lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016

DgVoodoo v2.53

Es una utilidad que permite usar tarjetas que soportaban el chip gráfico voodoo en su modo glide y el
soporte de los DX antiguos, lo cual es muy útil para juegos que funcionan en los windows actuales pero que usaban una tarjeta voodoo para mejorar los gráficos, además permite usar resoluciones mayores y aspecto de widescreen , entre otras mejoras.:

Soporta usando Direct3D 11:

- Glide 2.11, Glide 2.45, Glide 3.1 y Glide 3.1 Napalm
- DirectX 1-7 (todas las versiones de DirectDraw y Direct3D que sea superior a la version 7)
- Direct3D 8.1

Cambios de la versión:

- Support for ‘dynamic resolutions’ (see section ‘Resolution overriding’)
- Added support for ‘d3dcompiler_47.dll’, so Win10 users don’t have to download and mess with d3dcompiler dll, 47 is part of the Win10 OS.
- Linear filtering was applied for upscaling the output-image even if the scale ratio was 1.0, fixed
- Some modifications on the CRT-like shader were done for correct CRT-like appearance on high-res
displays like a 4K monitor
- Glide mode ‘Compare to bias’ is fixed (Esoteria demo)
- Some other Glide rendering issues are fixed (Hype – The Time Quest)
- DDraw system memory surface pitch is fixed to match that of DIBs (Snow Wave Avalanche)
- A DX8 bug is fixed, so Mafia now works, altough I experience z-buffer glitches here and there (to be fixed)
- Lot of general D3D/D3D8 bugs are fixed, too
- GeForce4-style shadow buffering is reverse engineered and implemented in the ‘Geforce Ti4800’ preset
- Floating point arithmetic differences (incompatibilities) between vs1.x and vs4.x are resolved,
Splinter Cell 1 now works in shadow buffer mode
- New dynamic vertex buffering algorhythm for removing rendering performance bottleneck, better usage of GPU
- The config application is now per-monitor DPI-aware, to have sharp appearance
- MSAA option name ‘Auto’ is changed to ‘App driven’
- New option for DirectX emulation is added (No texture filtering)
- Changes in the default config:
- Capture mouse is on
- MSAA is app driven
- Doc format is changed from txt to html and content is revised

Sitio oficial:

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