Nueva versión beta del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar todos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx,opengl, permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningún borde,lectura de los cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras opciones.
- New low latency vsync tweaks and updates.
- If low latency vsync polling takes longer than 2 vblanks, exit immediately to prevent total hang if scanline reads return unexpected and weird values.
- Display panel "native" resolution returned non-existing mode which got fixed to smallest supported resolution.
- Fixed clipboard sharing.
- Fixed graphics corruption (black lines/tearing) in new low latency mode with Vertical centering enabled.
- Added overlay led support. Led overlays must have same resolution as main overlay file, fully transparent color except location of led. Name must be <original name>_x_led.png where x = power,df0,df1,df2,df3,hd,cd,md,net (md = flash/eeprom access, for example cd32 nvram) Currently D3D11 only.
- MMU emulation works again (at least 68030 was broken)
- If low latency vsync and DSOUND: switch to WASAPI. New low latency vsync needs "pull" mode audio driver.
- Added new misc panel option, asks for confirmation when trying to close emulation window using close button or ALT+F4/CTRL+F11.
- Fixed Output panel crash if capture before filtering was set.
Página oficial:
Versión beta en los foros de English Amiga board
Descarga de la versión beta 32 bits:
Descarga de la versión beta 64 bits:
Descarga de los [1.5.1+ Direct3D Pixel Shader filters]
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