8712: removed sound output as it’s just a controller for an Oki MSM5205/6585 and 74157. [cam900]

-gcpinball.cpp, metro.cpp, lastbank.cpp, witch: Added notes, cleaned up code, and reduced runtime tag map lookups. [cam900]

-blzntrnd: Corrected stereo/mono outputs according to PCB type, fixed sound bank switching, and added notes. [cam900]

-lastbank: Use generic latch device for sound communication. [cam900]

-gcpinball.cpp: Improved ROM region names. [cam900]

-qs1000.cpp: Converted set_irq to WRITE_LINE_MEMBER. [cam900]

-eolith.cpp, eolith16.cpp, vegaeo.cpp: Cleaned up VRAM handling and drawing. [cam900]

-eolith.cpp, ghosteo.cpp, limenko.cpp, vamphalf.cpp, vegaeo.cpp: Modernized sound latches, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and
improved ROM region names. [cam900]

-hidctch3: Replaced driver init with machine configuration. [cam900]

-mastboy.cpp: Cleaned up code, moved banked RAM handler into address_map_bank_device, fixed RAM error, added notes, and improved ROM
region names. [cam900]

-xexex.cpp: Cleaned up code, reduced runtime tag map lookups, added notes, marked with MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS. [cam900]

-tecmosys.cpp: Fixed background color, cleaned up bank switching, reduced code duplication, reduced runtime tag map lookups, added
notes, and marked with MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS (due to imperfect linescroll/mixing) and MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL (due to incorrect
tilemap scroll when flipped). [cam900]

-ultraman.cpp, chqflag.cpp: Minor code clean-up. [cam900]

-k051649.cpp: Add scc_map to reduce duplication in driver memory maps. [cam900]

-divebomb.cpp: Use generic_latch_8_device for CPU communication and input_merger_any_high_device for interrupts, and improved tags.

-ddragon.cpp: Identified CPU types. [cam900]

-x68k: Implemented ADPCM panning and corrected ADPCM timer. [cam900]

-gstream.cpp: Added pre-calculated RGB palette for X2222, reduced code duplication, and removed unnecessary parameters. [cam900]

-Added extracted C-chip EPROM data for Volfied, Superman, Bonze Adventure, and Rainbow Islands; removed simulation. [Caps0ff]

-plugins/portname: Described revised format. [Carl]

-Added a hand-crafted C-chip EPROM for Rainbow Islands Extra, allowing simulation to be removed. [David Haywood]

-XaviX: Added notes on IRQ source register. [David Haywood]

-Added HDB-DOS device for Color Computer 1/2. [David Ladd]

-Added uPD934G percussion generator device, used by Casio RZ-1. [Dirk Best]

-hp64k: Added support for HPIB bus, and made extensive improvement to PHI emulation (BIST now passes). [F.Ulivi]

-Added slot device to tunnel IEEE-488 between processes over a socket connection. [F.Ulivi]

-Corrected Intellivision keyboard 6502 clock rate (was running at double speed). [Frank Palazzolo]

-spectrum: Fixed sprite flicker and missing graphics in several games. [geecab, R. Belmont]

-emscripten: Fixed issue causing drivers using netlists to fail, and disabled currently unsupported multithreading. [Justin Kerk]

-notetaker.cpp: Started to hook up EmulatorCPU 8086. [Lord Nightmare]

-naomi.cpp: Updated ROM board and BIOS documentation. [MetalliC]

-Dreamcast and derivatives: Enabled SH-4 recompiler by default. [MetalliC, Ryan Holtz]

-lynx96k: Added Scorpion and Danish ROMs as BIOS options. [Nigel Barnes]

-kr2376: Added keyboard matrix callbacks. [Nigel Barnes]

-bbc: Added cassette relay samples. [Nigel Barnes]

-bbc: Fixed shadow RAM corruption in Master/B+, and sideways RAM access in Model B. [Nigel Barnes]

-electron: Set CPU clock 2MHz/1MHz according to ROM/RAM access. [Nigel Barnes]

-model2.cpp: Fixed Zero Gunner background priorities. [O. Galibert]

-nes_apu: Derive frame counter from clock input. [O. Galibert]

-Removed macros from address maps. [O. Galibert]

-interpro: Various improvements, culminating in the ability to boot the “blue screen” rebuild floppy. [Patrick Mackinlay]
* Nearly boots CLIX – hangs trying to mount the filesystems.
* Refactored CPU/MMU memory access, added alignment faults, and added support for DMA virtual addressing.
* Implemented most C400 instructions, and fixed wait instruction.
* Removed broken forced interrupt handling.

-gunpey: Extracted decompressed sprite data – loaded to fix graphics until compression is understood.
[Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard]

-midvunit.cpp: Cleaned up inputs and outputs, improved motion inputs, and sorted main buttons. [Risugami]

-seattle.cpp: Cleaned up outputs. [Risugami]

-Added ability to start/stop AVI recording during emulation session, and improved handling of native aspect screenshots on systems
with arbitrary numbers of screens. [Ryan Holtz, Vas Crabb]

-M1COMM, M2COMM, S32COMM: Improved simulation: [SailorSat]
* Fixed partial frame read and added VSYNC packets.
* Added relay mode (used by stcc), detect/handle connection loss, improved sync.
* Converted to use osd_file rather than emu_file.
* Added comm_framesync option to force instances to stay in sync.
* Added preliminary MB89374 emulation – works well enough for Virtua Racing ad Virtua formula to link using real firmware.
* Removed m1comm from the default model1 configuration, as not every game has one.

-Converted glasgow.cpp to use mmboard device for chess board I/O. [Sandro Ronco]

-Corrected size of MK48T12 timekeeper RAM. [smf]

-validity check: Test all 33 possible results from count_leading_zeros() and count_leading_ones(). [smf]

-Donkey Kong: Changed orientation so that -norotate matches direct feed recordings. [smf]

-Added QuikLoad option for several CP/M-80 systems (Altos 5, Aussie Byte II, Decision Mate V, Kaypro, QX-10, Xerox 820). [Stefano]

-c352.cpp: Changed μ-law algorithm to match Namco’s Wii VC emulator, fixed static noise between fights in Tekken 3, and fixed order
of phase inversion flags. [superctr]

-rgbsse: Fixed scaling functions for negative values – fixes graphical anomalies in warfa. [Ted Green]

-kayproii: Fixed Baud rate generator connections (serial port and keyboard were reversed). [Vas Crabb]

-Changed build options to make deprecated declaration warnings non-fatal and enabled by default. [Vas Crabb]

-Started deprecating and removing poorly-performing output system APIs. [Vas Crabb]

-Deprecated and removed all uses of running_machine::first_screen. [Vas Crabb, Ryan Holtz, AJR, R. Belmont, Nigel Barnes]

-dsp16: Rewrote interpreter and disassembler. [Vas Crabb]
* Interpreter implements almost all features and has machine cycle accuracy/granularity.
* PIO and a subset of SIO output excluding multiplexed modes are implemented.
* Disassembler syntax mostly matches that used by assembler, and shows live comments for predicated operations.

-qsound: Added low-level emulation using DSP program (only enabled in vgmplay for performance reasons). [Vas Crabb]

-qsoundhle: Changed sample rate and playback behaviour to better match DSP. [Vas Crabb]

-Restricted ROM names to a shell-friendly subset of printable ASCII. [Vas Crabb]

-Reduced use of naked pointers, using namespace, and preprocessor macros in recompiling CPU cores. [Vas Crabb]

-Converted most machine configuration helpers to non-static member functions and adjusted macros to match. [Wilbert Pol]

-crospang.cpp: Corrected clock speeds based on oscillators and PCB info. [Brian Troha]

-gameboy.xml, gbcolor.xml, leapster.xml, vsmile_cart.xml, vsmile_cd.xml, vsmilem_cart.xml: Corrected Spanish titles. [ClawGrip]

-sauro.cpp: Verified clocks for Sauro. [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]

-sf2b: Identified manufacturer. [f205v]

-atetris.cpp: Updated documentation for atetrisb2 and atetrisb3. [f205v]

-Dumped PLA from CBM plus4 family. [Guru]

-spaceg: Dumped PROMs. [Guru]

-opwolf.cpp: Measured C-chip clock on a working PCB. [Guru]

-shuttlei: Corrected main CPU clock divider and added PCB description. [Guru]

-ti85.cpp: Added OS v4.0 as a BIOS option for ti84pcse. [Julian Lachniet]

-leland.cpp: Corrected ROM labels and documented undumped PALs for Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine! [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

-leland.cpp: Corrected ROM name for revision 5 of Ataxx. [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

-Updated hiscore.dat for recent changes. [Leezer]

-alphatro.cpp: Improved ROM names, and added real ROM for machine with BICOM graphics extension. [rfka01]

-Corrected year for San Francisco Rush: The Rock. [sjy96525]

-argus.cpp: Dumped PROM for valtric. [system11, The Dumping Union]

Big Buck Hunter (v1.00.14) [coolmod]
Casio RZ-1 [Arashikage, Dirk Best, R. Belmont]
Dennis the Menace (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Jurassic Park (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Spider-Man (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
The Addams Family (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
The Flash (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Warai no Hana Tenshi [yukaritamura]
X-Men - Project X (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]

Gunpey (Japan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood]
Mephisto Amsterdam [Sandro Ronco]
Motor Raid - Twin [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, O. Galibert, ElSemi]
Virtua Fighter 2 (Version 2.1) [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, O. Galibert, ElSemi]
War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.9 Mar 25 1999, GUTS 1.3 Apr 20 1999, GAME Apr 20 1999) [Ted Green]

Acorn Electron (64K Master RAM Board) [Nigel Barnes]
Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsman's Paradise (v2.02.08) [Ted Green]
Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsman's Paradise (v2.02.09) [Ted Green]
Dragon 64 (HD6309E CPU) [David Ladd]
Ghox (joystick, older) [caius]
Irion [Robbbert, mcp]
Master Boy (Spanish, PCB Rev A) [ARPA, Recreativas.org]
Opa Opa (Rev A, unprotected) [ShouTime, Charles MacDonald, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Thunder Edition, bootleg, set 2) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990512) [Guru]
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990608) [Guru]
Super Cobra (bootleg, set 2) [Belike]
Tano Dragon 64 (NTSC; HD6309E CPU) [David Ladd]
The Real Broadway (9131-20-00 R0C) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
TI-73 Explorer (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet, critor]

Eyes (Italy) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Mephisto Dallas [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Dallas 16 Bit [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Dallas 32 Bit [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Roma [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Roma 32 Bit [Sandro Ronco]
Virtua Fighter 2 [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, O. Galibert, ElSemi]
Virtua Fighter 2 (Revision A) [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, O. Galibert, ElSemi]
Virtua Fighter 2 (Revision B) [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, O. Galibert, ElSemi]
War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.3 Apr 7 1999, GUTS 1.3 Apr 7 1999, GAME Apr 7 1999) [Ted Green]
War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.6 Jan 14 1999, GUTS 1.1 Mar 16 1999, GAME Mar 16 1999) [Ted Green]
War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.91 Apr 13 1999, GUTS 1.3 Apr 7 1999, GAME Apr 7 1999) [Ted Green]

Badlands (Konami, set 1) [Angelo Salese]
Casio CZ-101 [Dirk Best]
Casio HT-6000 [Dirk Best]
CIT-101 [Doug Crawford]
Diablo HyType II Series 1300 CPU [Edström]
e-kara (US?) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
e-kara Volume 1 (US?) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
e-kara Volume 2 (US?) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
EA Sports Madden Football (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Excite Fishing DX (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Let's! TV Play Classic - Namco Nostalgia 1 [Sean Riddle, Mr. Do]
Let's! TV Play Classic - Namco Nostalgia 2 [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Let's! TV Play Classic - Taito Nostalgia 2 [Sean Riddle, Mr. Do]
Lord Of The Rings - Warrior of Middle-Earth [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Lucky Draw (Pinball) [PinMAME]
Milton Bradley Electronic Milton [Sean Riddle]
MX Dirt Rebel [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Photo Play 2004 [Asure, The Dumping Union]
Play TV Football (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Rescue Heroes [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Snowboarder (Blue) (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Poly Proteus (Standalone) [Nigel Barnes, Andrew Trotman]
TV Wild Adventure Mini Golf [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]

Arbiter Discmonitor A-01 [Nigel Barnes]
Badlands (Konami, set 2) [Angelo Salese]
ConnecTV Snowboarder (Blue) (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Daytona USA (GTX 2004 Edition) [anonymous]
Earthshaker (Prototype) (PA-4) [PinMAME]
Game King (EZ Pay, v4.0) [unknown]
Strange Science (Rev C) [Gerald (COY), The Dumping Union]
Super Seven [caius, The Dumping Union]
TI-83 Plus (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-84 Plus (Boot Code 1.02) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-84 Plus (Boot Code 1.03) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-84 Plus Color Edition (Boot Code 5.00) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-84 Plus Color Edition (Boot Code 5.15) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Color Edition (Boot Code 5.30) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Orion (Boot Code 1.02) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Orion (Boot Code 1.03) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Orion (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition (Boot Code 1.03) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Color Silver Edition (Boot Code 4.0) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet, critor]

Nuevo software list additions que funcionan
archimedes: 3D Construction Kit [Nigel Barnes]
BASIC-80 Rev.5.2, BASIC-E Compiler v2.0, Battleships, C/80 Compiler 3.1, CalcStar v1.0, CP/M ver 2.2 BIOS 1.00,
CP/M ver 2.2 BIOS 1.02, DataStar v1.4, dBASE II, Delta Wing, fig-FORTH 1.1A, FORTRAN-80, Gomoku, Hangman,
Introductory Tape (128K), LogiChess 2.2, Lynx JM Utilities Disk v1.0, Lynx Revival Group - Volume 1, Micro-COBOL v2.1,
Monster Mine, PeachCalc v1.01, ReportStar v1.00, Roader, Slot Machine, Treasure Island, TURBO Pascal v2.00A, WordMaster v1.20,
WordStar v3.00 [Nigel Barnes]
Blockout, Secret Agent, SimCity (3.5", v1.02), SimCity (3.5", v1.07), SimCity (5.25", v1.02), SimCity (5.25", v1.07),
Speedball (re-release), Stunts (3.5") (USA), Stunts (5.25") (USA) [ArcadeShadow]
DeluxePaint II-PC (French), HP Terminal Program HP24597A, Links - The Challenge of Golf (v1.45), Lombard RAC Rally [breiztiger]
Bodyworks - An Adventure in Anatomy [Dan Tootill]
Banner Blue Movie Guide, Dungeon of Pun III (Gemini Shareware), Roger Ebert's Deluxe Movie Home Companion - 1986-1992 Editions,
Video Companion: The Software (Spring '92 Edition) [Foone Turing]
Crystal Caves, Hocus Pocus, Monster Bash! [ArcadeShadow]
Links - Championship Course - Firestone Country Club, Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.1 (MS OS/2 Tools) [breiztiger]
AudioClips Digital Sounds for Windows 3.1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation - "Encounter at Farpoint",
Business Clip Art PicturePak 1, Programming Examples for Advanced Programmer's Guide to SuperVGAs [Foone Turing]
Alone in the Dark, Alone in the Dark (French), Home Repair Encyclopedia [Justin Kerk]
megadriv: LEGO Batman (Rus) [VedsaGolfer]
snread: A Ghost in the House, The Third Circle [David Viens]
snspell: Les Mots Difficiles (Module No. 2) [David Viens]
x1_flop: Donkey Kong 3 - Dai Gyakushuu [famicomical]

Nuevo software list additions que no funcionan
3do_m2: Shooter 2D [incog]
4x4 Evo (Euro, Prototype 20010109), Bokomu no Tatsujin (Jpn), Card of Destiny: Hikari to Yami no Tougousha - Genteiban (Jpn),
Castle Fantasia: Seima Taisen (Jpn), Chaos Field (Jpn, Sega Direct), Chaos Field (Jpn, Sega Direct, Rev. 1),
Christmas Seaman: Omoi o Tsutaeru Mou Hitotsu no Houhou - Message Kit (Jpn),
Christmas Seaman: Omoi o Tsutaeru Mou Hitotsu no Houhou - Present Disc (Jpn), Comic Party (Jpn), Confidential Mission (Jpn),
Cool Cool Toon (Jpn), CR Hissatsu Shigotonin: Pachitte Chonmage @VP@CHI (Jpn),
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (World, Prototype 20000907), Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (World, Prototype 20001016),
Daytona USA 2001 (Euro, Prototype 20010227), Dead or Alive 2 (Euro), Dead or Alive 2 (Euro, Prototype 20000611),
Dead or Alive 2/Fur Fighters (Euro), Dead or Alive 2 (Jpn), Dead or Alive 2 - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Dead or Alive 2 (USA),
Death Crimson 2: Meranito no Saidan (Jpn), Death Crimson OX (USA), Deep Fighter (Euro), Deep Fighter (Fra),
Deep Fighter (Fra, Prototype 20000505), Deep Fighter (Ger), Deep Fighter (USA), Dejiko no Maibura (Jpn),
Demolition Racer: No Exit - Demo Version (USA), Demolition Racer: No Exit (USA), Dengen Tenshi Taisen Mahjong Shangri-La (Jpn),
Denpa Shounen-teki Kenshou Seikatsu Soft: Nasubi no Heya (Jpn), Densha de Go! 2: Kousoku-hen 3000 Bandai (Jpn),
Derby Tsuku 2 (Jpn), Derby Tsuku: Derby Ba wo Tsukurou! (Jpn), deSPIRIA (Jpn), Di Gi Charat Fantasy (Jpn),
Di Gi Charat Fantasy - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Digital Keiba Shinbun: My Trackman (Jpn), Dino Crisis (Euro), Dino Crisis (Fra),
Dino Crisis (Ger), Dino Crisis (Ita), Dino Crisis (Jpn), Dino Crisis (USA),
Disney Les 102 Dalmatiens à la rescousse ! (Fra, Ger, Ita, Spa), Disney/Pixar Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (Euro),
Disney/Pixar Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (USA), Disney/Pixar Captain Buzz Lightyear: Star Command (Ger),
Disney/Pixar Les aventures de Buzz l'Eclair (Fra), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz l'Eclair à la rescousse ! (Fra),
Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear eilt zur Hilfe! (Ger), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! (Euro),
Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! (USA), Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (Euro),
Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (Euro, Prototype 20000110), Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (USA),
Disney's Dinosaur (Euro), Disney's Dinosaur (USA), Disney's Donald Duck "Goin' Qu@ckers" (USA),
Disney's Donald Duck "Qu@ck Att@ck"?*! (Euro), Doguu Senki: Haou (Jpn), Doki Doki Idol Star Seeker Remix (Jpn),
Dorimaga GD Vol. 10 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 11 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 12 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 1 (Jpn),
Dorimaga GD Vol. 2 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 3 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 4 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 5 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 6 (Jpn),
Dorimaga GD Vol. 7 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 8 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 9 (Jpn), Dousoukai 2: Again & Refrain (Jpn),
Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm (USA), Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm (World, Prototype 20000127), DragonRiders: Chronicles of Pern (Euro),
DragonRiders: Chronicles of Pern (USA), Dragons Blood (Euro), Dreamcast Express Extra (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 1 (Jpn),
Dreamcast Express Vol. 2 (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 3 (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 4 (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 5 (Jpn),
Dreamcast Express Vol. 6 (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 7 (Jpn), Dreamcast Middleware Conference Demo Disc Part 2 (World),
Dreamcast System-Disc 2 (World), Dreamcast Visual Memory Data Issue (Jpn), DreamFlyer (Jpn), DreamKey 3.0 (Euro), DreamKey (Euro),
DreamKey (Euro, Rev. 1), DreamKey Version 1.5 (Euro), DreamKey Version 1.5 (Fra), DreamKey Version 2.0 (Bel, Fin, Ned, Swe, Swi),
DreamOn Collection 2 (Euro), DreamOn Collection 3 (Euro), DreamOn Collection 4 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 10 (Euro),
DreamOn Volume 10 (Ger), DreamOn Volume 11 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 12 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 13 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 14 (Euro),
DreamOn Volume 15 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 16 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 17 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 18 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 19 (Euro),
DreamOn Volume 1 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 20 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 21 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 22 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 2 (Euro),
DreamOn Volume 3 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 4 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 5 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 6 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 7 (Euro),
DreamOn Volume 8 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 9 (Euro), Dream Passport 2 for LAN (Jpn), Dream Passport 2 (Jpn),
Dream Passport 2 (Jpn, Rev. 1), Dream Passport 3 (Jpn), Dream Passport 3 (Jpn, Alt), Dream Passport 3 (Jpn, Alt 2),
Dream Passport 3: Urban Style (Jpn), Dream Passport (Jpn), Dream Passport Premier (Jpn), Dream Passport Ver. 1.01 (Jpn),
Dream Preview Vol. 8 (Jpn), Dreamstud!o: 3D Adventure Construction (Jpn), Ducati World (Euro),
Ducati World Racing Challenge (USA), D+Vine [Luv] - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Dynamite Cop (Euro), Dynamite Cop! (USA),
Dynamite Deka 2 (Jpn), Dynamite Deka 2 - Taikenban (Jpn), Ecco 3D (World, Prototype 19990506),
Ecco II: Sentinels of the Universe (World, Prototype 20010219), Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Euro),
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Euro, Prototype 20000417 2PM),
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Euro, Prototype 20000417 7AM),
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Euro, Prototype 20000419),
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Euro, Prototype 20000421), Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Jpn),
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (USA), Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (USA, Prototype 20000606),
Ecco the Dolphin: E3 Demo (USA, Prototype 19990508), ECW Anarchy Rulz (Euro), ECW Anarchy Rulz (USA),
ECW Hardcore Revolution (Euro), ECW Hardcore Revolution (USA), Eisei Meijin III: Game Creator Yoshimura Nobuhiro no Zunou (Jpn),
Eldorado Gate Vol. 1 (Jpn), Eldorado Gate Vol. 2 (Jpn), Eldorado Gate Vol. 3 (Jpn), Eldorado Gate Vol. 4 (Jpn),
Eldorado Gate Vol. 5 (Jpn), Eldorado Gate Vol. 6 (Jpn), Elemental Gimmick Gear (Jpn), Elemental Gimmick Gear (USA),
Elysion: Eien no Sanctuary (Jpn), E.O.S.: Exhibition of Speed (Euro), ESPN International Track & Field (Euro),
ESPN International Track & Field (USA), ESPN NBA 2Night (USA), European Super League (Euro),
Eve Zero Kanzenban: Ark of the Matter - Shokai Gentei Pack (Jpn), Evil Dead: Hail to the King (Euro),
Evil Dead: Hail to the King (Fra), Evil Dead: Hail to the King (USA), Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles (Euro),
Evolution 2: Far Off Promise (Euro), Evolution 2: Far Off Promise (USA), Evolution: The World of Sacred Device (Euro),
Evolution: The World of Sacred Device (USA), Exodus Guilty Neos (Jpn), Expendable (USA), F1 Racing Championship (Euro),
F1 World Grand Prix for Dreamcast (Euro), F1 World Grand Prix for Dreamcast (Euro, Prototype 19990903),
F1 World Grand Prix for Dreamcast (Jpn), F1 World Grand Prix II for Dreamcast (Euro),
F1 World Grand Prix II for Dreamcast (Euro, Prototype 20000728), F1 World Grand Prix II for Dreamcast (Jpn),
F1 World Grand Prix (USA), F355 Challenge (Jpn), F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (Euro), F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (USA),
F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (USA, Alt), F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (USA, Prototype 20000501),
F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (USA, Prototype 20000821), Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves (USA), Fighting Force 2 (Euro),
Fighting Force 2 (Euro, Prototype 19991202), Fighting Force 2 (Ger), Fighting Force 2 (USA), Fighting Force 2 (USA, Alt),
Fighting Force 2 (USA, Alt 2), Fighting Vipers 2 (Euro), Fighting Vipers 2 (Euro, Prototype 20001226), Fighting Vipers 2 (Jpn),
Flag to Flag (USA), Floigan Bros. - Episode 1 (Euro), Floigan Bros. - Episode 1 (USA), For Symphony: With All One's Heart (Jpn),
Frame Gride (Jpn), Frame Gride - Test Operation Disc (Jpn), Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge (USA), Fur Fighters (Euro),
Fur Fighters (Euro, Demo), Fur Fighters (Euro, Prototype 20000602), Fur Fighters (Euro, Prototype 20000612), Fur Fighters (USA),
Fushigi no Dungeon: Fuurai no Shiren Gaiden: Onnakenshi Asuka Kenzan! (Jpn), GaiaMaster: Kessen! Seiki-ou Densetsu (Jpn),
Gakkyuu-ou Yamazaki: Yamazaki Oukoku Daifunsou! (Jpn), Ganbare! Nippon! Olympics 2000 (Jpn), Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Jpn),
Gauntlet Legends (Euro), Gauntlet Legends (USA), Generator Vol. 1 (USA), Generator Vol. 1 (USA, Alt),
Generator Vol. 1 (USA, Alt 2), Generator Vol. 1 (USA, Alt 3), Generator Vol. 1 (USA, Alt 4), Generator Vol. 2 (USA),
Generator Vol. 2 (USA, Alt), Generator Vol. 2 (USA, Alt 2), Get!! Colonies (Jpn),
Giant Gram 2000: Zen Nihon Pro Wres 3 Eikou no Yuusha-tachi (Jpn),
Giant Gram 2000: Zen Nihon Pro Wres 3 Eikou no Yuusha-tachi (Jpn, Alt), Giant Gram: Zen Nihon Pro Wres 2 in Nihon Budoukan (Jpn),
GigaWing 2 (Jpn), GigaWing 2 (USA), GigaWing (Euro), GigaWing (Jpn), GigaWing (USA), GK: Giant Killers (Euro),
GK: Giant Killers (Euro, Prototype 20010109), Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impact (Jpn),
Golf Shiyou yo 2: Aratanaru Chousen (Jpn), Golf Shiyou yo: Course Data-shuu Adventure-hen (Jpn), Golf Shiyou yo (Jpn),
Grandia II (Euro), Grandia II (Jpn), Grandia II - Special Package (Jpn), Grandia II - Tentou-you Demo (Jpn), Grandia II (USA),
Grand Theft Auto 2 (USA), GTA 2 (Euro), GTA 2 (Fra), Guilty Gear X (Jpn), Guilty Gear X - Taikenban (Jpn), Gunbird 2 (Euro),
Gunbird 2 (Jpn), Gunbird 2 (USA), Gundam Battle Online (Jpn), Gundam Battle Online - Trial Edition (Jpn),
Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes - Premium Disc (Jpn), Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes (USA),
Gunspike (Jpn), Guru Guru Onsen 2 (Jpn), Guru Guru Onsen 3 (Jpn), Half-Life (Video) (World), Happy Lesson: First Lesson (Jpn),
Happy Lesson (Jpn), Harusame Youbi (Jpn), Headhunter (Euro), Heavy Metal: Geomatrix (Euro), Heavy Metal: Geomatrix (USA),
Hello Kitty no Dream Passport 2 (Jpn), Hello Kitty no Garden Panic (Jpn), Hello Kitty no Lovely Fruit Park (Jpn),
Hello Kitty no Magical Block (Jpn), Hello Kitty no "Otonaru" Mail (Jpn), Hidden & Dangerous (Euro), Hidden & Dangerous (USA),
Hoyle Casino (USA), Hundred Swords (Jpn), Hydro Thunder (Euro), Hydro Thunder (Euro, Prototype 19990908), Hydro Thunder (USA),
Hydro Thunder (USA, Rev. 1), Hydro Thunder (World, Prototype 19990616),
Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden: Colony no Ochita Chide... (Jpn), Millennium Soldier: Expendable (Euro),
Millennium Soldier: Expendable (Euro, Prototype 19990715), Promotion Disc (Jpn), Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Spa),
Shinkisekai Evolution 2: Tooi Yakusoku (Jpn), Shinkisekai Evolution (Jpn), Super Speed Racing (Jpn), Tee Off (Euro),
Tee Off (USA), Tee Off (USA, Alt), The Flintstones: Viva Rock Vegas (Euro) [FakeShemp]
ibm5170: Alien Legacy (v1.00) [Justin Kerk]
interpro: Diagnostic Floppies, Intergraph System Software, Rebuild Floppies [Patrick Mackinlay]
Cars (Spa), Disney Fairies (Spa), Disney Princesa - La Magia De Aprender (Spa), Dora the Explorer - Camping Adventure (USA),
Dora the Explorer - Piñata Party! (USA), Spongebob Squarepants - Through The Wormhole (USA), Star Wars - Matemáticas Jedi (Spa),
The Batman - El Poder De Los Números (Spa), Up (Spa), Wall-E (Spa) [Connie, Clawgrip, TeamEurope]
1st Grade (US), Dora the Explorer - Wildlife Rescue (USA, L-MAX), Letters on the Loose (USA, L-MAX), Madagascar (USA, L-MAX),
NASCAR (USA, L-MAX), Scholastic OutWit! (US), Spider-Man - The Case of the Sinister Speller (USA, L-MAX),
Spongebob Squarepants - Saves the Day (USA, L-MAX), Talking WORDS Factory (US) [TeamEurope, HardcoreHubz]
Proteus 6809 FLEX Operating System (Version 2.8:3 - 1.1:2), Proteus Z80 CP/M Operating System (CP/M 2.2, BIOS 3.3)
[Andrew Trotman]
ABC Land Aventure (Fra), Disney Winnie l'Ourson - La Chasse au miel de Winnie (Fra, Rev. 2),
Le Monde d'ELMO - Les Grandes Decouvertes D'Elmo (Fra), Oui-Oui - Detective d'un Jour (Fra),
Roi Lion - Simba Decouvre la Jungle (Fra), Thomas er ses Amis - Les locomotives s'entraident (Fra)
[TeamEurope, Buddybenj]

Traducciones añadidas o modificadas
Chinese (Simplified) [YuiFAN]
Chinese (Traditional) [YuiFAN]
Dutch [Jos van Mourik]
French [noxx09]
Portuguese (Brazil) [Wellington Uemura]
Spanish [A. Viloria]

Pagina oficial:

Descarga de la versión 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión 64 bits:

Lemmings UCES-00109 PSP CWCHEAT

Este son los códigos creados de Lemmings en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se
añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini UCES-00109 que esta en el pack.

_S UCES-00109
_G Lemmings
_C0 Scalers 99
_L 0x2115C79C 0x00000063
_C0 Paratroopers 99
_L 0x2115C7AC 0x00000063
_C0 Bombermans 99
_L 0x2115C7BC 0x00000063
_C0 Stoppers 99
_L 0x2115C7CC 0x00000063
_C0 Builders 99
_L 0x2115C7DC 0x00000063
_C0 Bashers 99
_L 0x2115C7EC 0x00000063
_C0 Diggers 99
_L 0x2115C7FC 0x00000063
_C0 Miners 99
_L 0x2115C80C 0x00000063

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

Marvel Trading Card Game ULES-00683 PSP CWCHEAT

Este son los códigos creados de Marvel Trading Card Game en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini ULES-00683 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-00683
_G Marvel Trading Card Game
_C0 Infinite Health Player English Language Ativate in battlecard
_L 0x2080B8B4 0x42480000
_C0 No Health Thieves English Language Ativate in battlecard
_L 0x2080A514 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Health Player French Language Ativate in battlecard
_L 0x2080D294 0x42480000
_C0 No Health Thieves French Language Ativate in battlecard
_L 0x2080BEF4 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Health Player German Language Ativate in battlecard
_L 0x2080D9B4 0x42480000
_C0 No Health Thieves German Language Ativate in battlecard
_L 0x2080C614 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Health Player Spanish Language Ativate in battlecard
_L 0x2080CC04 0x42480000
_C0 No Health Thieves Spanish Language Ativate in battlecard
_L 0x2080B864 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Health Player Italian Language Ativate in battlecard
_L 0x2080CF14 0x42480000
_C0 No Health Thieves Italian Language Ativate in battlecard
_L 0x2080BB74 0x00000000

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

lunes, 26 de marzo de 2018

Little Britain - The Video Game ULES-00840 PSP CWCHEAT

Este son los códigos creados de Little Britain - The Video Game en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini ULES-00840 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-00840
_G Little Britain - The Video Game
_C0 Max Score All Events
_L 205C81D4 0x000F423F
_C0 Infinite Time First Event
_L 205C81D4 0x46B6D200

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2018

LEGO Indiana Jones ULUS-10365 PSP CWCHEAT

Este son los códigos creados de LEGO Indiana Jones puede que sirvan también en la ULES-01086 de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini ULUS-10365 que esta en el pack.

_S ULUS-10365
_G LEGO Indiana Jones
_C0 Unlock All Levels
_L 0x203C5384 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5388 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5394 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5398 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C53A4 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C53A8 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C53B4 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C53B8 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C53C4 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C53C8 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C53D4 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C53D8 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C53F4 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C53F8 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5404 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5408 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5414 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5418 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5424 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5428 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5434 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5438 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5444 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5448 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5464 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5468 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5474 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5478 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5484 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5488 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5494 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C5498 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C54A4 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C54A8 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C54B4 0x01010AFF
_L 0x203C54B8 0x01010AFF

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

sábado, 24 de marzo de 2018

PSX Datacenter Actualización 24-Marzo-2018

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos de PSX y actualizando muchas otras como 007 - The World Is Not Enough, Lightspan - Unknown Variable 2 - Raven's Ridge, Air Hockey, Bounty Sword First, Power Rangers Time Force, Poy Poy 2, Primal Rage, Princess Maker - Go!Go! Princess, Prism Court o Prismaticallization con nuevo contenido como portadas en alta resolución, información, nuevos trucos, publicidades y muchos otros cambios.

Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PSX Datacenter:

Shichidashiki Unou de Asoventure - Kotoba ABC - 2-4-sai Muke [SLPM-86529] (J)
Taikyoku Igo - Shinzui Gosennin [SLPS-00457] (J)

Lightspan - Unknown Variable 2 - Raven's Ridge [LSP-909022] (E)

007 - The World Is Not Enough [SLES-03138] (Sw)

007 - The World Is Not Enough [SLUS-01272] (E)
007 - The World Is Not Enough [SLES-03134] (E)
007 - Le Monde Ne Suffit Pas [SLES-03135] (F)
007 - Die Welt Ist Nicht Genug [SLES-03136] (G)
007 - El mundo nunca es suficiente [SLES-03137] (S)
Air Hockey [SLUS-01467] (E)
Air Hockey!! [SLES-03743] (E)
Bounty Sword First [SLPS-00757] (J)
Bounty Sword - First [Major Wave Series] [SLPM-86614] (J)
Hooockey!! [SuperLite 1500 Series] [SLPM-86488] (J)
Power Rangers Time Force [SLUS-01351] (E)
Power Rangers Time Force [SLES-03730] (E)
Power Rangers Time Force (La Force Du Temps) [SLES-03731] (F)
Power Stakes Grade 1 [SLPM-86050] (J)
Poitter's Point 2 - Sodom no Inbou [SLPM-86061] (J)
Poy Poy 2 [SLES-01536] (E)
Premier Manager Ninety Nine [SLES-01544] (E)
Premier Manager Novanta Nove [SLES-01864] (I)
Primal Rage [SLPS-00543] (J)
Primal Rage [SLUS-00126] (E)
Primal Rage [SLES-00140] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(P)
Prince Naseem Boxing [SLES-00017] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Princess Maker - Go! Go! Princess [SLPS-01505] (J)
Princess Maker - Go!Go! Princess [Best Wing] [SLPM-86590] (J)
Prism Court [SLPS-01226] (J)
Prismaticallization [SLPS-02360] (J)
Prismaticallization [SuperLite 1500 Series] [SLPM-87194] (J)

Air Hockey (E) [SLUS-01467]
Bounty Sword - First [Major Wave Series] (J) [SLPM-86614]
Manuales escaneados por Mat y editados y creados en cbr por gladiator

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

Podéis consultarlas en:

Justice League Heroes ULES-00609 PSP CWCHEAT

Este son los códigos creados de Justice League Heroes de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini ULES-00609 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-00609
_G Justice League Heroes
_C0 P1 Infinite HP
_L 0x216A074C 0x44034000
_C0 P2 Infinite HP
_L 0x216A0804 0x43D98000

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018

Cabela's Legendary Adventures ULUS-10385 PSP CWCHEAT

Este es el código creado de Cabela's Legendary Adventures de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini ULUS-10385 que esta en el pack.

_S ULUS-10385
_G Cabela's Legendary Adventures
_C0 Infinite Ammo
_L 0x205A7418 0x00000007

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018

Alien Syndrome ULES-00772 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Alien Syndrome de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini ULES-00772 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-00772
_G Alien Syndrome
_C0 Max PR Points Demolitions Expert Character
_L 0x214B0BDC 0x46480000
_C0 Infinite Health Demolitions Expert Character Level 1
_L 0x214B0B50 0x42480000
_C0 Max PR Points Firebug Character
_L 0x214B0E7C 0x46480000
_C0 Infinite Health Firebug Character Level 1
_L 0x214B0DF0 0x42960000
_C0 Max PR Points Seal Character
_L 0x214AF82C 0x46480000
_C0 Infinite Health Seal Character Level 1
_L 0x214AF7A0 0x42C80000
_C0 Max PR Points Tank Character
_L 0x214AF414 0x46480000
_C0 Infinite Health Tank Character Level 1
_L 0x214AF388 0x42480000
_C0 Max PR Points Sharp Shooter Character
_L 0x214B0BDC 0x46480000
_C0 Infinite Health Sharp Shooter Character Level 1
_L 0x214B0B50 0x42480000
_C0 Infinite Medikits Sharp Shooter Character Level 2
_L 0x214C9440 0x40E00000

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2018

Kamen no Maid Guy - Boyoyon Battle Royale 仮面のメイドガイ ~ボヨヨンバトルロワイヤル~ ULJM-05418 PSP CWCHEAT

Este es el código creado de Kamen no Maid Guy - Boyoyon Battle Royale de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini ULJM-05418 que esta en el pack.

_S ULJM-05418
_G Kamen no Maid Guy - Boyoyon Battle Royale
_C0 Infinite Health RPG Part Only enable in stage
_L 0x205D7234 0x000000B4
_L 0x205D7236 0x000000B4

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

martes, 20 de marzo de 2018

Atelier Marie + Elie SLPM-66140 traducido al inglés

Se ha traducido completamente al inglés por RyleFury este juego de Gust publicado en Japon el 27 de Octubre de 2005 que es una versión remasterizada de los dos primeros juegos de la saga Atelier que eran Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg 1 y 2 para Ps1 con mejores gráficos, en los menús y cambios en los juegos

Descarga de la traducción dede romhacking:

Información sobre los juegos de ps1:

007 - From Russia With Love ULES-00290 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de 007 - From Russia With Love de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini ULES-00290 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-00290
_G 007 - From Russia With Love
_C0 Imfimite Health Green Level 1-1
_L 0x20ECCF8E 0x000042C8
_C0 Imfimite Health Green Level 1-2
_L 0x20F27E5E 0x000042C8
_C0 Imfimite Health Green Level 1-3
_L 0x20E25C7E 0x000042C8
_C0 Imfimite Health Green Level 2-1
_L 0x21316BEE 0x000042C8

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018

Bleach - Heat the Soul Bleach - ヒート・ザ・ソウル UCJS-10008 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Bleach - Heat the Soul de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini UCJS-10008 o la de cualquiera de sus otras versiones  que esta en el pack.

_S UCJS-10008
_G Bleach - Heat the Soul
_C0 Infinite Health Rukia Kuchiki
_L 0x208B3E3C 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Health Orihime Inoue
_L 0x208B203C 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Health Ichigo Kurosaki
_L 0x208B1EDC 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Health Uryu Ishida
_L 0x208B283C 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Health Yasutora Sado
_L 0x208B20BC 0x00000000

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2018

Crash Mind Over Mutant ULES-01172 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Crash Mind Over Mutant de PSP en formato cwcheat de la versión española y de italia, puede que funcionen en otras versiones, si funciona en las otras pal o la usa podeis hacermelo saber y asi se añadiran en un futuro pack, los podéis usar en PPSSPP y se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo creando la ini ULES-01172 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-01172
_G Crash Mind Over Mutant
_C0 Infinite Health
_L 0x2155730A 0x000042B4
_C0 99999 Mojo
_L 0x21459730 0x0001869F

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

Kronos 1.2.0 Sega Saturn Emulador

Nueva versión final de este emulador de Sega Saturn que parte del código de UoYabause creado por Devmiyax y que esta creada esta versión por Benjamin Siskoo,tiene diferentes opciones añadidas a uoyabause o yaba sanshiro, como más filtros gráficos y efectos, aunque no es mejor que el Ssf si ha progresado mucho sobre todo en los juegos 3d que se ven muy filtrados.

- Support for Windows 7 following the correction of a Kernel32.dll error.
- Added Scanline video filter that can be combined with other filters.
- Added title for video options: Upscale Filter, Embellishment filter, Tesselation, OpenGL size, TV Effect (Benjamin Siskoo)
- Added translation strings: toolBar -> Toolbar (in shortcuts), Could not save state file, Can not - initialize Yabause (Benjamin Siskoo).
- Added 2 video options: Stretch in Window and Original Proportion.
- Removing the 3 video options: Match Window, Correction of Propotions: 4: 3
  and Correction of Propotions: 16: 9.
- Translation of new strings: Interpolation Filter, Embellishment Filter, Tesselation, Size in OpenGL, TV - Effect, Can not save status file, Can not load status file, Can not initialize Yabause (Benjamin Siskoo).

Página oficial foro en francés:

Página oficial foro en inglés:


sábado, 17 de marzo de 2018

PSX Datacenter Actualización 17-Marzo-2018

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter de la parte de PS2 y lo hace añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos como Palais de Reine, Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.O. Summer Fair, Outlaw Golf, Outlaw Tennis, Pac-Man World 2, Paddington Bear, Paris-Dakar Rally, Driving Emotion Type-S o 007 - Nightfire

007 - Nightfire [SLKA-25004] (E)
007 - Nightfire [SLPS-25203] (J)
007 - Nightfire [EA Best Hits] [SLPM-65538] (J)
007 - Nightfire / Everything or Nothing [EA Best Hits] [SLPM-66615/6] (J)
Driving Emotion Type-S [SLPS-20007] (J)
Pac-Man World 2 [SLPS-25141] (J)
Pachi Slot King! - Kagaku Ninja Tai Gatchaman [SLPS-20487] (J)
Palais de Reine [SLPM-66817] (J)
Palais de Reine [Best Edition] [SLPM-55280] (J)
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.O. Summer Fair [SLPM-66896] (J)
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.O. Summer Fair [Best Version] [SLPM-55142] (J)
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.O. Summer Fair [Dinner Pack] [P-00001] (J)

007 - Nightfire [SLUS-20579] (E)
Driving Emotion Type-S [SLUS-20113] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Outlaw Tennis [SLUS-21190] (E)
Pac-Man World 2 [SLUS-20224] (E)
Paris-Dakar Rally [SLUS-20324] (E)

007 - Nightfire [SLES-51258] (E)(Du)(F)(I)(Sw)
007 - Nightfire [SLES-51260] (G)(S)
Driving Emotion Type S [SLES-50073] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Outlaw Golf [SLES-51926] (E)(F)(G)
Outlaw Tennis [SLES-53490] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Pac-Man World 2 [SCES-50888] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Paddington Bear [SLES-54665] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(D)(Du)(Fi)(N)(P)(Sw)
Paris-Dakar Rally [SLES-50212] (E)

007 Nightfire (S) [SLES-51260]
Manual escaneado y creado en cbr por gladiator.

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podéis hacerlo en Patreon:

Podéis verlas en:

Undead Knights ULUS-10453 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Undead Knights de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini ULUS-10453 que esta en el pack.

_S ULUS-10453
_G Undead Knights
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 1 Enable only in Level
_L 0X2053393C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 2 Enable only in Level
_L 0X205FC89C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 3 Enable only in Level
_L 0X205E023C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 4 Enable only in Level
_L 0X20650E3C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 5 Enable only in Level
_L 0X2062AA7C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 6 Enable only in Level
_L 0X2053393C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 7 Enable only in Level
_L 0X2053393C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 8 Enable only in Level
_L 0X206028FC 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 9 Enable only in Level
_L 0X206B08FC 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 10 Enable only in Level
_L 0X2053A2DC 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 11 Enable only in Level
_L 0X2057C9BC 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 12 Enable only in Level
_L 0X2067F47C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 13 Enable only in Level
_L 0X20564F3C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 14 Enable only in Level
_L 0X205963DC 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 15 Enable only in Level
_L 0X205963DC 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 16 Enable only in Level
_L 0X2054C5BC 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 17 Enable only in Level
_L 0X205FB77C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 18 Enable only in Level
_L 0X20564F3C 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 19 Enable only in Level
_L 0X20547FBC 0x43480000
_C0 Infinite Health Chapter 20 Enable only in Level
_L 0X2053393C 0x43480000

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018

Death Jr. II - Root of Evil ULES-00582 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Death Jr. II - Root of Evil de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarla creando la ini ULES-00582 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-00582
_G Death Jr. II - Root of Evil
_C0 999999 Energy Coins
_L 0x00277FA0 0x000F423F
_C0 Infinite Health Level 1
_L 0x007235AA 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 2
_L 0x007324EA 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 3
_L 0x007907EA 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 4
_L 0x00781C6A 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health First Boss
_L 0x00772A6A 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 5
_L 0x00751DAA 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 6
_L 0x0071DDEA 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 7
_L 0x0078EF6A 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 8
_L 0x0077BA6A 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 9
_L 0x00783C6A 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 10
_L 0x0075DA6A 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Second Boss
_L 0x007520EA 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 11
_L 0x0075C26A 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 12
_L 0x007921AA 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 13
_L 0x0079F32A 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 14
_L 0x00781AEA 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 15
_L 0x007828EA 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Level 16
_L 0x0077F4EA 0x00004348
_C0 Infinite Health Last Boss
_L 0x0077F02A 0x00004348

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 ULES-01183 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 de PSP en formato cwcheat para el lenguaje español, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini ULES-01183 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-01183
_G Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3
_C0 Max DP Spanish
_L 0x002B55C4 0x3B9AC9FF
_C0 Infinite Life Points LP Spanish
_L 0x0110D140 0x00001F40

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018

Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - The Phantom Fortress ULES-01088 PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados de Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - The Phantom Fortress de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini ULES-01088 que esta en el pack.

_S ULES-01088
_G Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 - The Phantom Fortress
_C0 Infinite Health Naruto Mugenjo First Fight
_L 0x112153AA 0x00003F80
_C0 Infinite Health Naruto Mugenjo Second Fight
_L 0x11152A0A 0x00003F80
_C0 Infinite Health Naruto Mugenjo Third Fight
_L 0x10FD4A1A 0x00003F80

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

martes, 13 de marzo de 2018

Soul Eater - Battle Resonance ソウルイーター バトルレゾナンス | ソフトウェアカタログ | プレイステ ULJS-00176 PSP CWCHEAT

Este es el código creado de Soul Eater - Battle Resonance de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini ULJS-00176 que esta en el pack.

_S ULJS-00176
_G Soul Eater - Battle Resonance
_C0 Infinite Health
_L 0x2173967E 0x0000444D

Funciona en todos los modos pero quizas no funcione si abandonais la partida en curso y reinicias otra

Descarga del pack gracias a psx datacenter:

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2018

Star Wars Battlefront - Renegade Squadron ULES-00861 PSP CWCHEAT

Este es el código creado que puede que funcione en otras versiones ademas de la española  de Star Wars Battlefront - Renegade Squadron de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podéis usar en PPSSPP se añadirá en un futuro pack  que podrèis encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter, mientras podéis usarlo editando la ini ULES-00861 que esta en el pack o probar si funciona en otras versiones editando la ini correspondiente.

_S ULES-00861
_G Star Wars Battlefront - Renegade Squadron
_C0 Infinite Health
_L 0x213ED912 0x00004305

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viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018

PSX Datacenter Actualización 10-Marzo-2018

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos de PSX y actualizando muchas otras como los Populous - The Beginning, Poporogue, Porsche Challenge, Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue, Power Stakes, Poy Poy o R4 - Ridge Racer Type 4 con nuevo contenido como portadas en alta resolución, información, nuevos trucos, publicidades y muchos otros cambios.

Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PSX Datacenter:

Pokeler DX Pink [SLPS-02664] (J)
R4 - Ridge Racer Type 4 [SCPS-45356-7] (J)
The Shinri Game 9 [SLPS-03109] (J)
The Shinri Game 10 [SLPS-03174] (J)

Ground Stroke - Advanced Tennis Game [SLPS-00088] (E)
Populous The Beginning [SLES-01760] (E)(F)(G)(I)(N)(S)(Sw)
Populous - The Beginning [SLPS-02085] (J)
Populous - The Beginning [SLUS-00277] (E)
Poporogue [SCPS-10050] (J)
Poporogue [PSOne Books] [SCPS-91312] (J)
Porsche Challenge [SCUS-94187] (E)(F)(S)
Porsche Challenge [SIPS-60016] (J)
Porsche Challenge [SCPS-45117] (J)
Porsche Challenge [SCES-00409] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Power Move Pro Wrestling [SLUS-00408] (E)
Power Move Pro Wrestling [SLES-00202] (E)
Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue [SLUS-01114] (E)
Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue [SLES-03286] (E)(F)(G)
Power Serve 3D Tennis [SLUS-00105] (E)
Power Serve [SLES-00118] (E)(F)(G)
Power Stakes [SLPM-86032] (J)
Poy Poy [SLUS-00486] (E)
Poitter's Point [SLPM-86034] (J)
Poy Poy [SLES-00785] (E)
R4 - Ridge Racer Type 4 [SLPS-01800~1] (J)
R4 - Ridge Racer Type 4 + JogCon [SLPS-01798~9] (J)
R4 - Ridge Racer Type 4 [PSOne Books] [SLPS-91463] (J)
R4 - Ridge Racer Type 4 [SCPS-45354~5] (J)
R4 - Ridge Racer Type 4 [SLUS-00797 & SLUS-90049] (E)
Ridge Racer Type 4 [SCES-01706 & SCED-01832] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)

Block Wars (J) [SLPS-03219]
Editado y creado en cbr por gladiator

Si queréis contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

Podéis consultarlas en:

Medal of Honor - Heroes PSP CWCHEAT

Estos son los códigos creados que sirven para todas las versiones tanto pal como usa de Medal of Honor -Heroes de PSP en formato cwcheat, que podeís usar en PPSSPP se añadirán en un futuro pack  que podreís encontrar en la página de Psx Datacenter:

_S ULES-00561
_G Medal of Honor - Heroes
_C0 Infinite Health Italy Mission 1
_L 0x2116A9F6 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Italy Mission 2
_L 0x211905D6 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Italy Mission 3
_L 0x21180D66 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Italy Mission 4
_L 0x2120CA96 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Italy Mission 5
_L 0x2120EBD6 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Netherlands Mission 1
_L 0x211909E6 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Netherlands Mission 2
_L 0x211ADB26 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Netherlands Mission 3
_L 0x211FE886 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Netherlands Mission 4
_L 0x21214606 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Netherlands Mission 5
_L 0x211BF7B6 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Belgium Mission 1
_L 0x211BA596 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Belgium Mission 2
_L 0x21181546 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Belgium Mission 3
_L 0x2118DD26 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Belgium Mission 4
_L 0x211C5476 0x000043FA
_C0 Infinite Health Belgium Mission 5
_L 0x2127D736 0x000043FA

martes, 6 de marzo de 2018

WinUAE 3.6.1

Nueva versión final por fin del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar todos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx, opengl, permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningún borde, lectura de los discos en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras opciones.


3.6.0 bugs fixed:
- Crash when running on first Windows 10 release version (build 10240) .
- D3D11 mode fullscreen to/from windowed mode change crashes/blank screens.
- D3D11 mode on screen leds on the fly on/off switching.
- D3D11 mode screenshot via GUI button didn’t work.
- Floppy sound type selection was not loaded correctly from config file.
- It was not possible to create “DOS” file names like “AUX” to directory filesystem.

Older bugs fixed:

- Floppy sound used incorrectly empty drive volume level in certain situations.
- PPC emulation interrupt handling rewrite, fixes for example hang/crash problems with NE2000 based network adapters under OS4.
- Not all Advanced chipset options reset when compatible checkbox was ticked.
- Autoscale ignored small vertical display areas in very top of display in some situations.
- Fixed random crash when at least one Input panel custom event string was set, Restart was clicked and then emulation was started again.
- Blizzard SCSI Kit IV (possibly others) SCSI phase error in certain situations.
- Added better validation to clipboard sharing IFF parsing to prevent crashes if data is truncated.
-joyport2 -config entry incorrectly used port 3 slot.
- Game Ports panel selected Custom input mapping reverted to none in some situations.
- Restart didn’t completely free configured emulated network cards.
- Other misc bugs fixed.

New features:

- OCS/ECS only BPLCON2 undocumented feature: “illegal” PF1 or PF2 value is now accurately emulated in dual playfield mode.
- If selected D3D11 fullscreen refresh rate is “default”: always prefer highest supported refresh rate.
Optional threaded emulated RTG VRAM to host OS surface color space conversion/copy.
- Added “Identity” checkbox to Add harddrive panel. If ticked and ATA identity can be read (Direct IDE connection, compatible USB adapter): real ATA identity data is used in emulated ATA device instead of generic UAE generated and drive appears exactly as it does in real hardware (identical name, geometry etc).
- CHS-only IDE drives can now be mounted in emulation and they appear with real size and geometry when using USB adapters that allow identity read but does not support CHS (like common JMicron based adapters).

New emulated expansions

- Elsat Mega Ram HD
- A.L.F.3
- Progressive Peripherals & Software Zeus 040

And more…

Página oficial:

Descarga de la versión 32 bits:

Descarga de los [1.5.1+ Direct3D Pixel Shader filters] http://download.abime.net/winuae/stuff/filtershaders.zip

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

YabaSanshiro v1.6.5

Nueva versión final de este emulador de Sega Saturn antes conocido como UoYabause creado por Devmiyax y que aunque no es mejor que el Ssf si ha progresado mucho sobre todo en los juegos 3d que se ven muy filtrados.

- Se ha corregido una regresión con Chaos Seed. La figura del personaje no aparecia.
- Se ha solucionado un problema con la sombra que no se mostraba correctamente en el juego Outrun.
- Se ha solucionado un problema con la sombra que no era transparente en el juego Space Harrier.
- Se corrigió un problema de inserción de color de línea RGB en el juego Panzer Dragoon zwei. Esto corrige el cielo en el fondo.

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