soporte de los DX antiguos, lo cual es muy útil para juegos que funcionan en los windows actuales pero que usaban una tarjeta voodoo para mejorar los gráficos, además permite usar resoluciones mayores y aspecto de 16/9 o stretch , entre otras mejoras.:
Soporta usando Direct3D 11:
- Glide 2.11, Glide 2.45, Glide 3.1 y Glide 3.1 Napalm
- DirectX 1-7 (todas las versiones de DirectDraw y Direct3D que sea superior a la version 7)
- Direct3D 8.1
Cambios de la versión:
- Special release of dgVoodoo with DebugLayer providing feedback information is now available
INFO, WARNING and ERROR type messages with severity levels, including breaking into debugger
- API call tracing with detailed information
- Migrating to INI format configuration files – also, adding rarely needed/used configuration options for advanced users and game hacking like
- Dithering for both Glide and DirectX
- Pixel multiplied output with arbitrary or automatic scale factor
- Arbitrary extra DirectX resolutions
- New scaling mode for centered appearance, scaling is done by the wrapper
- New dynamic resolution modes (2x, 3x, …) are added
- Fixes for scaled output done by the wrapper (‘Stretched, * AR’ and ‘Centered, AR’ modes with larger than max of display-supported output images)
- Fix for ‘Best available one’ output type when only WARP is available
- Improved shader handling:
- Resource cache for reuse of D3D8 compiled shaders
- Dynamic shader compiling is moved to a background thread to avoid/minimize lags
- Glide: for all compiled shaders
- DirectX: for all compiled shaders that can be substituted by precompiled ones; also, unneeded shader variants could be unnecessary compiled, fixed
Control Panel App
- Folder/location list handling code is rewritten
- Appearance is now PerMonitorAwareV2 for DPI scaling
- Cosmetics: missing logo bitmap when monitor scale is >150%, fixed
- DllMain detection along with warning messages through the debug layer
- Surface/texture lock incompatibilites fixed (Zombie Shooter, The Mystery of the Druids)
- DirectDraw surface-create, cooperative level, PageLock error and other incompatibility fix (Zero
Comico, RC de Go, A Bug’s Life, Wartorn, Message in a Haunted Mansion, Micro Machines v3)
- 24 bit surface creation issue in DirectDraw is fixed (Blade Of Darkness lava)
- Support for partial Z-buffer copy in DirectDraw (The Revenant)
- Option for disabling the default and classic resolutions
- Possibility of extra resolutions enumerable to applications is added
- Bugs causing crash and black screen are fixed (Empires Dawn of The Modern World, Honour & Freedom)
- Some effort for avoiding app deadlocks in DirectDraw and QuartzHookLayer
- D3D FVF and other parameter validation incompatibility, fixed (Praetorians, Earthworm Jim 3D)
- D3D state block incompatibility, fixed (Soldiers of Anarchy)
- D3D non-W-friendly matrix in ComputeSphereVisibility calcs, fixed (Pac-Man Adventures in Time)
- Old D3D-lighting incompatibility, fixed (when revising code and docs)
- D3D lighting issue is fixed (flashing lights in Tomb Raider 4 and hopefully King Of The Roads)
- Fixing range based fog hw calculations (The Chosen: Well of Souls)
- ATI and GeForce profiles are modified to force W-pixelfog (compatibility with old drivers)
- Minor D3D DDI bug fixed (Bear Hero)
- Minor internal D3D state/lighting bugs fixed (Tonko4)
- D3D device type ‘Software MMX’ is removed from Direct3D7 for better compatibility (3D Blitz)
- Disabling 32 bit z-buffers for Direct3D3/5 (e.g. Shadows of The Empire)
- D3D FPU state handling incompatibility fix (for general cases, and it fixed nVidia demos Creature, Toy Soldiers and Crystal Ball)
- D3D colorkey bug fixed (Sponge Bob – Employee of The Month)
- Minor D3D/D3D8 bugs, D3D11 leaks fixed (my own tests)
- D3D/D3D8 ProcessVertices and general software vertex processing incompatibility, fixed (RIM – Battle Planets, Mafia with multipass rendering, Micro Commandos)
- Issue of mixed type D3D8 stream sources is fixed (missing player characters in Final Fantasy XI)
- D3D8 shader validator bug resulted in uncreated shaders, fixed (Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter)
Iimplementing D3D8 ValidateVertexShader and ValidatePixelShader for Microsoft Shader Assembler (Shadow of Destiny)
- D3D8 cursor handling and viewport depth scaling bugs fixed (WildFire)
- D3D8 GetFrontBuffer bug, fixed (Rome Total War) (movies only, ingame still has the old issues)
- D3D8 device reset fix (S.W.I.N.E.)
- Some D3D8 thing is fixed (The Gladiators Demo)
- D3D8 some object handling incompatibility fix (TOCA Racing Drive)
- Improvements for rendering with incompatible rendertarget/depthstencil buffers (TOCA Racing Drive)
- Changed behavior of window activating and entering fullscreen mode to
- Avoid OS issue appearing with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (e.g. Splinter Cell)
- Avoid unwanted situations/crashes and improve compatibility (e.g. Hitman 2/3, RavenShield)
- Clipping issues fixed (Gunmetal)
- LfbWriteRegion bug, fixed (Blade of Darkness, background images)
- Other fixes (broken multiadapter handling, manual screen mode changing)
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