martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

WinUAE v3.3.0 Beta 7

Como cada semana nueva versión beta del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar tofos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx,opengl,permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningun borde,lectura de los cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras opcioes.

- Fullscreen + paused + enter GUI: GUI was invisible.
- OSD FPS counter shows 'P' in pause mode.
- Directory filesystem drive total/used values are not anymore converted to internal block count before again converting to AmigaOS block count. Reported Amiga-side size is now accurate.
- Create more sane looking fake geometry for directory harddrives. (Not that anyone really cares)
- Directory filesystem harddrive block size is dynamically adjusted to enable correct drive size information even if drive is large (>2T), as long as AOS also supports it (OS3.9+ probably required).
- If m68k FPU is in float (32-bit) precision mode, force output register value to 32-bit precision after each host FPU operation to guarantee correct result. (Kilofix / Iris missing geometry)
- Clear UAE boot ROM temporary variables at reset. (OS4.x reset loop after warm reset)
- Added 20 bytes of empty space after directory filesystem volume node. If OS4 decides to use it for something. (OS4 volume node is 20 bytes larger. UAE puts it in hardware board space, it can't use DOS functions to allocate it).
- Implemented OS4 ACTION_FILESYSTEM_ATTR directory filesystem dos packet.
- Selecting none in Game Ports reverted back to previously selected device/layout.

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Versión beta en los foros de English Amiga board

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