miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

MAME 0.184

Nueva versión del Mame final como cada último miércoles del mes, que desde hace varias versiones
incluye el Mess en el mismo programa. Es un emulador de maquinas arcade creado por Nicola Salmoria y el Mess lo que hace es emular emuladores y consolas  como Spectrum, Commodore 64 y muchas mas.


Well, it’s the last Wednesday of the month, and I hope you know what that means: it’s time for your
regularly scheduled MAME release. There aren’t a huge number of new working machines in this release, but there are some significant improvements. Thanks to kazblox, MAME now emulates some of the peculiarities of Famicom clone hardware, and thanks to shattered, emulation of the Agat-7 Apple II clone is improved. Peter Ferrie provided a superior Apple II language card implementation. We’ve got lots of additions to the BBC and PC software lists from Nigel Barnes and darkstar.

We’ve made substantial improvements to some of MAME’s non-emulation features. The -romident verb is now much faster when used on a folder or archive containing multiple files, and will identify ROMs for emulated slot devices that aren’t inserted by default. The -listxml output now includes all linked devices, and is produced at least 30% faster. We’ve also improved -verifyroms so it covers more devices and is faster when verifying ROMs for a subset of drivers/devices.

MAME 0.184 includes support for plenty of newly dumped versions of supported arcade games, including a rare US prototype of Shanghai III, the world release of Super Crowns Golf, a version of Flashgirl that shows the Kyugo logo, a German version of Raiden II, the Japanese release of Radical Radial, and bootlegs of Bomber Man and Phoenix. There are also several new chess computers, and even more Aristocrat Mark V gambler sets. If you’re interested in the TI-8x graphing calculators, it’s now possible to get an emulated TI-82 or TI-85 to communicate with another emulated instance or with a program running on the host computer over a socket.

- 04454: [Crash/Freeze] (saturn.cpp) seabass: Black Screen after patents screen (Angelo Salese)
- 06337: [DIP/Input] (mz2500.cpp) mz2500: The HELP key is missing (einstein95)
- 06361: [Cheat System] Cartrdige memory accessed directly with cheats will crash MAME (Pugsy)
- 06492: [Crash/Freeze] (model3.cpp) scud: Crash running scud with -bench 90, regression. (Phil Bennett)
- 06504: [Misc.] (coleco.cpp) coleco and clones, adam: Wrong device interface name (gordon-fish)
- 06512: [Graphics] (seattle.cpp) hyprdriv: Occasionally, when the race starting, the 3D graphic objects start to glitch and disappear, game become unplayable (R. Belmont)
- 06513: [Crash/Freeze] (gba.cpp) gba: Many previously working gba sl_roms now freeze (R. Belmont)

-Changed games to use 4-way joysticks. [AJR]
 * assault, bagman.cpp (all games except squasitsa), bballs, darktowr, ddungeon, horekid, klax,
maddonna, pushman, stoffy, supduck, toffy, trog (trogpa4 prototype uses different inputs)

-tms1024/tms1025: Added input callbacks and read handler. [AJR]
 * docastle.cpp: Read inputs through TMS1025.

-hanaroku: Added NVRAM and hopper. [AJR]

-feversoc: Added coin hopper output (prize hopper doesn't quite work). [AJR]

-hp9845b: Use standard instance names (and type) for optional ROMs. [AJR]

-merit.cpp: PSG type is AY-3-8912. [AJR]

-Converted screen_device VBLANK callback to devcb_write_line. [AJR]
 * Renamed screen_eof_xxx to screen_vblank_xxx in many drivers.

-lastbank: Added coin counters. [AJR]

-Added skeleton device for Video System C7-01 GGA. [AJR]

-taito_z.cpp: Fixed subtle color pen bug in Mexico GP stage for Continental Circus. [Angelo Salese]

-8x300dasm: Corrected JMP target addresses. [Barry Rodewald]

-Work around bug in msys2 C runtime causing garbage on console with DInput controllers. [Brad Hughes]

-abc80: Converted to scanline based rendering, fixed graphics characters, and fixed sound. [Curt Coder]
 * Genesis Project demos (abcdemo, hiresinv) are now fully working.

-Ambush: Cleaned up driver state. [Dirk Best]

-ay8910: Added a write handler for the case of bc1=a0 and bc2=a1. [Dirk Best]

-blockade: Rewrote driver: [Dirk Best]
 * Removed fake interrupts, rewrote coin handling, corrected CPU type.
 * Used screen raw parameters and generic 8x8x1 gfx layout.

-popper: Got some meat back onto the bones: [Dirk Best]
 * Made full memory map for main and sub CPUs derived from schematics.
 * Added both DIP switches with proper defaults.
 * Hooked up interrupt generation logic.
 * Decoded character and sprite layout, draw character tilemap.
 * Added raw screen parameters (to be verified).
 * Hooked up inputs and flip screen.
 * Fixed audio hookup.

-HP9845C improvements: [f.ulivi, Angus Kueckes]
 * Expanded from 1 to 4 I/O slots.
 * Allowed RAM size to be configured with -ram option.
 * Implemented HP-9845C driver (color version of the 9845 range of machines).
 * Improved 9845C lightpen emulation.
 * nanoprocessor: Fixed a subtle bug in interrupt handling.

-n64 updates: [Happy]
 * Added short delay between RDP full sync and DP interrupt, allowing RSP IRQ to arrive first.
 * Let debugger disassembly windows track RSP PC.
 * Flush RSP DRC cache when SP DMA changes IMEM.
 * Make element selection in vector load/store RSP DRC C functions consistent with other

 * Fix a minor issue with RDP disassembly listing for Load Block.

-mips3 DRC : Ensure branch delay slot instruction is not virtual instruction before trying to generate
code to add it to the block
 checksum, fixed FPU register aliasing. [Happy]

-z80sio: Added i8274/upd7201 variants, refactored interrupts, improved logging. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * isbc: Changed to use z80sio.cpp i8274 device instead of z80dart.cpp's, removed m1_r() workaournd.

-fcisio: Added layout and and RS232 configured for terminals on all 8 serial ports. [Joakim Larsson

-netlist: Added a heap priority queue, fix netlist stats collection, fixed new clang warnings, reduced
footprint of extended clock. [couriersud]

-Decoded popper color PROMs. [Joe Magiera, couriersud]

-sdk86.cpp: Fixed ROM loading. [Lord Nightmare]

-pes.cpp: use combined /RS and /WS function since the MCU/CPU can in theory change both lines at once, and since it uses a TMS5220  it does matter in this case. [Lord Nightmare]

-segas32.cpp: Added uPD7725 DSP with ROM loading to Air Rescue (disabled for now). [Lord Nightmare]

-upd7725: Added preliminary IRQ support, corrected SI/SO bit order, added SIACK/SOACK registers, fixed save state registration, fixed reset state. [Lord Nightmare]

-Fixed an off-by-one error when loading upd96050 roms for SNES games. [Lord Nightmare]

-potgoldu.cpp: Added undumped MCU as NO_DUMP. [Lord Nightmare]

-konmedal/tsukande: Add clock XTAL definition for the Z80 CPU, divisor is guessed. [Lord Nightmare]

-Heath H19: Fixed keyboard, fixed handling of enable/disable of 25th line, use internal MM5740 ROM, fixed H-19 with Watzman ROM, fixed Super19. [Mark Garlanger]

-ti99: Various fixes for TI-99/4 (not A). [Michael Zapf]
  * Added initializations fixing crash on startup, fixed GROM issues (clock turned off too early).

-geneve: Fixed issue with sector read on HFDC without implied seek (did not check CRC and failed to switch density). [Michael Zapf]

-ti99/geneve: Made bus mouse now separate device, may also be used with evpc. [Michael Zapf]

-ti99/geneve: Fixed jerky mouse movement. [Michael Zapf]

-ti99_8: Fixed debugging for TI-99/8. [Michael Zapf]

-Softlist/slot improvements: [Nathan Woods]
 * Fixed an issue where device options (e.g. -cart) were reported as unknown when they actually worked.
 * Do more softlist evaluation upfront and use results to drive slot/image setup.
 * Added device_slot_interface::has_selectable_options() to determine whether a particular slot has
selectable options.

-Added a new addrmap.cpp validity check intended to catch AM_REGION declarations not tied to anything meaningful. [Nathan Woods]

-CoCo: Implemented support for enabling and disabling cartridge-specific sound, made third and fourth floppy drives present by default. [Nathan Woods]

-CoCo 3: Fixed an issue clearing GIME interrupts (disabling interrupts by writing to $FF92/3 also
acknowledges interrupt). [Nathan Woods, tim lindner, Glen Hewlett]

-6821pia.cpp: changed int to bool where appropriate, changed macros to static functions. [Nathan Woods]

-archimedes: Added JFD floppy format as used by JASPP (Archimedes Software Preservation Project). [Nigel Barnes]

-electron: Added First Byte joystick interface. [Nigel Barnes]

-Made side effect suppression a machine property. [O. Galibert]

-Removed direct update handlers: [O. Galibert]
 * a2600, atm (still not working, but less badly), mpf1 (makes step work), mpz80, pentagon, sage2,
scorpion, tms32031

-mb86233: Massive disassembler overhaul. [O. Galibert]

-arm7ops.cpp: Advance PC on unimplemented opcodes. [Peter Ferrie]

-apple2: Rewrote language card handling. [Peter Ferrie]

-apple2: Fixed IIe/IIc self-test regression. [R. Belmont]

-apple2: Fixed IIe $C800 arbitration, Zellyn/kqumba tests pass now. [R. Belmont]

-z180: DMA fixes: [R. Belmont]
 * Count of 0 means 0x10000, as with other DMA controllers.
 * Fixed scheduling so burst mode DMA is always serviced immediately with no CPU ops interleaved.

-gba: Fixed revised copy protection handler to get the right PC (MT6513). [R. Belmont]

-vp101: Added framebuffer, some inputs, ATA, NVRAM, protection cheat; implemented ATA DMA. [R. Belmont]

-MIPS: Added initial support for VR5500 and TX4925 CPUs. [R. Belmont]

-Fixed errors detected by coverity: [shattered]
 * argo, unior, x07: CID: 138563-138565 "Overlapping buffer in memory copy"
 * pc88va: CID: 138607 "Operands don't affect result"
 * peplus: CID: 138606 "Logical vs. bitwise operator"
 * formats/cbm_tap: CID: 138003 "Dereference before null check"
 * machine/hdc92x4: CID: 138631 "Operands don't affect result"
 * machine/roc10937: CID: 138793 "Logically dead code"

-tosh1000: Hooked up ROM-DOS. [shattered]

-agat: Split from apple2, implemented basic agat7 hardware. [shattered]

-sm7238: Implemented double-sized characters and smooth scroll. [shattered]

-poisk1: Added more ROMs. [shattered]

-ibm6580: Made memory size configurable and fixed a Coverity finding. [shattered]

-ie15: Converted to a device with frontends (standalone driver and rs232 slot device). [shattered]

-debugger: Print octal addresses in the trace if CPU is octal. [shattered]

-dec_lk201: Added PORT_CHAR/PORT_CODE where missing. [shattered]

-wd_fdc: Tagged command names in debug messages. [shattered]

-Removed tag() argument from logerror() calls in cpu/i86 and floppy code. [shattered]

-bitgraph: Switched from layouts to rotation flags, fixed keyboard. [shattered]

-legacy floppy: Fixed floppy_stp_w. [shattered]

-a7150: De-skeletonized. [shattered]

-t11 cpu: Emulate MFPT instruction; MOV, CLR and SXT read memory before writing to it. [shattered]

-hp_ipc: De-skeletonized. [shattered]

-Commodore LCD: Halved size of character rom region and fixed switching between upper and lower case character sets. [smf]

-Fixed UPD7725 disassembly. [smf]

-zorba keyboard: Mapped remaining keys, documented remaining DIP switches, and added notes on MCU program. [Vas Crabb]

-gotcha/ppchamp/pasha2: Hooked up lamp outputs and add clickable artwork. [Vas Crabb]

-sun3x.cpp: Hooked up keyboard port. [Vas Crabb]

-Fixed natural keyboard mapping for vg9k keyboard (and hence UI paste/autoboot). [Vas Crabb]
 * Also fixed key labels and made default mapping match physical layout where possible.
 * The "triangle" key isn't mapped - I don't know what it does or how to test it.

-Updated GLM to tip of stable branch ( pre-release) - fixes build with MacPorts clang. [Vas

-Make device types self-register: [Vas Crabb]
 * MAME now walks all linked device types for -listxml, -romident and -verifyroms whether they're used or not.
 * Made device_creator a variable template.
 * Removed screen.h and speaker.h from emu.h and centralised instantiations of screen and speaker finder templates.
 * Added basic device validation to -valid checks.
 * Substantially sped up -listxml (at least 30% improvement), -verifyroms, and -romident on multiple

-Fixed crash on excessive command-line arguments, removed long-dead option. [Vas Crabb]

-ti85.cpp: Convert TI-8x link port to a bus with emulated peripherals, working for TI-82 and TI-85. [Vas Crabb]
 * Tee connector, HLE TI-Graph Link, stereo/mono speakers, and raw signal forwarding socket supported.

-Fixed new device validation issues. [Vas Crabb, O. Galibert, AJR]

-triforce.cpp: Fixed Mario Kart 2 ROM loading. [MetalliC]

-naomi.cpp: Dumped and documented 837-14438 hopper controller board (used by Kick'4'Cash and other SWP games). [big10p, Darksoft, MetalliC]

-Measured Naomi's MIE MCU speed. [rtw, MetalliC]

-naomi.cpp: Redumped "Noukone Puzzle Takoron (GDL-0042)" and "Virtua Fighter 4 (Rev B) (GDS-0012B)". [rtw]

-model1: Added dumped internal TGP ROMs. [Caps0ff]

-naomi.cpp: New BIOS dumps:
 * "Ferrari F355 Challenge (deluxe, no link)" Export BIOS [Darksoft]
 * "Ferrari F355 Challenge (deluxe, no link)" Japan BIOS [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]
 * "House of the Dead 2" Japan BIOS [Nomax]

-triforce.cpp: Added security PIC dumps:
 * "Mario Kart Arcade GP 2" [Soyandroid, Darksoft]
 * "Mario Kart Arcade GP" [Soyandroid]

-taito.cpp: Added program ROMs and corrected title for voleybal. [PinMAME]

-phoenix.cpp: Dumped/redumped PROMs for some of the bootlegs. [f205]

-viper.cpp: Added timekeeper dump for code1db. [ShouTime]

-midwunit.cpp: Redumped "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3" U2-U5 sound ROMs. [ShouTime]

-Corrected the main crystal in marineb.cpp to 12MHz as seen in PCB photos, cleaned up clock definitions in galaxian driver, moved ladybugg from galaxold to galaxian driver, use mooncrst_audio for mooncrst in galaxold, made spcwrp use hunchbkg pallette ROMs. [kazblox]

-nes: Added Magic Kid Googoo board (iNES mapper 190). [kazblox]

-Save state fixes for i386/pc_vga/cs4031: [moralrecordings]
 * Save cs4031 emulated A20 state, additional i386 attribute registers/flags, and VGA palette
 * Fixed broken VGA port reads on state load.
 * Fixed enum range check in i386.

-vicdual: Added nsub gradient simulation (makes black destroyers on the horizon visible). [SailorSat]

-homedata.cpp: Use 8-way joysticks for Reikai Doushi; added button descriptions and DIP locations. [Bad A. Billy]

-Fixed softwarelist cart memory cheats by moving cheat file loading to a later point in startup process. [Pugsy]

-Removed colon from image_interface preventing front-ends from launching ColecoVision software.

-ay8910: Added support for clock frequency changes. [tim lindner]

-chihiro.cpp: Redumped Ollie King (GDX-0007). [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]

-konamigx.cpp: Corrected two ROM names and redumped sound ROM for Rushing Heroes. [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-Updated hiscore.dat. [Leezer]

Ampro Computers Little Board/186 [Carl, Al Kossow]
Coleco Quiz Wiz Challenger [hap, Sean Riddle, Rik]
Conic Electronic I.Q. [hap, Sean Riddle]
CXG Chess 2001 [hap, Berger]
Micro Genius IQ-501 [kazblox]
Micro Genius IQ-502 [kazblox]
Shiny Golds [caius, The Dumping Union]
USG/Tandy 2-Player Football [hap, Sean Riddle]

Novag Constellation Forte (version B) [hap]
Heathkit H-19 [Mark Garlanger]
HP-9845C [f.ulivi, Angus Kueckes]
SM 7238 [shattered]

2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.2A) [Brian Troha, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Chesster Challenger (V1.3) [yovan]
Dendy Classic 2 [kazblox]
Dynablaster / Bomber Man (bootleg, set 3) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Designer 2100 [hap]
Fidelity The Excellence (model EP12, set 2) [yovan]
Fidelity The Par Excellence (rev. B) [hap]
Flashgal (set 1, Kyugo logo) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Gals Panic (MCU Protected, set 2) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Granit 'S' [hap]
Kishon Chesster [yovan]
Milton Bradley Simon (Rev F) [Sean Riddle]
NBA Play By Play (ver AAB) [alca]
Phoenix (IDI bootleg) [f205v]
Radical Radial (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Raiden II (Germany) [caius, The Dumping Union]
San Francisco Rush (boot rom L 1.06A) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Shanghai III (US, prototype) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910129) [Janniz]
Super Crowns Golf (World) [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

Heathkit H-19 w/ Super-19 ROM [Mark Garlanger]
Heathkit H-19 w/ Watzman ROM [Mark Garlanger]

Alchemist (01J02046, Venezuela) [Heihachi_73]
Arizona [PinMAME]
Bachelorette Party (BHG1248, US) [Heihachi_73]
Caprice Pro-Action Baseball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Cowboy 8 Ball [PinMAME]
Disco Dancing [PinMAME]
Dream Weaver (0200586V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Eltec Eurocom II V7 [shattered]
Fast Fortune (0100651V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Force [PinMAME]
Haunted Hotel [PinMAME]
Hustler [PinMAME]
Jumpin' Joey (0100383V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
King Kong [PinMAME]
Lucky Clover (0300109V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Mammoth Money (0100425V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Penguin Pirate (0100674V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Reel Power (0100400V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Rushin Rooster (0100534V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Silver Wolf (0100673V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Snow Cat (0100405V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Factory (Rev B) [ShouTime, Anonymous Donator, The Dumping Union]
Space Ship [PinMAME]
Subor SB-486 [kazblox]
Thor (0200319V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Thunder Heart (0200333V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Time Machine (LTD, 4 players) [PinMAME]
Trick Shooter [PinMAME]
USG Programmable Baseball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Viking King [PinMAME]
White Force [PinMAME]
Wicked Winnings (0100553V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Wild Angels (0100337V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Yukon Gold (03J00191, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Zoofari [R. Belmont, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]


Boot Scootin' (GHG1008-03, US) [Heihachi_73]
Cash Cat (0100557V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Cash Cat (0100676V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
The Chariot Challenge (0100787V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Desert Bloom (0300111V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1519, US) [Heihachi_73]
Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1607, US) [Heihachi_73]
Griffon (Olympia bootleg of Phoenix) [f205v, The Dumping Union]
Harley Davidson (L-2) [PinMAME]
Karnov (Japan, bootleg with NEC D8748HD) [The Iron Goat]
King Galah (0100536V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Loco Loot (0100473V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
M82 Display Unit (PAL) [kazblox]
Magic Mask (AHG1549, US) [Heihachi_73]
Magic Touch (0300455V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Mine, Mine, Mine (0400115V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Money Mouse (0300469V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Mountain Money (0100289V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Orchid Mist (0100849V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Oscar (0100348V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
OutRun 2 Special Tours (GDX-0014) [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]
Penguin Brothers (Japan, bootleg) [Rod_Wod, Team Europe and The Dumping Union]
Penguin Pays (0100113V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Penguin Pays - Penguin Pucks (EHG1257, US) [Heihachi_73]
Penguin Pirate (0200578V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Pot O' Gold (U.S. Games, v580F) [deathmock]
PPG Waveterm A [shattered]
Queen of the Nile (0101139V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile (0101707V, Brazil) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile (04J00784, Venezuela) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile - Cash Express (AHG1525, US) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile - Cash Express (AHG1609, US) [Heihachi_73]
San Francisco Rush: The Rock (Wavenet, boot rom L 1.38, GUTS Aug 19 1997 / MAIN Aug 19 1997) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
San Francisco Rush: The Rock (Wavenet, boot rom L 1.38, GUTS Aug 6 1997 / MAIN Aug 5 1997)  [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Skins Game Tournament Edition [mrsinister]
Super Bucks III (0100711V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Sweethearts II (0200465V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Time Machine (LTD, 2 players) [PinMAME]
Thunder Heart (0200334V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Tropical Delight (0100269V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Time Traveler (set 2) [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]
Unicorn Dreaming (0100813V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 (Export) (GDX-0016) [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]
Zephy (alternate set) [PinMAME]

Nuevo software list additions que funcionan
archimedes: Over 20 games and applications [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop: Disk User coverdisks, Bad Apple and X-Pansions Elevation demos [Nigel Barnes]
bbcm_flop: Enjoy The Silence and Retribution X demos [Nigel Barnes]
c64_cass: speakeasy [Dagarman]
  Bivouac, Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer, Double Dragon (5.25", older), EDITEXTE,
  Indianapolis 500: The Simulation (3.5", newer), Label Magic, Licence to Kill, Multitexte, Pick'n Pile, Prehistorik, PrintMaster Plus, Rockford, Skwee [breiztiger]
  Adaptec EZ-SCSI 3.1 German, AMouse Driver Disk v7.0, Borland Eureka 1.0, Borland Paradox 3.01 (German),Borland Paradox 4.0 (German, 2 versions),IBM DOS 5.02 (German), MS-DOS 6.22 (German), Windows 3.1 (German), Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (German) darkstar]
megadriv: TOm and Jerry (Jpn) [ElBarto]
nes: Magic Kid GooGoo [kazblox]
ti74: Maths and Finance cartridges [PockEmul]
vic1001_cass: speakeasy (partial dump) [Dagarman]

Nuevo software list additions que no funcionan
  Ikari Warriors (alt), First Samurai, JetFighter I: The Adventure, Turbo Driver [breiztiger]

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lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

WinUAE 3.4.1 Beta 4

Nueva versión beta del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar todos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx,opengl, permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningún borde,lectura de los cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras opciones.


– BPLCON4 bitplane XOR values didn’t affect background color between end of bitplanes and end of horizontal diw.
– FPU packed decimal datatype conversions are now accurately emulated. (AG). Softfloat mode is now mostly complete.
– -serlog command line parameter without -log now only logs serial output (and reads serial input).
– Lightpen emulation absolute coordinate HID pointing device support. (For example Aimtrak Light Gun) No extra configuration needed, absolute coordinates are automatically used in lightpen mode.
– American Laser Games second player light gun support added. ALG #2 horizontal/vertical input event.
– Fixed buffer overflow when screen was extremely wide internally with bitplane dma overrun.
– Escape old style directory and hardfile paths if it contains « , » (which is config file separator)
– Bitplane overrun didn’t work in lines that didn’t have any other chip bus accesses or when mode was non-CE.

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Versión beta en los foros de English Amiga board

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Descarga de la versión beta 64 bits:

Descarga de la versión 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión  64 bits:

Descarga de los [1.5.1+ Direct3D Pixel Shader filters]

sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017

PSX Datacenter Actualización 25-Marzo-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos de PSX y actualizando muchas otras como MTV Sports - Pure Ride, Muppet Monster Adventure, NBA Live 2002, Muppet Racemania, Mushi Taro o My Dream - On Air Ga Matenakute con nuevo contenido como portadas en alta resolución, información, nuevos trucos, publicidades y muchos otros cambios.

Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PSX Datacenter:

Mahjong Ganryuujima [SLPS-00043] (J)
Mahjong Ganryuujima [ASCII Casual Collection] [SLPS-02979] (J)
Miyuki Nakajima - Namiromu [SLPS-01625] (J)
Morita Kazuro no Chess [SLPS-02488] (J)

Motor Toon Grand Prix [SCUS-94355] (E)
Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 [SCPS-10018-9]    
Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 [SCES-00245] (E)
Motor Toon Grand Prix - USA Edition [PlayStation the Best] [SCPS-91027] (E)
MTV Sports - Pure Ride [SLUS-01231] (E)
MTV Sports - Pure Ride [SLES-03162] (E)(F)(G)
Mundial FIFA 2002 [SLES-03834] (S)
Mundial 2002 Challenge [SLES-03870] (P)
Muppet Monster Adventure [SLUS-01238] (E)
Muppet Monster Adventure [SCES-02403] (E)
Muppet Monster Adventure [SCES-03090] (F)
Muppet Monster Adventure [SCES-03091] (G)
Muppet Monster Adventure [SCES-03092] (I)
Muppet Monster Adventure [SCES-03093] (S)
Muppet Racemania [SLUS-01237] (E)
Muppet Racemania [SCES-02008] (E)
Muppet Racemania [SCES-02483] (F)
Muppet Racemania [SCES-02484] (G)
Muppet Racemania [SCES-02485] (I)
Teleñecos Racemania [SCES-02486] (S)
Murakoshi Seikai Bakuchou Nippon Rettou [SLPS-01392] (J)
Murakoshi Seikai no Bakuchou Nihon Rettou Tsuricon Taiouban [SLPS-02279] (J)
Murakoshi Seikai Bakuchou Nippon Rettou 2 [SLPS-02890] (J)
Mushi no Idokoro [SLPS-00375] (J)
Mushi Taro [SLPS-02816] (J)
Mushi Tarou [PSOne Books] [SLPS-91492] (J)
My Dream - On Air Ga Matenakute [SLPS-00996-7] (J)
NBA Live 2002 [SLUS-01416] (E)
NBA Live 2002 [SLES-03718] (E)
NBA Live 2002 [SLES-03719] (F)
NBA Live 2002 [SLES-03720] (G)
NBA Live 2002 [SLES-03721] (I)
NBA Live 2002 [SLES-03722] (S)
Añadidas nuevas descripciones, portadas en alta resolución,nuevas publicidades y imagenes.

Virtua Pachi-Slot EX [J] [SLPS-02295]
Manual scans by renzukoken, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator..

Podeis consultarlas en:

Si puedes contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

Anime Chick Story Game Card Captor Sakura PSX traducido al inglés

Se ha traducido completamente al inglés por Arikael juego Anime Chick Story Game Card Captor Sakura es un juego que fue publicada por Namco en Japón el 5 de Agosto de 1999.

Para usarlo los discos deben llamarse Animetic Story Game 1 - Card Captor Sakura (Japan) (Disc 1).bin Animetic Story Game 1 - Card Captor Sakura (Japan) (Disc 2).bin y ejecutar elpatch_win.bat  en windows o si usas Linux el  patch_linux

Descarga del parche:

PSX Dtacenter entrada.

sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017

PSX Datacenter Actualización 18-Marzo-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter de la parte de PS2 y lo hace añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos como Lego Star Wars II - The Original Trilogyn, Let's Ride - Silver Buckle Stable, Life Line, Looney Tunes - Back in action, Limeiro Senkitan Jun, Little Aid , Lost Aya Sophia o Lost Passage - Ushinawareta Hitofushi

Lego Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy [SLPM-66572] (J)
Limeiro Senkitan Jun [SLPM-65519] (J)
Limeiro Senkitan Jun [Deluxe Pack] [SLPM-65518] (J)
Little Aid [SLPS-25579] (J)
Lost Aya Sophia [SLPM-65592] (J)
Lost Aya Sophia [Limited Edition] [SLPM-65591] (J)
Lost Passage - Ushinawareta Hitofushi [SLPM-65389] (J)
Lost Passage - Ushinawareta Hitofushi [Limited Edition] [SLPM-65388] (J)
Lotus Challenge [SLPS-20247] (J)
Love*Com - Punch de Court [SLPM-66470] (J)
Love*Com - Punch de court [Limited Edition] [SLPM-66469] (J)
Operator's Side [SCPS-15039] (J)
Operator's Side [with USB Headsets] [SCPS-15038] (J)
Operator's Side [PlayStation 2 the Best] [SCPS-19214] (J)
Operator's Side [with USB Headsets] [PlayStation 2 the Best] [SCPS-19213] (J)
Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! Euro Championship [SLPM-66316] (J)

Lego Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy [SLUS-21409] (E)
Let's Ride - Silver Buckle Stables [SLUS-21309] (E)
Life Line [SLUS-20848] (E)
Looney Tunes - Back in action [SLUS-20853] (E)

Lego Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy [SLES-54221] (E)(D)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Let's make a soccer team [SLES-54151] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Let's Ride - Silver Buckle Stables [SLES-55136] (E)(F)(G)(S)
Looney Tunes - Back in action [SLES-51794] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Lotus Challenge [SLES-50230] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Legend (S) [SLES-53908]
Manual scans, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.

Si quereis contribuir y agradecer asi el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

Check them here:

Cemu v1.7.3

Nueva versión final de este emulador de Wii U que va mejorando cada vez más pero por ahora empiezan a funcionar juegos, es algo lento todavía pero progresa muy rápido.

- Puede correr imágenes de Wii U encriptadas (WUD) y archivos RPX/RPL
- Resolución Interna es  1920x1080 (Si el juego la soporta)
- Sin optimizar. Espera bajos framerates y largos tiempos de carga.
- Funciona sólo en Windows x64 . puede que en otras plataformas posteriormente.
- Requerido OpenGL 3.3

- Soporte de parches y DLC
- Mejorada la compatibilidad
- Mejoras gráficas
- Arreglos y pequños ajustes

En detalle:

# New in public release:

general: New game profiles

# New in 1.7.3d:

GX2: 1.7.3 accidentally broke compatibility with pre-1.7.3 cached shaders. This hotfix restores backward compatibility.
     Also made some adjustments to guarantee this doesn't happen again in the future.

# New in 1.7.3b/c:

JIT: Fixed potential softlock for busy-wait loops which use the LWARX/STWCX instructions
GX2: Fixed incorrect shader source generated for streamout write exports when the shader is optimized for float-only

# New in 1.7.3:

JIT: LWARX instruction now consumes multiple virtual cycles. This speeds up busy wait loops.

general: Screensaver/Standby should no longer come up while a game is playing in Cemu

coreinit: Added API LCDisableDMA(), LCGetAllocatableSize(), MPResetTaskQ(), OSPeekMessage(), OSEnableHomeButtonMenu()
coreinit: Fixed bug in LCEnableDMA()
coreinit/FS: FSOpenFile() is no longer blocking CPU execution
coreinit/FS: Added internal support for priority-based path overloading
coreinit/FS: Cemu will load patched game files automatically from mlc01/usr/title/../../

ACP: Added ACP library. New API: ACPCheckApplicationDeviceEmulation()

AOC: Added proper support for AOC library. Addon content (DLC) is automatically loaded from
mlc01/usr/title/../../aoc/ or mlc01/usr/title/../../<aoc_titleId>/

AX: Fixed internal ADPCM playback offset calculation for addresses above 0x80000000

Input: Fixed bug that caused non-keyboard buttons to be detected as keyboard input

GX2: Improved implementation for GX2CalcTVSize() and GX2CalcDRCSize()
GX2: Shader code optimizations. Up to 40% faster compile time for float-only shaders (measured on
GX2: Added support for shader OP3 CNDGT_INT instruction
GX2: Added support for vertex format FMT_16_16_16_16, nfa=0, signed=0
GX2: Fixed software streamout reading format 32_32_32_FLOAT incorrectly
GX2: Added support for vertex shader gl_PointSize export
GX2: Fixed a race condition in which the GPU7 command processor could run ahead of the current write pointer before GX2Init() was called
GX2: Fixed sampler min and mag filter value being read from wrong register bits
GX2: Added support for streamout binding the same buffer as input and output

Página oficial:


viernes, 17 de marzo de 2017

fMSX 4.9 para Windows y Linux

También se ha actualizado con una nueva versión de este gran emulador de MSX creado por Marat Fayzullin que permite el uso de ordenadores MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+,con gran compatibilidad en los juegos, uso de trucos y filtros gráficos para mejorar la imagen, también existe para Andróid en dos versiones gratis y una completa de pago.

Cambios en la nueva versión:
– Movida la configuración de controles al menu « Input » en fMSX-Windows.
– Añadido la opción « Draw 65% Frames » a fMSX-Windows.
– Arreglada la actualización de pantalla  despues de cambiar el agoritmo de escalado en fMSX-Windows.
– Arreglada la opción « Force 4:3 Screen » en el modo de pantalla TEXT80.
– Arreglado « Load MSXDOS2 ROM » opción en fMSX-Windows.
– Arreglada « Hit MIDI Drums » opción en fMSX-Windows.
– Ahora la computación del volumen del MIDI se hace mediante el analisis de la forma de onda.
– Corregido el volumen de las baterias MIDI en laa emulaciónm de AY8910.
– Arreglado el click del teclado MIDI en fMSX-Windows.

Página oficial:

Descarga de su página oficial la versión de Windows:

Descarga de su página oficial la versión de Linux:

Android gratis:

Andoid completa por 2.99 EUR :

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

RPCS3 v0.0.2

RPCS3 es un  emulador de código abierto de Sony PlayStation 3 y debugger programado en C++ para Windows y Linux.El emulador empezó a desarrollarse a principios de 2011 y utiliza como modos para renderizar los gráficos el DirectX 12, Vulkan y OpenGL. El emulador llega empezar y en algunos casos es capaz de correr algunos juegos comerciales y PlayStation 3 SDK demos. Muchos más títulos se van añadiendo a la lista de compatibilidad y empezando a ser jugables gracias a nuestros contribuidores. El código fuente de RPCS3 es público en nuestro GitHub. Puedes encontrar las últimas revisiones compiladas en  AppVeyor o compilarlas tu mismo.

Poe ahora empiezan a funcionar algunos juegos pero la velocidad al menos del sonido es bastanjte lenta pero parece que puede ir mejorando más rápido ya que ahora se puede dedicar al emulador a tiempo completo si quereis apoyalo y ayudar en su desasrrolo puedes hacerlo en su página de patreon:

- Windows 7 64-bit or greater / Linux 64-bit.
- A modern x64 processor with SSSE3 support.
- A GPU that supports OpenGL 4.3 or greater.
- Minimum: 4GB of RAM. Recommended: 8GB of RAM or greater.
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 redistributable.
- PlayStation 3 PS3UPDAT.PUP system software file.
- PlayStation 3 self-dumped games or applications.
- Storage requirements will expand depending on installed PlayStation 3 software.
- We do not support piracy. All system software should be self-dumped.



– PPU LLVM AOT recompiler reimplemented
– PPU LLVM caching implemented
– PPU thread scheduler implemented
– PPU breakpoints reimplemented
– PPU analyzer improved
– Various LV2 system improvements
– IdManager improvements
– Debugger fixed and enhanced
– PPU/SPU accuracy improvements

– Memory system cleanup
– sys_memory_get_page_attribute improvements
– sys_mmapper improvements

– A LOT of bugfixes and accuracy improvements for all Graphic backends. (There were really a lot of improvements here and we can’t list them all!)
– Shader decompiler improvements
– Several RSX bugfixes and accuracy improvements

– Major sys_net improvements
– cellOsk implemented
– cellVDec fixes and improvements
– Several other small improvements

– MMJoystick implemented

– Several Linux specific bugfixes were made. Some are still being worked on as there are still a few Linux specific bugs.

– Initial package unpacking implemented
– Small Interpreter improvements

– Logging system cleanup
– TLS bugfixes and improvements

– Automatic LLE loading
– MSELF, SDAT, EDAT, SPRX: Decryption on the fly!
– Firmware update file (PS3UPDAT.PUP) installer
– XAudio fixes
Many other unlisted bugfixes and improvements

Página oficial:


WinUAE 3.4.1 Beta 3

Nueva versión beta del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar todos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx,opengl, permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningún borde,lectura de los cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras opciones.


– M-Tec AT-500 Megabody v1.33 ROM added. Slightly different than M-Tec AT-500 v1.33w ROM.
– Debugger now shows softfloat mode FPU register contents correctly, also both internal binary format and decimal value is shown.
– More FPU updates and fixes. Arithmetic/unimplemented instruction/datatype exceptions should be mostly complete now. (AG)
– FPU packed decimal format conversions are now accurately emulated (AG)
– JIT FPU works properly again.
– Bitplane overrun emulation was wrong if line didn’t have any custom register changes.
– Tablet/touch screen lightpen emulation. (Game Ports panel -> Insert Touchscreen light pen -virtual
device in either port) Only listed if Windows touch API or wintab compatible tablet or touch screen is detected.
– Added lightpen_crosshair config entry, set it to false (true is default) to disable yellow lightpen
targeting cursor.
– Multiple gfxboards didn’t work (b2).
– Fastest possible mode was very slow in some situations (b2)
– Slirp updates merged from Basilisk II.
– Final MSVC 2017 compiled.

M-Tec AT-500 v1.33 vs M-TEC AT-500 v1.33w:
– v1.33w is from external M-Tec AT-500, v1.33 from Megabody.
– w = word? v1.33w uses MOVE.W, v1.33 uses MOVE.L in unrolled transfer loop code.
– ROM has 2 16k banks, one for autoboot off mode, other for autoboot on mode.
– Oddly enough v1.33 and v1.33w have same autoboot off 16k bank. Unused driver code and version strings are 100% identical (« v1.33w »).

Página oficial:

Versión beta en los foros de English Amiga board

Descarga de la versión beta 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión beta 64 bits:

Descarga de la versión 32 bits:

Descarga de la versión  64 bits:

Descarga de los [1.5.1+ Direct3D Pixel Shader filters]


viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017

PSX Datacenter Actualización 11-Marzo-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos de PSX y actualizando muchas otras como Play de Oboeru Series, Mortal Kombat 4, NBA Live 2001 , Mouja,  Ms Pac-Man - Maze Madness o Moto Racer World Tour con nuevo contenido como portadas en alta resolución, información, nuevos trucos, publicidades y muchos otros cambios.

Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PSX Datacenter:

Play de Oboeru Series Toeic Test - Goku Deruderu 1700 [SLPM-89010] (J)
Play de Oboeru Series Toeic Test - Goku Deruderu 1700 [Reprint] [SLPS-03168] (J)
Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono Series - Joryuu Janshi ni Chousen [SLPS-02359] (J)
Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono Series - Joryuu Janshi ni Chousen [BPV] [SLPS-03218] (J)

Mortal Kombat 4 [SLUS-00605] (E)
Mortal Kombat 4 [SLES-01349] (E)
Mortal Kombat - Special Forces [SLUS-00824] (E)
Mortal Kombat - Special Forces [SLES-02338] (E)
Moto Racer World Tour [SLUS-01321] (E)
Moto Racer World Tour [SCES-03037] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(Sw)
Motocross Mania [SLUS-01357] (E)
Motocross Mania [SLES-03325] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Motocross Mania 2 [SLUS-01531] (E)
Motocross Mania 2 [SLES-04098] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Motor Mash [SLES-00310] (E)(F)(G)
Motor Toon Grand Prix [SCPS-10001] (J)
Motorhead [SLUS-00717] (E)
Motorhead [SLES-00556] (E)
Mouja [SLPS-00674] (J)
Mouja [1300Yen Reprint] [SLPS-02252] (J)
Ms Pac-Man - Maze Madness [SLPS-03000] (J)
Ms Pac-Man - Maze Madness [SLUS-01018] (E)
Ms Pac-Man - Maze Madness [SCES-03085] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Ms Pac-Man - Maze Madness [SCES-03086] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Ms Pac-Man - Maze Madness [SCES-03087] (G)
MTB Dirtcross [SLPS-01467] (J)(E)
MTV'S Celebrity Deathmatch [SLUS-01453] (E)
MTV'S Celebrity Deathmatch [SLES-03967] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
MTV Music Generator [SLUS-01006] (E)
Music 2000 [SLES-02224] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
MTV Sports Snowboarding [SLUS-00990] (E)
MTV Sports Snowboarding [SLES-02353] (E)
NBA Live 2001 [SLUS-01271] (E)
NBA Live 2001 [SLES-03128] (E)
NBA Live 2001 [SLES-03129] (F)
NBA Live 2001 [SLES-03130] (G)
NBA Live 2001 [SLES-03131] (I)
NBA Live 2001 [SLES-03132] (S)
Añadidas nuevas descripciones, portadas en alta resolución,nuevas publicidades y imagenes.

Kula Quest (J) [SCPS-10064]
Manual scans by Qbl, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.

Podeis consultarlas en:

Si quieres contribuir y agradecer el trabajo en la página puedes hacerlo en Patreon:

Speccy 4.3 pata Windows and Linux

Nueva versión de este gran emulador de Spectrum creado por Marat Fayzullin que permite el uso de ordenadores Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16kB, 48kB y 128kB, Spectrum +2, +2A, y +3 y Timex Sinclair , con gran compatibilidad en los juegos, uso de trucos y filtros gráficos para mejorar la imagen, también existe para Android en dos versiones gratis y una completa de pago.

Cambios en la nueva versión:
- Se reproduce correctamente la potencia de onda en el MIDI al reproducir y grabar.
– Arreglada la opción «Hit MIDI Drums ».
– Añadido « Nearest Neighbor » opción para deshabilitar la linear interpolation.

Página oficial:


Descargar versión de Windows:

Descargar versión de Linux:

Descargar versión de Android

viernes, 3 de marzo de 2017

PSX Datacenter Actualización 04-Marzo-2017

Nueva actualización semanal de la página de PSX Datacenter de la parte de PS2 y lo hace añadiendo en esta ocasión nuevas entradas de juegos como Le Tour de France - Centenary Edition, Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2, Legaia 2 - Duel Saga, Legend of Kay, Lego Racers 2, Lemmings, Looney Tunes - Space Race, Last Escort 2, Like Life an Hour  o Little Busters! Converted Edition

Last Escort 2 - Shinya no Amai Toge [SLPS-25845] (J)
Last Escort 2 - Shinya no Amai Ira [Gorgeous Version] [SLPS-25844] (J)
Legaia 2 - Duel Saga [SCPS-15020] (J)
Legaia 2 - Duel Saga [Playstation 2 the Best] [SCPS-19204]    
Lego Racers 2 [SLPM-62204] (J)
Like Life an Hour [SLPM-65887] (J)
Like Life an Hour [Best Version] [SLPM-66500] (J)
Like Life an Hour [First Print Limited Edition] [GN-05011] (J)
Little Busters! Converted Edition [SLPM-55203] (J)

Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2 [SLUS-20024] (E)
Legaia 2 - Duel Saga [SLUS-20414] (E)
Legend of Kay [SLUS-20248] (E)(F)(S)
Legend of the Dragon [SLUS-21612] (E)(S)
Lego Racers 2 [SLUS-20042] (E)
Looney Tunes - Space Race [SLUS-20352] (E)

Le Tour de France - Centenary Edition [SLES-51488] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2 [SLES-50771] (E)
Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2 [SLES-50772] (F)(I)(S)
Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2 [SLES-50815] (G)
Legaia 2 - Duel Saga [SLES-50891] (E)
Legend of Kay [SLES-52931] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Legend of the Dragon [SLES-54313] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)
Lego Racers 2 [SLES-50443] (E)(D)(Du)(F)(G)(I)(S)(Sw)
Lemmings [SCES-54145] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(Du)(N)(Fi)(Sw)(D)
Looney Tunes - Space Race [SLES-50487] (E)(Du)(F)(G)(I)(S)

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Underworld (S) [SLES-55442]
Manual scans, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.

Si quereis contribuir y agradecer asi el trabajo en la página podeís hacerlo en Patreon:

Check them here: