lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

WinUAE v3.2.0 Beta 15

Como prácticamente cada semana nueva versión del mejor emulador que hay del ordenador Commodore Amiga, permite usar tofos los distintos modelos de Commodore desde el Amiga 500 , 1200C CDTV, CD32 y con muchos modos gráficos usando dx,opengl,permitiendo que los juegos ocupen toda la pantalla sin ningun borde,lectura de los cd en cdtv y cd32 mucho mas rápida que en la consola original, uso de savetates y muchas otras opcioes.


– KS1.2 boot hack improved, now also works with KS 1.1, KS 1.0 and even with 0.7 beta!
– Added old style >2M chip RAM support back as a fallback, used when new method can’t extend chip ram size.
– Fixed CAS2 instruction comparison failed case, memory operands should be written to Dc, not Du.
– Support DSKLEN writes while disk DMA is active, update only remaining DMA length without modifying DMA state (undocumented feature).
– If ROM scanner finds same ROM image multiple times, select plain file version if possible (not in archive).

Pre-KS 1.2 boot notes:
– KS 1.1 and older DOS is pure BCPL. Added separate BCPL entry point to directory filesystem handler that makes BCPL DOS happy.
– Expansion.library does not exist: MakeDosNode and AddDosNode replacements added.
– Directory filesystem automount/boot fully supported.
– Hardfiles work more or less same as with KS 1.3.
– Boot priority sorting is not supported, first drive is always boot drive. (This can change in the future, don’t depend on current behavior!)
– WB 1.3 L:FastFileSystem is supported with 1.2 and older versions. (Automatically puts it inside BCPL wrapper and patches 1.2+ only CopyMem() calls)
– BCPL stuff from AROS m68k. Most of DOS BCPL was re-implemented and documented by Jason and me in AROS m68k.
– This completes one of the most pointless features ever. Until next most pointless feature.
[I can write detailed technical description of how pre-1.3 HD booting works and what kind of hacks and BCPL tricks were needed]

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Versión beta en los foros de English Amiga board

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