viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

PSX Datacenter Actualización 25-Febrero-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos de PSX y actualizando muchas otras como Play de Oboeru Series - Play de Oboeru Kanji Kentei Deruderu 1100, Kula World, Monster Rancher, Moon Remix RPG Adventure, Mortal Kombat 3 o Moto Racer y Moto Racer  2 con nuevo contenido como portadas en alta resolución, información, nuevos trucos, publicidades y muchos otros cambios.

Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PSX Datacenter:

Pachinko Hall - Shinso Dai Kaiten [SLPS-01089] (J)
Parlor! Pro 8 [SLPS-02483] (J)
Play de Oboeru Series - Play de Oboeru Kanji Kentei Deruderu 1100 [SLPS-03099] (J)
Play de Oboeru Series - Play de Oboeru Kanji Kentei Deruderu 1100 [Deluxe Package] [SLPM-89009] (J)

Kula World [SCES-01000] (E)
KulaQuest [SCPS-10064] (J)
Monster Farm 2 [SLPS-01906] (J)
Monster Farm 2 [PlayStation the Best] [SLPS-91199] (J)
Monster Rancher [SCES-02872] (E)
Monster Rancher 2 [SLUS-00917] (E)
Monster Trucks [SLES-00314] (E)
Moon Remix RPG Adventure [SLPS-01031] (J)
Moon Remix RPG Adventure [Playstation the Best] [SLPS-91112] (J)
Moorhen 3 - Chicken Chase [SLES-03846] (E)(F)(G)
Moorkokin 3 - ¡La Caza Del Pollo! [SLES-03898] (I)(S)
Mori No Oukoku - Kingdom Of Forest [SLPS-01861] (J)
Mort the Chicken [SLUS-01021] (E)
Mort the Chicken [SLES-02712] (E)
Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero [SLUS-00476] (E)
Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero [SLES-01020] (E)
Mortal Kombat 3 [SIPS-60006] (J)
Mortal Kombat 3 [SCUS-94201] (E)
Mortal Kombat 3 [SLUS-01126] (E)
Mortal Kombat 3 [SCES-00060] (E)
Moses Prince of Egypt [SLES-02954] (E)(Du)(F)(G)
Moto Racer [SLUS-00498] (E)
Moto Racer [SLPS-01163] (J)
Moto Racer [SLES-00469] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(Sw)
Moto Racer 2 [SLUS-00738] (E)
Moto Racer 2 [SLPS-02040] (J)
Moto Racer 2 [SLES-01184] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(Sw)
Roll Away [SLUS-00724] (E)
Thunder Truck Rally [SCUS-94352] (E)
Añadidas nuevas descripciones, portadas en alta resolución,nuevas publicidades y imagenes.

Kula Quest (J) [SCPS-10064]
Manual scans by Qbl, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.

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Si quereís contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

Cemu v1.7.2c

Nueva versión final de este emulador de Wii U que va mejorando cada vez más pero por ahora empiezan a funcionar juegos, es algo lento todavía pero progresa muy rápido.

- Puede correr umagenes de Wii U encriptadas (WUD) y archivos RPX/RPL
- Resolución Interna es  1920x1080 (Si el juego la soporta)
- Sin optimizar. Espera bajos framerates y largos tiempos de carga.
- Funciona sólo en Windows x64 . puede que en otras plataformas posteriormente.
- Requerido OpenGL 3.3

- Optimizaciones
- Mejorada la compatibilidad
- Mejoras gráficas
- Arreglos y pequeños ajustes

En detalle:

# New in 1.7.2c:

GX2: Fixed a bug in GX2SwapScanBuffers() that could cause the GPU command stream to get corrupted

# New in 1.7.2b:

coreinit: Fixed a crash bug in coreinit initialization code

# New in 1.7.2:

general: Reorganized menu options for better clarity (Some debug option stuff wasn't really for
general: Added option to choose fullscreen scaling mode (stretch to screen or keep aspect ratio)
general: Default and recommended value for CPU timer option is now 'Host based'
PPC: Thread emulation is now using Fibers. Technically speaking, this change was made to simplify
context switching within HLE functions. It allows certain API to behave more similar to the real Cafe OS.
coreinit: Fixed a bug that caused MEMGetAllocatableSizeForExpHeapEx() to return negative values under certain circumstances
coreinit: Fixed a crash bug in MPRunTasksFromTaskQ()
coreinit: Added API MPDequeTask(), MPWaitTaskQWithTimeout(), MPRunTask()
coreinit: Fixed rare deadlock in alarm handler

VPAD: Fixed fullscreen touch input for non-16:9 displays

GX2: Fixed that under certain circumstances GX2WaitTimeStamp() could return immediately due to the low accuracy of the internally used timer (affected only 'Host based timer')
GX2: Added support for texture format R16_G16_B16_A16_SNORM
GX2: Added support for sampler2DRect textures
GX2: Unsupported instructions in a GS Copyshader will no longer cause a crash
GX2: Fixed texelFetch() accessing textures upside-down if ARB_clip_control is used
GX2: Adjusted handling of vsync and flip event to decrease latency
GX2: Optimized texture encoding & decoding
GX2: Optimized frequently used GX2 API
GX2: Optimized various parts of the GPU command processor
GX2: Fixed incorrect mapping of GS->PS attributes if gl_FragCoord is used
GX2: Fixed handling of GS input primitive LINE_STRIP

Página oficial:


miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

MAME 0.183

Nueva versión del Mame final como cada úlltimo miércoles del mes, que desde hace varias versiones
incluye el Mess en el mismo programa. Es un emulador de maquinas arcade creado por Nicola Salmoria y el Mess lo que hace es emular emuladores y consolas  como Spectrum, Commodore 64 y muchas mas.


Hi everyone! It’s been a busy month for MAME development, and we’ve got a whole lot of surprises to unwrap today as we continue to celebrate twenty years of MAME. First up, we’ve added some incredibly rare systems to MAME. Omega is an Arkanoid-inspired arcade game with a production run of about ten boards. Dodge Man is a rare Omori title from 1983. The vertical version of Flash Boy, a DECO Cassette title that borrows more than a little from a well known anime is another very rare game that was at risk of becoming nothing but a memory. Westinghouse Test Console #5 is possibly a one-of-a-kind wire-wrapped prototype machine for field-programming some kind of interlocking equipment (it has a rude easter egg – press X|TRAN in calculator mode to see it). Less rare, but still awesome, are arcade titles Galaxy Games StarPak 3, Sega Sonic Cosmo Fighter, and a U.S. release of Puzznic with the digitised photos intact.This release adds support for a number of electronic toys/handheld games, including Atari’s Touch Me (a clone of Simon, which is itself a clone of an Atari arcade game), GAF Melody Madness, Lakeside Le Boom, and with possibly the most awesome title if not gameplay, LJN’s I Took a Lickin’ From a Chicken. Many of these games have colourful, clickable artwork. MAME is dedicated to preserving more than just video games, and these systems are great examples of some of the other experiences you can relive through emulation.

If you use MAME’s computer emulation and have been frustrated by modifiers not working properly in natural keyboard mode, you’ll be pleased to know that this release addresses that. Natural keyboard mode now works properly with many more systems, including Amiga, Sun and RM Nimbus. Speaking of Amiga, we’ve emulated a 3rd-party variant of the Amiga 1200 keyboard and added support for many different language variants, so chances are you’ll be able to use keyboard that matches your Workbench language. And speaking of keyboards, the Zorba keyboard now works properly, so you can try out one of the last luggable CP/M machines.

Other improvements include fixing the crash on encountering invalid cheats, allowing multi-part software list entries to load each part on the correct interface, emulation of the Poly-Play light organ, a brand new preliminary Interpro 2800 driver and Clipper CPU core, support for VIC-20 and C64 speech synthesiser cartridges, support for the Osborne-1 Nuevo Video 80-column modification, protection MCU emulation in Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja and Bouncing Balls, audio improvements to a number of supported games, and optimisation of the netlist emulation.

Some of these improvements might seem inconsequential, or apply to systems you don’t use, but they often lie in common components used by many other systems. For example, the Amiga 1200 and Zorba keyboards use the same MCU family used in a lot of arcade games published by Taito. The same change that fixes the Zorba keyboard also fixes enemy spawning and timing in Xain’d Sleena. The Nuevo Video board uses a common Motorola CRT controller, so improvements made to support it stand to benefit a lot of other systems.

- 05559: [DIP/Input] (nbmj9195.cpp) jituroku: Resolved DIP settings, on Mame most are Undefined (kamilz)
- 05577: [DIP/Input] (nbmj9195.cpp) mjanbari: DIP Settings resolved (kamilz)
- 05599: [DIP/Input] (srmp2.cpp) rmgoldyh: DIP Settings (kamilz)
- 06470: [DIP/Input] (qix.cpp) qix: Unable to map service buttons with ctrlr.cfg (OzFalcon)
- 06477: [Cheat System] All systems: MAME should ignore problematic cheats (or at least exit gracefully) (cuavas)
- 06485: [Documentation] (peyper.cpp) ator: The year of publication is 1985. (AJR)
- 06499: [Gameplay] (xain.cpp) xsleena and clones: Some enemies in the second stage has disappeared (cuavas)
- 06500: [Interface] DAT files: Unable to use multiple paths (crazyc)
- 06503: [DIP/Input] (galaxian.cpp) galaxianmo: Bonus Life dip switch information is incorrect

-Added preliminary Clipper CPU core Interpro 2800 driver. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-Amiga updates: [Dirk Best]
 * Converted the Amiga keyboards to a bus interface with slot devices.
 * Addes a German A500 keyboard variant, keyboard fixes.
 * Moved and renamed Amiga sound device, added pinout and description.
 * Moved audio related registers into Paula device, now independent from Amiga state class.
 * Made Akiko independent from driver state.

-ambush: Rewrote driver. [Dirk Best]
 * Use tilemap system to draw background/foreground characters (and use generic gfx_8x8x2_planar

 * Added mario and dkong3 bootlegs running on extended hardware.
   - Color PROMs for these haven't been dumped, currently using the PROMs from the original.
 * Updated and corrected DIP switches.
 * Documented tile attribute RAM and sprite RAM layout bits.
 * Use screen raw parameters.
 * Added connector layout, updated TODO list and ROM filenames.

-thayers: Fixed keyboard scanning, inputs and communication. [Curt Coder]

-vic20 updates: [Curt Coder]
 * Emulated the PPP SpeakEasy (Votrax SC-01-A) cartridge.
 * Emulated the Data 20 Display Manager 40/80 column video cartridge.

-c64: Emulated the PPP Speakeasy 64 (Votrax SC-01-A) cartridge. [Curt Coder]

-abc800_dsk: Fixed sector interleave. [Curt Coder]

-PIC16C5x updates: [hap]
 * Added basic support for the old GI PIC1650 and PIC1655.
 * Made RTCC (aka T0CKI) pin an input line handler.

-PIC CPU: Fixed writes with the status register as destination. [Luca Elia]
 * Write all bits except TO and PD, thus enabling e.g. bcf, bsf or clrf to change the flags.
 * rlf and rrf must update the flags after the store to work correctly on this register.

-More complete Galaxy Games emulation: [Luca Elia]
 * Created devices for the galaxy games carts (EEPROM + Flash + PIC) and the slot(s).
 * Removed code patches and emulated the PIC communication and bank switching.
 * Converted the blitter to a device (cesblit.cpp).
 * Moved the Galaxy Games from tmaster.cpp to their own driver (galgames.cpp).

-ms0515.cpp: Hooked up keyboard and floppy, improved video emulation etc. [shattered]

-dsk_dsk format: Propagate CRC error flags. [shattered]

-ms7004 keyboard: Handle incoming serial data via INT pin. [shattered]

-tigerroad.cpp: replaced bballs MCU simulation with dump from MC68705R3, added to parent set as

 [TeamEurope, Brizzo, Vas Crabb]

-dec0.cpp updates: [Vas Crabb, CAPS0ff]
 * Added dump for baddudes MCU with note about likely bit error.
 * Replaced drgninja MCU simulation with hacked version of baddudes dump.
 * Latch cleanup: 'LS374 senses positive edge, others are educted guesses.

-m6805: Added CMOS devices, miscellaneous fixes. [Vas Crabb]
 * Added m146805 and m68hc05 to unidasm.
 * Fixed disassembly of BIT opcodes.
 * Fixed burning cycles on disabled interrupts.
 * Cleaned up BIH/BIL handling.
 * Made opcode tables configurable in m6805_base_device, provided tables for HMOS, CMOS and HC families.
 * Implemented MUL instruction, made unimplemented STOP and WAIT raise fatal error.
 * Implemented 'HC05 edge-sensitive external interrupts.
 * Added partially implemented MC68HC05C4, MC68HC05C8 and MC68HC705C8A devices.
 * Fixed problem with edge case in 68705 timer overflow interrupt when TDR=0.
   - Fixes Zorba keyboard and MT6499.

-Fixed crash on loading invalid cheats, MAME now logs an error and continues. [Vas Crabb]

-Made debugger fall back from binary to default base on 0b prefix. [Vas Crabb]
 * This makes expressions like 0B12 parse as hex in hex memory spaces.
 * Where there's ambiguity (e.g 0B01) binary takes precedence.

-Natural keyboard fixes: [Vas Crabb]
 * Fixed Shift-Alt combinations.
 * Fixed modifiers with LLE keyboards (shift/alt now work reliably with Sun, Amiga, RM Nimbus, etc.).
 * Fixed crash on keyboard inputs with four characters.

-Amiga keyboard updates: [Vas Crabb]
 * Corrected polarity of KB_DATA from Amiga to keyboard.
 * Completely rewrote 68HC05CxA-based A1200 keyboard device, now working.
 * Fixed KB_DATA mixing in A500 keyboard.
 * Made A500 keyboard caps lock LED output name consistent with A1200.
 * Added Alt- and Alt-Shift- characters to A500 US keyboard.
 * Factored out matrix keys to a common module shared by A500/A1200.
 * Made new German matrix based on US matrix with Alt-chars hooked up.
 * Added layouts for France/Belgium, Italy and Sweden/Finland, Spain, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway and UK.
   - Switzerland has French/German config option, natural mode only works for French.
 * Added borderline usable dead keys for natural keyboard.

-Osborne-1 updates: [Vas Crabb]
 * Added Osborne-1 with Nuevo Video board as a clone.
 * Made Alpha Lock a toggling key rather than a fake DIP switch.

-Made object finder arrays meet more Container/Sequence requirements (allows use of range-based for and many standard algorithms). [Vas Crabb]

-dl1416: Split interface into signal-level and bus-level APIs, improved support for different variants.
[Vas Crabb]

-sitcom updates: [Vas Crabb]
 * Implemented Boot and Reset buttons and remapping of low 32kB.
 * Hooked up PIA, I/O space mirrors, and RS232 interface for downloading programs.
   - PIA ports connected to LED outputs and keypad inputs.
 * Added camera shutter speed measurement rig as a clone.
 * Added a software list with example programs from web site.
   - Software list is not connected yet, need to load software by full path.

-Cherry-picked some features from self-registering drivers PoC: [Vas Crabb]
 * Use size_t for sizes and  for algorithms.
 * Fixed up some files that were getting linked into multiple libraries.
 * Added missing virtual method to sh2 peripheral class.
 * Put shortname in driver struct for locality.
 * Made LRU cache use shared pointers for safety.

-Used known plaintext attack to obtain Omega program encryption key. [Vas Crabb]

-Converted many naked pointers to required_region_ptr. [Robbbert]

-m6845: Fixed starting address in row/column mode (used by osborne1nv). [Robbbert]

-Update GENie [Branimir Karadzic]

-List command format changes: [Tafoid]
 * Changes to output produced to better deal with maximum limits of certain items.
 * Fixed issue with -listroms output not displaying hapyfsh2 rom sizes correctly.

-Fixed building using system portaudio and utf8proc. [belegdol]

-Provided the PIC code for all four StarPak cartridges. [Keith M. Kolmos]

-Confirmed MC68705R3 bootstrap program matches MC68705U3 (and U5 for that matter). [Brizzo]

-Identified bad dumps and fixed info for a number of Aristocrat games. [Heihachi_73]

-aristmk5: Rearranged controls to be more playable and added PORT_NAMEs. [Heihachi_73]

-polyplay: Added light organ and layout. [SailorSat]
 * Traced the lines on the board to figure out how the lightorgan worked - a zero crossing detector
triggers NMI on the CPU, which then operates the light organ.

-aristmk5: Added SPI and hopper emulation - allows non-US games to boot. [Sandro Ronco]

-imgtool: Fixed recently introduced bug that could cause hex numbers to be incorrectly emitted in usage text. [Nathan Woods]

-saa1099.cpp: Use correct LFSR polynomial for SAA1099 noise generation, added some notes about an unemulated undocumented feature of the noise clock. [Jepael, Lord Nightmare]

-Fixed clipper CPU build. [Felipe Sanches]

-Netlist library improvements: [Couriersud]
 * Refactored netlist pmf code.
 * Small optimization for diode calculations.
 * Remove virtual from some destructors and make them protected.
 * Various cleanups and performance improvements.
 * Fixed some inconsistencies.
 * Reduced overhead to load data (ROMs) in netlist significantly.
   - Previous solution involved a significant amount of redundant replication of information and
objects. Now, a ROM name specified as SOMEROM(x21, "romlabel") will be automatically be loaded from region "netlisttag:romlabel" (see hazl1500 and stuntcyc).
 * Fix warning about non existing memory space when netlist is used.
 * Logging enhancements.
 * Fixed crashes on terminals without nets (i.e. connected to a rail).
 * Reviewed "FIXMEs" and corrected some minor ones.
 * Made m_cur_analog protected.
 * Fixed pmf delegates to work with MSVC.
 * More optimizations to the solver code.
 * Started work on a better signal pipeline in nlwav.
 * Only generate documentation for entities which are documented.
 * Made it possible to have multiple update handlers per device.
   - Makes device implementation more flexible and faster and improves performance slightly.
   - Each input is now assigned a notification handler. Currently this is update, but going forward it
may be a custom handler.
 * Fixed MEMPOOL on OSX.
 * Added delegate support for Emscripten, ARM processors and VS 2015 x64.
 * Made sure netlist includes are not found directly on include path.
 * Made Windows builds of nltool and nlwav understand Unicode.
 * Added standalone VS2015 build file in src/lib/netlist/build.
 * Added state saving and loading to nltool.
 * Optimized 7493 device - gives some 5 to 10% improvement to pong.
 * Reworked truthtables a bit: moved 9312 and 74279 to TTL macro library, renamed TTL_9312_* to more appropriate DM9312.
 * Fixed a number of warnings from latest Ubuntu clang 5.0.

-huc6261.cpp: Fixed YUV colors, added palette offset and HuC6261-A mixing - fixes PC-FX boot screen graphics/colors. [Angelo Salese]

-namcond1.cpp: Enabled preliminary ROZ effects in ygv608 core. [Angelo Salese]

-segas16b.cpp: Improved inputs for Excite League / Super League. [Angelo Salese]

-sh4: Fixed FMOV* opcodes. [MetalliC]

-naomi.cpp: Redumped "Crackin' DJ Part 2". [billy16jr, Cereth, cpsystem3, MetalliC, rtw]

-naomi.cpp documentation updates: [MetalliC]
 * Added two Japan Mushiking cart serial numbers.
 * Documented Atomiswave game exe Build timestamps shown in Test Mode.
 * Corrected few game years.
 * Sorted game list by build dates.

-Mega Card (Ver.0210, encrypted) improvements:
 * Added bruteforced PLD dump. [Team Europe, caius, Roberto Fresca]
 * Added G65SC02 decode die dump and tech notes about the custom CPU. [Team Europe, Sean Riddle, Roberto Fresca]
 * Added CY7C291A dump from inside the custom CPU. [Team Europe, Roberto Fresca]
 * Fixed ASCII PCB layout and list of components. [Roberto Fresca]

-Arrow Bingo: Fixed clocks to be more accurate, hooked principal inputs to make the game playable, added technical notes [Roberto Fresca]

-Power Card (Ver 0263, encrypted): Dumped the CY7C291A from inside of the custom CPU, added technical notes. [Team Europe, Roberto Fresca]

-Arrow Bingo: Added a new input requested by the code, added more technical notes about the program. [Roberto Fresca]

-mac: Fixed NuBus memory stomp. [R. Belmont]

-Fixed apple2gs regressions. [R. Belmont]

-konmedal: Improved screen display, added ROM banking, started implementing VROM readback. [R. Belmont]

-Added Preliminary TLCS-870 CPU core - work in progress. [David Haywood]

-spacecr: Added continue button. [AJR]

-De-hardcoded service inputs for gekisou and Atari games. [AJR]

-polepos.cpp input improvements: [AJR]
 * Corrected DIP switches and locations for polepos2bi and polepos2bs.
 * Fix bootleg manufacturer info for polepos2bs.
 * Use modern DEVCB features to make extra 4-bit input ports unnecessary.

-lastbank: Working sound and music. [AJR]
 * ES-8712: Added busy status read and notes on device.
 * Allow sound CPU to reset the ES-8712 and M6295.
 * Added NVRAM, remapped/renamed inputs, added RTC notes.

-bcruzm12: Changed PSGs to AY8912, added notes on PCB. [AJR]

-dblcrown: Simplified code by adding 8255 PPI, PSG type is YMZ284. [AJR]

-gcpinbal modernization and sound improvements: [AJR]
 * Broke up the bogus IOC structure and used 8-bit handlers where appropriate
   - Fixes a music playback glitch due to the old handler's failure to account for byte mirroring.
 * Improved OKI M6295 sounds by using correct bit for banking.
 * Load more music by sending interrupt when ES-8712 finishes playing sample.
 * Added interface for 93C46 EEPROM and HCT157.
 * Updated machine flags to better reflect current emulation status.

-kothello: Added DIP SW2 and identified DIP switches and locations. [AJR]

-vmetal sound improvements: [AJR]
 * Implemented IRQ used to loop ES-8712 music (much like gcpinbal) - all extant samples should be

playable now.
 * Reduced unreasonably high OKIM6295 volume.
 * Added a reset line callback for the ES-8712.
   - Will be used to reset the MSM5205/MSM6585 when the implementation is rewritten to use those
   - For now, it's used for IRQ generation in vmetal.
 * Removed the auto-repeat feature from the ES-8712 device. All known games that loop samples do so by status polling or IRQs.

-upd7810: Replaced fake I/O space with callbacks. [AJR]

-capbowl, bowlrama: Identified DAC type. [AJR]

-5clown.cpp, bzone.cpp: Correctly assigned service buttons. [OzFalcon]

-Force CPU-20: Added board variant handling and a few variants. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * cpu-21, cpu-21a, cpu-21ya, cpu-21b, cpu-21yb and cpu-21s, differs in CPU speed and memory mainly
 * Added logging.

-Prodigy: Added netlist for BCD display, got correct boot up display but no interaction yet as keypad is missing, added layout. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-VME bus: Added default bus address space and prepared for bus-specific features. [Joakim Larsson

-via6522 updates: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * Improved logging.
 * Fixed 50/50 duty cycle for T2 and O2 driven CB1 shift IN & OUT on CB2.
 * Added stop of device_timer when going from internaly to externaly clocked shift modes.
 * Fixed so shift out and in flank is not controlled by pcr in accordance with datasheet.
 * Added missing final and leading flanks when shifting out and in respectivelly.

-68561: Improved interrupt support and LOGs messages. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-BIM 68153: Fixed release irq line bug and updated LOGs. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-fccpu30: Updated to new LOG system. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-New netlist device: 74164 - 8bit parallel output serial shift register. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-Made mcombat, mcombata and mcombats boot. They still need inputs/sound (AY8912). [Ivan Vangelista]

-Heathkit H19/H89: A few fixes and more documentation, cleaned up ROM definitions. [Mark Garlanger]

-mc6845: The device should not scan out more lines than programmed into the 'visible' register. [Mark Garlanger]

-zx81: Added tzx cassette format, changed default ramsize to 16K. [Nigel Barnes]

-z88: Fixed expanded video addressing in RAM carts. [Nigel Barnes]

-Allow softlist software parts to use different interfaces: [Nigel Barnes]
 * imgcntrl: Don't assume first software part, find part with correct interface.
 * swlist: Check all software parts for matching interface when populating list of software lists.
 * softlist_dev: Check all software parts when finding approximate matches.

-aim65: Added 16K PROM/ROM module, 4 extra sockets required for Instant Pascal. [Nigel Barnes]

-lastbank.cpp: Filled in Coinage and Demo Sounds DIP switches. [Brian Troha]

-aquarium.cpp: Documentation and clock update. [Brian Troha]
 * Replaced PCB layout with with a more informational version, listed out major chips on the PCB
including customs.
 * Corrected OKI M6295 clock with actual resonator.

-t10mmc: Added Play Audio MSF (0x47) command, used by Another CD Player and Astrocounter of Crescents. [Barry Rodewald]

-portaudio: Minimal const-correctness. [O. Galibert]

-Apple Laserwriter II NT: Updated driver quite a bit, improved the overlay emulation and ram mapping, passes more self tests, added as much info about memory maps as could be easily derived without PAL dumps. [Lord Nightmare]

-LaserWriter II NT: Hooked up interrupts to 68k, got more self tests to pass. [Lord Nightmare]

-freekick.cpp: Fixed sprite rom load order in omega, derived input ports from gigas rather than fully
redefining everything. [Lord Nightmare]

-arkanoid.cpp: Added detailed memory map with proper mirroring; documented and mapped the joystick ports which, while present and fully functional on the pcb, are unused by the game code. [Lord Nightmare]

-Updated FSF address in a few files' license headers. [Luke-Nukem]

-arm7: Added support for the second BLX form for ARMv5 and fixed behavior of second BLX form in THUMB. [Alex Marshall]

-intvkbd driver improvements: [Frank Palazzolo]
 * Corrected screen alignment.
 * Changed to use generic TMS9927.
 * Aligned STIC and TMS9927 graphics properly.
 * Added preliminary support for testing intvkbd printer.
 * Added proper documented memory addresses for tape drive.
 * TMS9927: added support for driver-specific overscan areas.

-pgm2: Fixed address map up a little bit and added notes. [Alex Marshall]

-namcos22: Added per-game speaker configurations based on manuals and test messages. [superctr]

-namcos22: Added 'bodysonic' speaker to airco22b (name comes from test mode). [superctr]

-C352 improvements: [superctr]
 * Implemented volume ramping behavior confirmed with recording from real hardware.
   - Example: Tekken 3, reduced pops in especially King's stage BGM.
 * Rewrote mu-law algorithm - might not be quite perfect yet, but is closer to recordings and sounds a bit clearer.
   - Example: Time Crisis.
 * Byte-swapped sample ROMs as necessary.

-portaudio: Fixed issues causing crash with 32-bit builds, clamp latency. [intealls]

-Fixed Battle Cruiser M-12 sprite colors. [MASH]

-dec0.cpp: Added new and improved readme for the DEC0 based games. [Guru]

-SDK85: Added mastermind BIOS. [Paolo Forlani, Stefano Bodrato]

-hp9845 updates: [F.Ulivi]
 * Fixed parallel poll logic in PHI.
 * Working support for HP9895 dual floppy drive with MFI image format.
 * Corrected aspect ratio of alpha and graphic video modes using a layout file.


Atari Touch Me [hap, Sean Riddle]
Dodge Man [Shoutime, Darksoft, Anonymous Donator, Smittdogg, The Dumping Union]
Flash Boy (vertical) [DECO Cassette MD] (No.12/Ver.0/Set.1,Japan) [Game Preservation Society]
Fonas 2 Player Baseball [hap, Sean Riddle]
GAF Melody Madness [hap, Kevin Horton]
Galaxy Games StarPak 3  [Keith M. Kolmos, Rod_Wod, Sean Sutton, Soren Skou Nielsen, Russell Howard, Francis Ramirez, Tourniquet, Brian Troha, coolmod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Luca Elia]
LJN I Took a Lickin' From a Chicken [hap, Sean Riddle]
Lakeside Le Boom [hap, Kevin Horton]
Omega [ShouTime, Darksoft, Anonymous Donator, Smittdogg, Vas Crabb, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Sega Sonic Cosmo Fighter [ShouTime, Anonymous Donator, The Dumping Union]
Tandy Electronic Basketball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tiger Half Court Computer Basketball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tiger/Tandy Rocket Pinball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Toytronic Football (2 versions) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Westinghouse Test Console Serial #5 [Vas Crabb, NekoEd]

Gallop Racer 2 (Export) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Ideal Maniac [hap, Sean Riddle, Kevin Horton]
Milton Bradley Plus One [hap, Sean Riddle]


Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Japan 960223) [ShouTime, Steven Fairbrother, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21A [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21B [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21S [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21YA [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21YB [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Gals Panic S2 (Europe) [rtw, The Dumping Union]
Head Panic (ver. 0702, 02/07/1999) [hammy, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Missile Attack [f205v]
Momoko 120% (bootleg) [Paul Hogger]
Mouse Trap (version 2) [Pat Daderko]
Osborne-1 (Nuevo Video) [Vas Crabb, NekoEd]
Puzznic (US) [Coolmod]
Red Hawk (Greece) [Abelardator2]
Sitcom Timer [Vas Crabb]
Speak and Help  [Andrew Welburn]
Street Fighter EX2 (USA 980312) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Korean release) [Brian Hargrove]
The Pit Boss (2214-07, U5-0A) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
VS Block Breaker (Europe) [rtw, The Dumping Union]
Zen Nippon Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua (Taiwan) [XeD]

Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Ambush hardware) [Dirk Best]
Gallop Racer 2 (Japan) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Gallop Racer 2 Link HW (Japan) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

Dragon's Eye (0100521V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
InterPro 2800 [Patrick Mackinlay]
K.G. Bird (0200024V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
KOF Sky Stage (v1.00J) [rtw]
Mega Card (Ver.0210, encrypted) [Team Europe, f205v, Sean Riddle, Roberto Fresca]
Penguin Pirate II (0100869V, Victoria) [Heihachi_73]
Phantom Pays (0500005V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Star Horse 2001 (satellite, Rev B) [any, Lord Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw, ShouTime]
The King of Fighters XII (v1.00) [Niko]
Toucan Tango (0100782V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Tsukande Toru Chicchi [Alex Cmaylo, The Dumping Union, R. Belmont]
Winning Post (RHG0418-04, US) [Heihachi_73]
Wizard Ways (0200396V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]


Amazon Hunt III (rev. 1, French) [PinMAME]
Arena (French) [PinMAME]
Arena (German) [PinMAME]
Bad Girls (French) [PinMAME]
Bad Girls (German) [PinMAME]
Big House (French) [PinMAME]
Big House (German) [PinMAME]
Bone Busters Inc. (German) [PinMAME]
Bounty Hunter (German) [PinMAME]
Diamond Lady (French) [PinMAME]
Diamond Lady (German) [PinMAME]
Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1606, US) [Heihachi_73]
Excalibur (French) [PinMAME]
Excalibur (German) [PinMAME]
Gamshara (World, 10021 Ver.A) [Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Genesis (French) [PinMAME]
Genesis (German) [PinMAME]
Gold Wings (French) [PinMAME]
Gold Wings (German) [PinMAME]
Golden Pyramids (0100878V, Victoria) [Heihachi_73]
Heathkit H-19 w/ Super-19 ROM [Mark Garlanger]
Heathkit H-19 w/ Watzman ROM [Mark Garlanger]
Hollywood Heat (French) [PinMAME]
Hollywood Heat (German) [PinMAME]
Hot Shots (French) [PinMAME]
Hot Shots (German) [PinMAME]
Margarita Magic (EHG1558, US) [Heihachi_73]
Mars - God of War (Prototype) [PinMAME]
Missile Attack [f205v]
Monte Carlo (Pinball, French) [PinMAME]
Monte Carlo (Pinball, German) [PinMAME]
Monte Carlo (Pinball, rev. 2) [PinMAME]
Panther Magic (0100716V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Pet Shop (0100731V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Q.T. Bird (0500009V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Raven (German) [PinMAME]
Robo-War (French) [PinMAME]
Rock (German) [PinMAME]
Rock Encore (German) [PinMAME]
Rollergames (AD-2) Prototype [PinMAME]
Rollergames (LF-2) French [PinMAME]
Rollergames (LF-3) French [PinMAME]
Spring Break (French) [PinMAME]
Spring Break (German) [PinMAME]
Street Fighter EX 2 (US 980312) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Tag-Team Wrestling (German) [PinMAME]
T.T. Defender [ShouTime, Renato Mucciarelli, Jan Stuhler, Surgeville, John Wilke, Rod_Wod, Mr. Goodwraith, ranger_lennier, Antonio Jover, ArcadeDude, Paul Vining, Ryan Gatto, joey35car, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
TX-Sector (French) [PinMAME]
TX-Sector (German) [PinMAME]
Victory (Pinball, French) [PinMAME]
Victory (Pinball, German) [PinMAME]
Virtua Bowling (Hong Kong, V101HJS) [Abelardator2]
Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Revision A) [twistedsymphony]

Nuevo software list additions que funcionan
abc80_flop: Hires Invasion demo [Genesis Project]
aim65_cart: AIM 65/PC100 Extended BASIC v2.1 & v2.3, AIM 65 Instant Pascal v1.0 [Nigel Barnes]
atom_flop: Manic Miner (conversion) [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop: Sherston titles, Byte the Apple music demos [Nigel Barnes]
gamate: Fortune 'n Luck [Peter Wilhemsen]
ibm5150: 688 Attack Sub (5.25"), Cartooners, Cartooners in Space, Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula (Alt), Zany Golf [Octocontrabass] Aces High, Amnesia, Boulder Dash, Bruce Lee, Bubble Bobble, Double Dragon, Double Dragon II, Double Dragon III, Earthly Delights, Executive Suite, Frederick Forsyth's The Fourth Protocol, The Lost Treasures of Infocom, The Lost Treasures of Infocom II, Mega Man, Mega Man III, Metal Gear, MINIX 1.x, Prince of Persia, PSI-5 Trading Company, RoboCop, Wendin Multiuser DOS [Justin Kerk]
pico: Ecco Jr. e la GrandeCaccia al Tesoro nell'Oceano! (Ita) [f205v]
z88_cart: game conversions and commercial applications [Nigel Barnes]
zx81_cass: over 550 games and applications [Nigel Barnes]

Nuevo software list additions que no funcionan

ibm5150: Astro-Dodge, BurgerTime [Justin Kerk]
zx80_cass: small selection of games [Nigel Barnes]

Pagina oficial:

Descarga de la versión 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión 64 bits:

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

PCem v12

Es un programa que permite emular vatios tipos de ordenadores y que en ellos permite ejecutar hasta windows 95 y 98 (Con aceleración gráfica emula la 3dfx), es una buena opción para poder ejecutar todos esos juegos que no funcionan en vmware o virtualbox ya que necesitan un mejor soporte de windows 95 o 98 o cualquiera de los que en esos sistemas necesitaba el uso de una tarjeta gráfica como 3dfx o aceleración por hardware que no soportan ni vmware ni virtualbox.

Llega a emular hasta windows me e incluso xp.

Con el se puede emular hasta una sounblaster awe 32 que era de lo mejor en esa epoca y una 3dfx Voodoo 2

- Nuevas máquinas añadidas - AMI 386DX, MR 386DX
- Nuevas tarjetas gráficas soportadas - Plantronics ColorPlus, Wyse WY-700, Obsidian SB50, Voodoo 2
- Optimizaciones de la CPU  - con una mejora de hasta el 50%
- Optimizaciones de la 3DFX
- Mejorada la emulación del joystick - joystick analógico  de hasta 8 botones, CH Flightstick Pro, ThrustMaster FCS, SideWinder pad
- El raton se puede escoger entre serial, PS/2 y IntelliMouse
- Emulación básica del 286/386 prefetch - 286 & 386 el funcionamiento es ahora más parecido al del sistema real
- Mejorada la emulación compuesta de CGA/PCjr/Tandy
- Varios fallos arreglados

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Descarga la versión windows aqui:

Descarga la versión  Linux:

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017

PSX Datacenter Actualización 18-Febrero-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter de la parte de PS2 y lo hace añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos como Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Underworld, Lamune - Garasu-Bin ni Uturu Umi, Lake Masters EX Super, Last Escort - Club Katze, Le Mans 24 Hours, Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2 o Lego Star Wars - The Videogame

Lake Masters EX Super [SLPS-20103] (J)
Lake Masters EX Super [Reprint] [SLPS-20180] (J)
Lamune - Garasu-Bin ni Uturu Umi [SLPM-66084] (J)
Lamune - Garasu-Bin ni Uturu Umi [Limited Edition] [SLPM-66083] (J)
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - Underworld [SLPS-25927] (J)
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - Underworld [Spike the Best] [SLPS-25986] (J)
Last Escort - Club Katze [SLPS-25958] (J)
Last Escort - Club Katze [Limited Edition] [SLPS-25957] (J)
Le Mans 24 Hours [SLPM-62128] (J)
Le Mans 24 Hours [Sega the Best 2800] [SLPM-62465] (J)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2 [SLPS-25085] (J)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2 [SLPM-67516] (E)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2 [SLPS-55013] (J)
Lego Star Wars - The Videogame [SLPS-20423] (J)
Yukinko Daisenpuu - Saiyuki to Koyuki no Hie Hie Daisoudou [SLPM-66707] (J)

Heavenly Guardian [SLUS-21653] (E)
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - Underworld [SLUS-21858] (E)(F)(S)
Le Mans 24 Hours [SLUS-20207] (E)(F)(S)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2 [SLUS-20165] (E)
Legion - The Legend of Excalibur [SLUS-20048] (E)
Lego Star Wars - The Videogame [SLUS-21083] (E)

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - Underworld [SLES-55442] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Le Mans 24 Hours [SLES-50131] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2 [SLES-50196] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Legend of Sayuki [SLES-55123] (E)(F)(I)(S)
Legion - The Legend of Excalibur [SLES-50273] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Lego Star Wars - The Videogame [SLES-53194] (E)(D)(Du)(F)(G)(I)(S)

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Underworld (S) [SLES-55442]
Manual scans, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.

Si quereis contribuir y agradecer asi el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

Check them here:

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

WinUAE 3.4.1 Beta 1

Nueva versión beta del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar todos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx,opengl,permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningun borde,lectura de los cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras opcioes.


- Quickstart Blizzard modes (except if JIT enabled) enabled 24-bit addressing which caused new
autoconfig/fallback mode support to think Blizzard is in 68020 fallback mode, disabling autoconfig.
- Added Apollo 1240/1260 SCSI module installed on/off option.
- IDE Identify drive command didn't reset multiple sector offset value. If previous read was partial
multiple transfer, identity drive returned previously read data block.
- Added Lock drive option to real harddrive mount dialog. If checked, all partitions in selected drive
will be locked and unmounted when emulation is running, enabling full read/write access even if drive has Windows mounted FAT partition(s). Lock will be ignored if drive has one or more NTFS partitions.
- Add harddrive didn't accept magneto-optical devices.
- Lots of softfloat FPU mode and normal FPU mode fixes and updates. (Andreas Grabher and me)
- Softfloat FPU mode added to GUI, supports on the fly switching.
- Untrap middle mouse button option was stuck.
- Implemented accurate 68020+ T0 trace mode emulation. (Original one has not been changed for ages..)
- Fixed crash when sound card audio play started and mono sound channel mode and "Include CD and FMV audio" was ticked.
- 271b3 "Blitter final D write don't increase "nasty" count" That is not true, I think this was only
added to fix demo that randomly glitches on real hardware too.. Fixes intro Himalaya by Avalanche.
- Added illegal instruction at the end of each memory bank allocation, just outside of last available
byte to force exception if execution falls of the edge of memory. This can happen if "more compatible" is not checked. Currently this causes bus error exception. May become halt in the future.
- Audio interrupts are delayed by 2 cycles, logic analyzer confirmed. Emulated only in cycle-exact mode. (Mission Elevator)
- Emulated sprite special case when DMA mode sprite's start X-coordinate is less than sprite's DMA slot position.
- Fixed AGA HAM6/8 behavior when BPLCON4 XOR value is non-zero. Planes 6 and 7 never affect palette selection if HAM8, Planes 4 to 7 if HAM6. If HAM control bits select hold mode, selected direct R/G/B value bypasses XOR operation. (Thanks to dissident for test cases)
- AGA EHB plane 6 half-brite selection bit is taken before BPLCON4 XOR adjustment. (Same)
- HAM mode and BPLCON4 BPLAM bit changes or HAM mode and BPLCON4 sprite bank bit changes and sprites in same scanline may have caused wrong sprite or HAM colors.
- >2M chip RAM didn't work in non-JIT compatible modes.
- Added -ldlog 1/2 command line parameter, logs all laserdisc commands.
- Recursive mode ROM scanner now skips directories starting with dot.
- HDF creator used old style dialog type.
- 68030 CE/prefetch mode cache access fix.
- JIT direct broke 512k and 1M chip RAM size detection.
- If statefile is loaded with one or more floppy images that can't be opened: keep fake disk in drive
(like previously) and ask for new disk path when missing disk is accessed for the first time. (access =
read or write attempt) Old disk path is shown in disk dialog title bar.
- SCSI emulation SCSI buffer re-sizing didn't handle READ(6) zero size length correctly.
- Added memory cycle-exact Quickstart step for A1200 and CD32 configurations. Less CPU heavy than full cycle-exact and usually not much more worse (or better). At least not until 68020 CE gets better.
- Memory cycle exact mode incorrectly counted internal CPU cycles partially.
- Memory cycle exact mode also enables more accurate custom chipset mode.
- 68020 CE mode adjustments, fixed Chip RAM access speed (was too fast previously), removed all extra cycle counting temporarily. Work in progress.
- Include key scancode in Input panel key events.

Softfloat FPU mode is now officially supported, Andreas Grabher (Previous) implemented required 6888x-specific features to softfloat support library. Only needed if "weird" features are required (denormals and unnormals, invalid operands) or extended precision (that WinUAE does not support due to MSVC not supporting it) or accurate status register flags or 100% accurate rounding/NaN handling, FMOD/FREM quotient etc.

Arithmetic exceptions are not yet supported. Trigonometric and logarithmic functions are currently
implemented using normal native C-library functions and won't return 100% same results as real 6888x.

Not compatible with JIT FPU emulation.

Página oficial: 

Versión beta en los foros de English Amiga board

Descarga de la versión beta 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión beta 64 bits:

Descarga de la versión 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión  64 bits:

Descarga de los [1.5.1+ Direct3D Pixel Shader filters]

sábado, 11 de febrero de 2017

PSX Datacenter Actualización 11-Febrero-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos de PSX y actualizando muchas otras como Fox Sports NHL Championship 2000, Killer Bass, Mobile Suit Z Gundam, Momotarou Densetsu, Momotarou Matsuri, Monaco Grand Prix, Money Idol Exchanger, Monkey Hero, Monkey Magic, Monster Complete World o Monster Rancher con nuevo contenido como portadas en alta resolución, información, nuevos trucos, publicidades y muchos otros cambios.

Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PSX Datacenter:

Pachi-Slot Kanzen Kouryaku - Takasago Super Project [SLPS-03110] (J)
Pachi-Slot Teiou - Yamasa Remix [SLPS-02905] (J)
Pachinko Teiou - CR Sore Ute Hama-chan 2 & CR Sore Yuke Matchan S [SLPS-03254] (J)
Pachitte Chonmage 2 - Kyoraku Kounin Tanukichi 2000 & Jungle P [SLPS-02575] (J)

Fox Sports NHL Championship 2000 [SLUS-00925] (E)
Fox Sports NHL Championship 2000 [SLES-02298] (E)
Killer Bass [SLPS-02747] (J)
Killer Bass [Magical 1500 Series] [SLPS-03113] (J)
Mobile Armor [SLUS-01469] (E)
Mobile Suit Gundam [SLPS-00035] (J)
Mobile Suit Gundam [PlayStation the Best] [SLPS-91011] (J)
Mobile Suit Gundam v.2.0 [SLPS-00280] (J)
Mobile Suit Gundam v.2.0 [Limited Edition] [SLPS-00281] (J)
Mobile Suit Gundam v.2.0 [PlayStation the Best] [SLPS-91048] (J)
Mobile Suit Z Gundam [SCPS-45160-1] (J)
Mobile Suit Z Gundam [SLPS-01142-3] (J)
Mobile Suit Z Gundam [Bandai the Best] [SLPS-03232-3] (J)
Momotarou Densetsu [SLPS-01785] (J)
Momotarou Densetsu [Playstation the Best] [SLPS-91171] (J)
Momotarou Densetsu [PSOne Books] [SLPM-87101] (J)
Momotarou Densetsu V [SLPS-02458] (J)
Momotarou Densetsu V [Limited Edition] [SLPS-02456-7] (J)
Momotarou Densetsu V [PSOne Books] [SLPM-87347] (J)
Momotarou Dentetsu V [Hudson the Best] [SLPM-87032] (J)
Momotarou Matsuri [SLPM-86888] (J)
Monaco Grand Prix - Racing Simulation 2 [SLPS-02106] (J)
Monaco Grand Prix [SLUS-00834] (E)
Monaco Grand Prix - Racing Simulation 2 [SLES-01691] (E)(F)(I)(S)
Money Idol Exchanger [SLPS-00963] (J)
Money Idol Exchanger [Rerelease] [SLPS-02644] (J)
Monkey Hero [SLUS-00765] (E)
Monkey Hero [SLES-00979] (E)(F)(G)(I)
Monkey Hero [SLES-01803] (E)(F)(G)(I)  
Monkey Hero [SLES-01965] (F)(G)
Monkey Hero [Superlite 1500 series] [SLPM-86481]  
Monkey Magic [SLUS-00930] (E)
Monkey Magic [SLPS-02583] (J)
Monkey Magic [Value 1500] [SLPS-03300] (J)
Monopoly [SLUS-00507] (E)
Monopoly - Parker Brothers Real Estate Trading Game [SLPS-00741] (J)
Monopoly - Parker Brothers Real Estate Trading Game [Special Price] [SLPS-01682] (J)
Monopoly [SLES-00945] (E)(F)(G)(Du)(S)
Monster Bass [SLUS-01490] (E)
Monster Collection - Kamen no Madoushi [SLPS-02245] (J)
Monster Complete World [SLPS-01870] (J)
Monster Complete World [Idea Factory Collection] [SLPS-02783] (J)
Monster Complete World [SuperLite 1500 Series] [SLPM-87120] (J)
Monster Race [SLPM-86143] (J)
Monster Racer [SLES-03246] (E)(F)(G)(I)(P)(S)
Monster Rancher [SLUS-00568] (E)
Monster Farm [SLPS-00910] (J)
Monster Farm [PlayStation the Best] [SLPS-91109] (J)
Racing Simulation 2 [SLES-01665] (G)
Simple 1500 Series vol.090 - The Sensha [SLPM-87004] (J)
Añadidas nuevas descripciones, portadas en alta resolución,nuevas publicidades y imagenes.

Pachitte Chongmage 2 (J) [SLPS-02575]
Manual scans, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.

Podeís consultarlas en:

Si quereis contribuir y agradecer asi el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017

Cemu v1.7.1

Nueva versión final de este emulador de Wii U que va mejorando cada vez más pero por ahora empiezan a funcionar juegos, es algo lento todavía pero progresa muy rápido.

- Puede correr imagenes de Wii U encriptadas (WUD) y archivos RPX/RPL
- Resolución Interna es  1920x1080 (Si el juego la soporta)
- Sin optimizar. Espera bajos framerates y largos tiempos de carga.
- Funciona sólo en Windows x64 . puede que en otras plataformas posteriormente.
- Requerido OpenGL 3.3

- Optimización del recompiler (Más rápida la emulación de la CPU lo que aumenta los frames en muchos juegos significatívanmente)
- Mejorada la compatibilidad
- Reducido el uso de VRAM
- Muchísimos fallos y crashes del emulador arreglados

Página oficial:


sábado, 4 de febrero de 2017

PSX Datacenter Update 04-Febrero-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter de la parte de PS2 y lo hace añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos como Jak II, Kyojin no Hoshi - The anime Super Remix, L no Kisetsu 2 - Invisible Memories, L.A. Rus, La Pucelle - Tactics o Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - Anniversary

Jak II [SCKA-20010] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(J)(K)
Jak II - Jak x Daxter 2 [SCPS-15057] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(J)(K)
Jak II - Jak x Daxter 2 [SCAJ-20073] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(J)(K)
Kyojin no Hoshi - The anime Super Remix [SLPM-65142] (J)
Kyufu Shinbun (Heisei-han) Kaiki! Shinrei File [SLPM-65342] (J)
Kyoufu Shinbun (Heisei-Han) Kaiki! Shinrei File [Konami the Best] [SLPM-65626] (J)
Kyuuketsu Kitan Moonties [SLPM-66919] (J)
Kyuuketsu Kitan Moonties [Limited Edition] [GWS-0001]
L no Kisetsu 2 - Invisible Memories [SLPM-55009] (J)
L no Kisetsu 2 - Invisible Memories [Limited Edition] [FVGK-0007] (J)
La Pucelle [SLPM-64522] (K)
La Pucelle [SLPS-20167] (J)
La Pucelle [Limited Edition] [SLPS-20165] (J)
La Pucelle - Hikari no Seijo Densetsu [SLPS-20398] (J)
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - Anniversary [SLPS-25856] (J)
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - Anniversary [Spike the Best] [SLPS-25946] (J)
Last Escort - Kurochou Special Night [SLPS-25673] (J)

Jak II [SCUS-97265] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(J)(K)
L.A. Rush [SLUS-21112] (E)
La Pucelle - Tactics [SLUS-20847] (E)
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - Anniversary [SLUS-21555] (E)(F)(S)

Jak II - Renegade [SCES-51608] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(J)(K)
L.A. Rush [SLES-53419] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
La Pucelle - Tactics [SLES-52978] (E)
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider - Anniversary [SLES-54674] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Anniversary (S) [SLES-54674]
Manual scans, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.

Check them here: