Nueva versión beta del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar tofos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx,opengl,permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningún borde,lectura de los cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras opciones.
- Default game ports config without default.uae (Mouse + keyboard layout A) was not set. (b3)
- On the fly input device change crash fix. (b3)
- Monochrome mode config file entry added.
- Atari ST dark palette fix moved to Brightness/Contrast/etc select menu and added alternate mode.
- UAE expansion resident structures are now injected to execbase ResList. Now less important expansions are initialized later. Previously all were initialized during diag init time. Now also uses normal RTF_AFTERDOS resident to start clipboard sharing instead of ugly hack.
- Simplified rawinput support, also removed rawinput checks, added when long time ago WINE didn't fully support rawinput.
- Added harddrive master write protection checkbox to Misc panel. WARNING: don't use it with hardfiles unless you know exactly what you are doing.
- UAE Boot ROM with PPC native OS message now asks to enable correct boot ROM mode.
OS4 compatible UAE autoconfig board, boot ROM and communication interface.
OS4 UAE expansion thread is here, all OS4 related goes there:
OS4 UAE expansion updates
- Clipboard sharing is now supported.
- Magic mouse is now supported.
- Virtual mouse driver is now supported.
- uaenative.library converted to new trap system but not tested.
- uaescsi.device initialization converted to new trap system, device will open now without crashing but any CD access commands will not work (and most likely will also crash strangely).
Still not supported:
- Directory filesystem on the fly insertion/removal, including CDFS CD swaps. Getting this to work will be extremely complex task. Not sure if it is worth the trouble. Unless I get lots of donations
- bsdsocket.library
- uaeahi (Probably not needed, PCI sound card emulation is better choice)
And everything else that was not mentioned.
– Slower than normal host<>Amiga communication because every read or write that accesses Amiga memory needs to be done in Amiga side (due to non-1:1 logical/physical mapping). It will never be as fast as direct communication.
– Remember to set ROM panel UAE expansion type to « New UAE (128k, ROM, Indirect) ».
– Directory harddrive (copied from HDF) OS4 installation will boot but it is not recommended, it is slower than HDF and there is mysterious issue that causes random read errors. (Missing font requester when booting is the
most common side-effect)
– Most UAE expansions have preliminary updates for indirect trap support and support required multiple major changes = many things can be strangely broken..
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Versión beta en los foros de English Amiga board
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